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PLI is an efficient symbolic execution approach for programs that manipulate complex heap-allocated data structures with rich structural constraints

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Artifact of Precise Lazy Initialization for Programs with Complex Heap Inputs

Artifact Description

Lazy initialization enables symbolic execution for programs with heap-allocated inputs. In this artifact we present a prototype implementation of our novel PLI (Precise Lazy Initialization) approach for the symbolic execution of such programs. The approach precisely decides whether there exists a concretization of the current symbolic heap that satisfies the program's precondition. Unlike previous approaches, PLI also takes into account the constraints in the path condition to determine the feasibility of the current symbolic heap. Furthermore, PLI allows preconditions to be specified as standard operational predicates for concrete structures, eliminating the need for additional specifications tailored to symbolic heaps. The artifact provides the source code of PLI, and detailed documentation with instructions for: installing the tool, reproducing all the experiments in the paper, and running the tool in new, user defined case studies. Thus, we apply for the Available, Reviewed and Reproducible badges for our artifact.

Folder Structure

  • The source code of PLI can be found in src/main/pli
  • The source code of case studies can be found in src/examples/heapsolving
  • The execution metrics of will be saved in output/results.

Environment Setup

We recommend installing PLI using docker..

Install Using Docker

Clone this repository and move inside the cloned folder:

git clone && cd spf-pli

Recommended setup: Linux, Windows and Mac OS X on Intel sillicon

Build the docker container:

docker build -t pli .

Run the container:

docker run -it pli:latest /bin/bash

Note: The experiments in the paper were run in Linux using an Intel CPU.

Setup for Mac OS X on Apple sillicon

Warning: For Symbolic Pathfinder with the Z3 solver to run in Apple sillicon (and therefore for running PLI), a Docker container for the amd64 platform must be created (an arm64 container did not work for me). Thus, the container must run in emulated mode in the Apple CPU, which might produce a significant performance hit and some issues (see below).

Build the docker container using buildx[0]:

docker buildx create --name amd64builder
docker buildx use amd64builder
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t pli . --load

Warning: The last command might hang a few times. I cancelled the command when it was taking too long and restarted it. After repeating this process a few times (about 3) I got a working installation.

Run the container:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it pli:latest /bin/bash


Install From Source Code

To build and run spf-pli you need Java 8 and Ant version 1.9.

First, let's install the required jpf-core and the jpf-symbc projects.

Create and move to the folder where you want to install the tool:


Clone the Java Pathfinder (jpf-core):

git clone

Clone the Symbolic Java Pathfinder extension (jpf-symbc):

git clone

Clone the PLI extension:

git clone


Create a .jpf directory inside your home directory and create in it a file called "":

cd ~
mkdir .jpf && cd .jpf
cat >

Paste the following text inside the new file, replacing <PATH-TO-INSTALLATION_FOLDER> with the location of each of the previously cloned repos:





Remember to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java-8-installation

For example:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk

Compile projects:

Move to the installation folder:


Compile each project:

cd jpf-core && ant build
cd ../jpf-symbc && ant build
cd ../spf-pli && ant build

Getting Started

Move inside the spf-pli folder and run an experiment to check everything is working properly:

bash scripts/ TreeMap remove 4 PLI

The script runs a specific subject with the specified technique and scope:


The subject programs are:


TreeMap:               put, remove
TreeSet:               add, remove
HashMap:               put, remove
LinkedList:            add, remove
Schedule:              addProcess, quantumExpire, finishAllProcesses
AvlTree:               insert, remove
BinomialHeap           insert, extractMinFixed, extractMinBugged
TransportStats         bytesRead, bytesWritten
CombatantStatistic     addData, ensureTypExists
SQLFilterClauses       get, put
Template               addParameter, getParameter
DictionaryInfo         addField, getField

The techniques are:

PLIOPT       Our proposed technique with the optimization enabled
PLI:         Our proposed technique with the optimization disabled

Reproducibility Instructions

To reproduce all the experiments for a specific case study we provide the following scripts:

bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
bash scripts/

For example, one also have the possibility to run only TreeMap experiments by running:

bash scripts/

The above script will run all the techniques over the TreeMap methods insert and remove for increasingly large scopes, starting from 1. Each scope is automatically stopped if it exceeds the 1-hour timeout.

The above scripts produce the data from where the graphics of RQ1 and RQ2 and the table of RQ3 of the paper were generated.

Important: This might take several days to finish!

Understanding the output of the analysis

All the outputs of the technique will be placed inside the spf-pli/output/ folder.

