int _printf(const char *, ...);
is a customized C function based on the original function printf
. This is our first big proyect as Holberton School students C#17.
Input | Output |
_printf("%s\n", 'Hello!'); | Hello! |
_printf("The last letter of Holberton is %c\n", 'n'); | The last letter of Holberton is n |
_printf("%d\n"); | 7000 |
_printf("My hand has %i fingers\n", 5); | My hand has 5 fingers |
_printf("Address: %p\n", addr); | Address: 0x7ffe637541f0 |
- Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
- All your files will be compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc, using the options -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
- Your code should use the Betty style. It will be checked using and
- You are not allowed to use global variables
- No more than 5 functions per file
write (man 2 write)
malloc (man 3 malloc)
free (man 3 free)
va_start (man 3 va_start)
va_end (man 3 va_end)
va_copy (man 3 va_copy)
va_arg (man 3 va_arg)
- Write function that produces output with conversion specifiers c, s, and %.
- Handle conversion specifiers d, i.
- Create a man page for your function.
- Handle conversion specifier b.
- Handle conversion specifiers u, o, x, X.
- Use a local buffer of 1024 chars in order to call write as little as possible.
- Handle conversion specifier S.
- Handle conversion specifier p.
- Handle flag characters +, space, and # for non-custom conversion specifiers.
- Handle length modifiers l and h for non-custom conversion specifiers.
- Handle the field width for non-custom conversion specifiers.
- Handle the precision for non-custom conversion specifiers.
- Handle the 0 flag character for non-custom conversion specifiers.
- Handle the custom conversion specifier r that prints the reversed string.
- Handle the custom conversion specifier R that prints the rot13'ed string.
- All above options should work well together.
File | Description |
_printf.c | Contains the fucntion _printf, which uses the prototype int _printf(const char *format, ...);. The format string is composed of zero or more directives. See man 3 printf for more detail. _printf will return the number of characters printed (excluding the null byte used to end output to strings) and will write output to stdout, the standard output stream. |
_putchar.c | Contains the function _putchar, which writes a character to stdout. |
main.h | Contains all function prototypes used for _printf. |
man_3_printf | Manual page for the custom _printf function. |
print_chars.c | Contains the functions print_c, print_s, print_S, and print_r which handle the conversion specifiers c, s, S, and r, respectively, as well as hex_print, which prints a char's ascii value in uppercase hex. |
_print_numbers.c | Contains the functions print_i and print_d, which handle the conversion specifiers i and d, respectively. |
_print_hex.c | Contains the functions print_hex, which prints an unsigned int in hexidecimal form, print_x, print_X, and _print_p, which handle the conversion specifiers x, X, and p, respectively. |
print_unsigned_int.c | Contains the functions print_u, print_o, and print_b, which handle the conversion specifiers u, o, and b, respectively. |
_print_rot13.c | Contains the function print_R, which handles the conversion specifier R. |