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add benchmarks for some collection operations (#150)
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rfourquet authored and ararslan committed Dec 15, 2017
1 parent 7082cb5 commit dff07d9
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Showing 2 changed files with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/BaseBenchmarks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const PARAMS_PATH = joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "..", "etc", "params.json")
const SUITE = BenchmarkGroup()
const MODULES = Dict("array" => :ArrayBenchmarks,
"broadcast" => :BroadcastBenchmarks,
"collection" => :CollectionBenchmarks,
"dates" => :DatesBenchmarks,
"find" => :FindBenchmarks,
"io" => :IOBenchmarks,
Expand Down
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions src/collection/CollectionBenchmarks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
module CollectionBenchmarks

using BenchmarkTools

# TODO: Remove once Compat has BitSet
if !isdefined(Base, :BitSet)
const BitSet = IntSet

const SUITE = BenchmarkGroup()

const MT = MersenneTwister(0)

const iterlen = 1000
const ints = rand(MT, 1:iterlen, iterlen)
const strings = [randstring(MT, rand(MT, 1:30)) for i in 1:iterlen]
const anys = (shuffle!(MT, [ints; strings;])[1:iterlen])::Vector{Any}
const sortedints = sort(ints)

# random element, in the collections iff 2nd parameter is true
let anyshuffled = shuffle(MT, anys),
filter = VERSION >= v"0.5.0" ? Iterators.filter : Base.filter
d = Dict((Int, true ) => first(filter(i->isa(i, Int), anyshuffled))::Int,
(String, true ) => first(filter(i->isa(i, String), anyshuffled))::String,
(Int, false) => first(filter(i->!in(i, ints), rand(MT, 1:iterlen) for _ in 1:typemax(Int)))::Int,
(String, false) => randstring(MT, 40)::String)
global randelt
randelt(C, T, bool) = (T == Any && (T = Int); C === Dict ? (d[T, bool] => d[T, bool]) : d[T, bool])

const coll = Dict((Vector, Int) => ints,
(Vector, String) => strings,
(Vector, Any) => anys,
(Pair, Int) => map(Pair, ints, ints),
(Pair, String) => map(Pair, strings, strings),
(Pair, Any) => map(Pair, anys, anys),
(BitSet, Int) => BitSet(ints))

# return a collection that can serve to initialize a container C of type T
initcoll(C, T) = let initmap = Dict(Vector => Vector,
Dict => Pair,
Set => Vector,
BitSet => Vector)
coll[initmap[C], T]

for C in (Dict, Set),
T in (Int, String, Any)
coll[C, T] = C(initcoll(C, T))

@inline newcoll(::Type{C}, ::Type{T}) where {C,T} = C{T}()
@inline newcoll(::Type{Dict}, ::Type{T}) where {T} = Dict{T,T}()
@inline newcoll(::Type{BitSet}, ::Type{Int}) = BitSet()

askey(::Type, elt) = elt
askey(::Type{Dict}, elt) = first(elt)

objstr(T) = T === Int ? "Int" : T === Vector ? "Vector" : string(T)

function foreach_container(bench; T = (Int, String, Any), C = (Vector, Dict, Set, BitSet))
for _C in C
cstr = objstr(_C)
for _T in T
_C === BitSet && _T !== Int && continue
c = coll[_C, _T]
bench(_C, cstr, _T, objstr(_T), c)

function set_tolerance!(g, tol=0.25)
for b in values(g)
b.params.time_tolerance = tol

# Initialization #

g = addgroup!(SUITE, "initialization", ["AbstractVector", "AbstractSet", "Associative"])

function perf_push!(c, elts)
for e in elts
push!(c, e)

foreach_container(C = (Vector, Dict, Set)) do C, cstr, T, tstr, c
g[cstr, tstr, "iterator"] = @benchmarkable $C($(initcoll(C, T)))
g[cstr, tstr, "loop"] = @benchmarkable perf_push!(newcoll($C, $T), $(initcoll(C, T)))
g[cstr, tstr, "loop", "sizehint!"] =
@benchmarkable perf_push!(sizehint!(newcoll($C, $T), iterlen), $(initcoll(C, T)))

g["BitSet", "Int", "unsorted", "iterator"] = @benchmarkable BitSet($ints)
g["BitSet", "Int", "sorted", "iterator"] = @benchmarkable BitSet($sortedints)
g["BitSet", "Int", "unsorted", "loop"] = @benchmarkable perf_push!(BitSet(), $ints)
g["BitSet", "Int", "sorted", "loop"] = @benchmarkable perf_push!(BitSet(), $sortedints)
g["BitSet", "Int", "unsorted", "loop", "sizehint!"] = @benchmarkable perf_push!(sizehint!(BitSet(), iterlen), $ints)
g["BitSet", "Int", "sorted", "loop", "sizehint!"] = @benchmarkable perf_push!(sizehint!(BitSet(), iterlen), $sortedints)


# Iteration #

g = addgroup!(SUITE, "iteration", ["AbstractVector", "AbstractSet", "Associative"])

foreach_container() do C, cstr, T, tstr, c
g[cstr, tstr, "start"] = @benchmarkable start($c)
g[cstr, tstr, "next"] = @benchmarkable next($c, $(start(c)))
g[cstr, tstr, "done"] = @benchmarkable done($c, $(start(c)))