For example, the metrics of each run are stored under spf-pli/output/results/<CLASS_NAME>-results.csv, where <CLASS_NAME> is the name of the class containing the method under analysis. Each row in the .csv file is an individual run. The columns can be interpreted as follows:

  • Method: The name of the method under analysis (e.g. remove).
  • Technique: The approach employed to deal with the heaps (e.g. PLIOPT).
  • Scope: The scope used (e.g. 4).
  • TotalTime: Total time of the analysis.
  • SymSolveTime: The time spent solving preH with SymSolve.
  • RepOKTime: The time spent executing the symbolic execution of preP.
  • TotalPaths: Total number of explored paths.
  • ValidPaths: Number of valid paths (deactivated by default, can reduce performance).
  • ExceptionsThrown: The number of paths that threw exceptions.
  • SolvingCalls: The number of times the PLI's solving algorithm was called.

Folder structure of a case study

The source files of the case studies can be found in: spf-pli/src/examples/heapsolving. Each case study have the following files and folders:

├── <ClassName>.java             --> The class containing the methods under test, repOKs and the finitization method (scopes for the analysis).
├── <ClassName>.jpf              --> The configuration file
├── <ClassName>      --> A Harness necessary to run techniques that require perform previous actions before SUT's execution (IFREPOK and DRIVER).
├── <method 1>                   --> A folder for each of the SUTs, containing the main entry for the SUT
│   └── <ClassName>     --> A java class that contains the main entry that calls SUT
├── <method 2>
│   └── <ClassName>
├── <method 3>
│   └── <ClassName>

Preconditions (repOK Methods)

In the case studies, preH precondition is called repOKSymSolve and preP precondition is called repOKSymbolicExecution.

Defining the scopes of the analysis

Finitization methods specify the scopes for the analysis. PLI requires the finitization method have the following signature:

public static IFinitization fin<CLASS_NAME>(<FINITIZATION_ARGUMENTS>)

Where the <CLASS_NAME> is the class containing the method under analysis.

Check for example the finitization of the TreeMap case study:

 public static IFinitization finTreeMap(int nodesNum) {
    IFinitization f = FinitizationFactory.create(TreeMap.class);
    IObjSet nodes = f.createObjSet(Entry.class, nodesNum, true);
    f.set(TreeMap.class, "root", nodes);
    f.set(TreeMap.class, "size", f.createIntSet(0, nodesNum));
    f.set(Entry.class, "key", f.createIntSet(0, nodesNum - 1));
    f.set(Entry.class, "left", nodes);
    f.set(Entry.class, "right", nodes);
    f.set(Entry.class, "parent", nodes);
    f.set(Entry.class, "color", f.createBooleanSet());
    return f;
  • The method FinitizationFactory.create(<CLASS>) creates a finitization for the class.
  • createObjSet(<CLASS>, <NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS>, <ALLOWS_NULL>) method from the finitization creates a set of <NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS> objects of type <CLASS> that can be used as field domain for the fields of the structure.
  • createIntSet(<FIRST>, <LAST>) method from the finitization creates a range of integers from <FIRST> to <LAST>
  • The method set(<CLASS>, <FIELD_NAME>, <SET_OF_VALUES>) established the <SET_OF_VALUES> as the field domain of the field <FIELD_NAME> that belongs to <CLASS>.

Important: The current implementation requires the finitization to set the scopes for each field in the same order they are declared in the class. That is, setting the size before root in the TreeMap very likely would make the analysis crash, given that root is declared before than size in the TreeMap class.

Required hard-coded methods

To run the technique PLI and PLIOPT is necessary that the class containing the method under analysis also contains the following hard-coded static method called runRepOK:

public static void runRepOK() {
    <CLASS_NAME> toBuild = new <CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR>();
    SymHeap.handleRepOKResult(toBuild, toBuild.repOKSymbolicExecution());

Where the <CLASS_NAME> is the class containing the method under analysis (e.g. TreeMap) and <CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR> is the constructor method. This method is used to trigger and handle the result of the symbolic execution of preP (repOKSymbolicExecution).

Optionally, to use the features heapsolving.checkPathValidity and heapsolving.generateTests (still under development), the following static method called runRepOKComplete

public static void runRepOKComplete() {
    <CLASS_NAME> toBuild = new <CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR>();
    SymHeap.handleRepOKResult(toBuild, toBuild.repOKComplete());

Parameters in Configuration File

The script modifies the configuration files (.jpf) of the case studies. To run other programs is required to use a custom configuration file.

