Hello! I'm a full stack software engineer.
- A music searching platform that makes it easier to find songs that are similar to one's you love.
- Python
- Built all in Python with Jinja, Flask, and SQLAlchemy
- PostgreSQL
- PSQL because of it's querying speed and it's aggregation abilities
- Tests
- Used unittest in Python to test endpoints and SQLAlchemy models
- Live site
- You may have to wait a while to load because it's deployed in Heroku, sorry!
- Repo
- Job searching platform that aggregates jobs to search by companies. Shows generated jobs only.
- Live site
- Front End Repo
- Back End Repo
- Express
- API is built in express
- JWT's for authentication
- Bcrypt for password encryption/decryption
- No ORM with custom SQL models and sanitization
- JSON validation
- Unit and Integration Testing
- Supertests to test endpoints
- Jest to test SQL models, SQL queries, and middleware.
- PostgreSQL
- PSQL because of it's querying speed and it's aggregation abilities, and security
- React
- Typescript
- Material UI
- React router dom
- Created reusable and adaptable components
- Flask/React
- Live Site
- Front End Repo
- Back End Repo