This is a study repository that is dedicated to the realization of projects to improve technological components and maximize productivity, as well as server configuration and some web debugging tasks. I hope that the information you can find in the repository is useful, any feedback on it is welcome.
In the realization of the different projects found in this repository, various programming languages and style formats were used, which can be seen below:
- Shell
- Python (v3.4.0)
- Puppet (v2.1.1)
- Ruby (v2.1.5 specific task of a project)
- Betty Style
- PEP8 (v1.7.1)
- ShellCheck
All projects were done in Ubuntu environments in different versions, working mostly on version 20.04 of the operating system.
Project | Description |
0x00-shell_basics | Introduction to Shell |
0x01-shell_permissions | Linux file permissions |
0x02-shell_redirections | How to redirect standard output to a file |
0x03-shell_variables_expansions | Shell, init files, variables and expansions |
0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing | Loops and conditions in Shell and parsing |
0x05-processes_and_signals | What is a PID, a process and How to kill it |
0x06-regular_expressions | Build your regular expression using Oniguruma |
0x07-networking_basics | OSI Model, LAN, WAN, Internet and Protocols |
0x08-networking_basics_2 | What is localhost and - How to display your machine’s active network interfaces |
0x09-web_infrastructure_design | Web infrastructure design |
0x0A-configuration_management | Intro to Configuration Management with Puppet |
0x0B-ssh | SSH essentials and SSH Configuration File |
0x0C-web_server | Web Server configuration |
0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0 | Web Server Error fixing |
0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1 | More Web Server Error fixing |
0x0F-load_balancer | Introduction to load-balancing and HAproxy |
0x10-https_ssl | Encrypting traffic |
0x12-web_stack_debugging_2 | More Web Server Error fixing |
0x13-firewall | Firewall Setup (ufw) |
0x14-mysql | Main role of a database and database replica |
0x15-api | API adn REST API concept |