Configuration file template:



# ---------------   Arguments   ---------------


method = <METHOD_NAME>

symbolic.debug = false
symbolic.dp = z3

heapsolving.strategy = <HEAP_SOLVING_STRATEGY>
heapsolving.checkPathValidity = <BOOLEAN>
heapsolving.generateTests = <BOOLEAN>

heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.class = <CLASS_CONTAINING_REPOK_AND_FINITIZATION>
heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.args = <MAX_SCOPE>
heapsolving.symsolve.predicate = <PRE_H_NAME>


# ---------------------------------------------

Explanation of parameters:

  • target: The class that contains the main method.
  • method: The name of the program under analysis (just for output purposes)
  • heapsolving.strategy: The approach to be used to deal with the heap constraints.
  • heapsolving.checkPathValidity: check the validity of paths using PLI (when set to true the performance can decrease).
  • heapsolving.generateTests: generate tests using direct heap manipulation (when set to true the performance can decrease).
  • heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.class: The class containing the finitization and the repOKs methods
  • heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.args: Comma separated arguments for the finitization method (scope).
  • heapsolving.symsolve.predicate: Name of the predicate to be used by SymSolve (preH). It must be inside the previously indicated class.

For example, to run the remove method from TreeMap for a scope of 4 using the PLIOPT technique:



# ---------------   Arguments   ---------------


target = heapsolving.treemap.remove.TreeMapMain
method = remove

symbolic.debug = false
symbolic.dp = z3

heapsolving.strategy = PLIOPT
heapsolving.checkPathValidity = false
heapsolving.generateTests = false

heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.class = heapsolving.treemap.TreeMap
heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.args = 4
heapsolving.symsolve.predicate = repOKSymSolve


# ---------------------------------------------

Running PLI on a new case study

In the following steps we explain how to run PLI on a new case study.

Let's assume that we want to analyze a method inside the class TreeMap. There is already a folder prepared with the class TreeMap inside the folder src/examples/mycasestudy/

Step 1: Write the specifications preH and PreP

The first step is write both specifications. preH must check all the heap-related constraints and preP the primitive-typed constraints. The specifications can receive any name, but later the name should be specified in the configuration. Fortunately, the class TreeMap already have included the specifications.

Step 2: Write the Finitization method

The next step requires to write the finitization method that defines the scopes for the analysis. This is explained in Defining the scopes of the analysis. For this case, the finitization for TreeMap is already defined in the class.

Step 3: Add the required hard-coded method

In Required hard-coded methods, we explain how to write the required hard-coded method by PLI. This is also already included in the file.

Step 4: Create the Main method that calls the method under analysis

In the folder you will also find a file, with the following content.

package mycasestudy;

import pli.SymHeap;

public class MyMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TreeMap structure = new TreeMap();
        structure = (TreeMap) SymHeap.makeSymbolicRefThis("treemap_0", structure);
        int key = SymHeap.makeSymbolicInteger("INPUT_KEY");

        structure.containsKey(key);  // Call to method under analysis


The main creates the symbolic inputs and then calls the method under analysis, in this case containsKey.

  • The method SymHeap.makeSymbolicRefThis makes our subject instance of reference type symbolic.
  • The method SymHeap.makeSymbolicInteger creates a symbolic integer.

Here you can play around with other methods of the TreeMap class.

Important: The current implementation do not support symbolic reference-typed inputs other than the "this" object.

Step 5: Create the configuration file

The configuration file called config.jpf can also be found inside the folder src/examples/mycasestudy/, and contains the following content.


# ---------------   Arguments   ---------------


target = mycasestudy.MyMain

symbolic.debug = false
symbolic.dp = z3

heapsolving.strategy = PLIOPT
heapsolving.checkPathValidity = false
heapsolving.generateTests = false
heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.class = mycasestudy.TreeMap
heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.args = 6
heapsolving.symsolve.predicate = repOKSymSolve


# ---------------------------------------------
  • Notice that in target we specified the name of the class containing the main method.
  • In heapsolving.strategy the PLIOPT technique is specified. You can also try just PLI.
  • In heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.class we specified the class containing the finitization mycasestudy.TreeMap
  • In heapsolving.symsolve.finitization.args we specified a scope of 6 nodes
  • In heapsolving.symsolve.predicate we specified the name of preH to be used by SymSolve repOKSymSolve

For more information about parameters, refer to: Parameters in Configuration File

Step 6: Compile the code and run PLI

Compile the code with:

ant build

After the build finishes you can run the newly added study case with:

bash src/examples/mycasestudy/config.jpf

Below is an excerpt with the relevant parts of PLI's output:

====================================================== system under test

====================================================== search started: 8/21/23 10:35 PM

Technique:  PLIOPT
Method:     TreeMap.METHODNAME
Scope:      6

------- Statistics -------

 - Executed Paths:        46
 - Exceptions thrown:     0
 - Total Time:            0 s.
 - Solving Time:          0 s.
 - repOK PC solving time: 0 s.
 - Solving procedure calls:   130

====================================================== results
no errors detected


PLI is an efficient symbolic execution approach for programs that manipulate complex heap-allocated data structures with rich structural constraints







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Contributors 3