# Deletion #

g = addgroup!(SUITE, "deletion", ["AbstractVector", "AbstractSet", "Associative"])

function perf_pop!(c)
while !isempty(c)

pred(::Type{C}, ::Type{Any}) where {C} = x -> isa(askey(C, x), Int)
pred(::Type{C}, ::Type{String}) where {C} = x -> Int(askey(C, x)[1]) < 90
pred(::Type{C}, ::Type{Int}) where {C} = x -> iseven(askey(C, x))

foreach_container() do C, cstr, T, tstr, c
if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-" || C !== Dict
g[cstr, tstr, "pop!"] = @benchmarkable perf_pop!(d) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
C === BitSet && return
if VERSION >= v"0.7.0-" || C !== Dict
g[cstr, tstr, "filter!"] = @benchmarkable filter!($(pred(C, T)), d) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
g[cstr, tstr, "filter"] = @benchmarkable filter( $(pred(C, T)), $c)


# Queries & Updates #

g = addgroup!(SUITE, "queries & updates", ["AbstractVector", "AbstractSet", "Associative"])

foreach_container() do C, cstr, T, tstr, c
if T === Int # seems unnecessary to run those with all types
g[cstr, tstr, "length"] = @benchmarkable length($c) # probably useful only for BitSet
g[cstr, tstr, "first"] = @benchmarkable first($c)
if C in (Vector, BitSet)
g[cstr, tstr, "last"] = @benchmarkable last($c)
eltin, eltout = randelt(C, T, true), randelt(C, T, false)
g[cstr, tstr, "in", "true"] = @benchmarkable in($eltin, $c)
g[cstr, tstr, "in", "false"] = @benchmarkable in($eltout, $c)
if C === Vector
g[cstr, tstr, "getindex"] = @benchmarkable $c[$(iterlen÷2)]
g[cstr, tstr, "setindex!"] = @benchmarkable d[$(iterlen÷2)] = $eltout setup=(d=copy($c))
elseif C === Dict
keyin = askey(C, eltin)
keyout = askey(C, eltout)
g[cstr, tstr, "getindex"] = @benchmarkable $c[$keyin]
g[cstr, tstr, "setindex!", "overwrite"] = @benchmarkable d[$keyin] = $keyout setup=(d=copy($c))
g[cstr, tstr, "setindex!", "new"] = @benchmarkable d[$keyout] = $keyout setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
if C === Vector
g[cstr, tstr, "push!"] = @benchmarkable push!(d, $eltout) setup=(d=copy($c))
g[cstr, tstr, "push!", "overwrite"] = @benchmarkable push!(d, $eltin) setup=(d=copy($c))
g[cstr, tstr, "push!", "new"] = @benchmarkable push!(d, $eltout) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
# despite the `evals=1` parameter, this gets evaluated more than once, leading to a KeyError
# g[cstr, tstr, "pop!", "specified"] = @benchmarkable pop!(d, $(askey(C, eltin))) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
# so we add a push!
g[cstr, tstr, "pop!", "specified"] = @benchmarkable pop!(push!(d, $eltin), $(askey(C, eltin))) setup=(d=copy($c))

if C !== Dict || VERSION >= v"0.7.0-"
# same remark as above, we need to push! a value to avoid ending up with an empty container
g[cstr, tstr, "pop!", "unspecified"] = @benchmarkable push!(d, pop!(d)) setup=(d=copy($c))


# Set operations #

g = addgroup!(SUITE, "set operations", ["AbstractSet", "Array"])
const newints = [rand(MT, ints, 10); rand(MT, 1:iterlen, 10); rand(MT, iterlen:2iterlen, 10);]

foreach_container(C = (BitSet, Set, Vector), T = (Int,)) do C, cstr, T, tstr, c
g[cstr, tstr, "union"] = @benchmarkable union($c)
g[cstr, tstr, "intersect"] = @benchmarkable intersect($c)
g[cstr, tstr, "symdiff"] = @benchmarkable symdiff($c)
for C2 in (BitSet, Set, Vector)
c2 = C2(newints)
c2str = objstr(C2)
g[cstr, tstr, "union", c2str] = @benchmarkable union($c, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "intersect", c2str] = @benchmarkable intersect($c, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "symdiff", c2str] = @benchmarkable symdiff($c, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "setdiff", c2str] = @benchmarkable setdiff($c, $c2)

g[cstr, tstr, "union", c2str, c2str] = @benchmarkable union($c, $c2, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "intersect", c2str, c2str] = @benchmarkable intersect($c, $c2, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "symdiff", c2str, c2str] = @benchmarkable symdiff($c, $c2, $c2)

if C === BitSet && C2 === BitSet
g[cstr, tstr, "intersect!", c2str] = @benchmarkable intersect!(d, $c2) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
if C === BitSet
g[cstr, tstr, "symdiff!", c2str] = @benchmarkable symdiff!(d, $c2) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
if C in (BitSet, Set)
g[cstr, tstr, "setdiff!", c2str] = @benchmarkable setdiff!(d, $c2) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
g[cstr, tstr, "union!", c2str] = @benchmarkable union!(d, $c2) setup=(d=copy($c)) evals=1
g[cstr, tstr, "", c2str] = @benchmarkable ($c, $c2)
C === Vector && return
empty = newcoll(C, Int)
c2 = C(newints)
g[cstr, tstr, "<", cstr] = @benchmarkable <($c, $c2)
g["empty", tstr, "<", cstr] = @benchmarkable <($empty, $c)
g["empty", tstr, "", cstr] = @benchmarkable ($empty, $c)
g[cstr, tstr, "", "self"] = @benchmarkable ($c, $c)
g[cstr, tstr, "==", cstr] = @benchmarkable ==($c, $c2)
g[cstr, tstr, "==", "self"] = @benchmarkable ==($c, $c)

# test BitSet with very large values
const small, big = BitSet(2), BitSet(2^18)
g["BitSet", "Int", "union!", "big"] = @benchmarkable union!(b, $small) setup=(b=BitSet(2^18)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "union!", "small"] = @benchmarkable union!(s, $big) setup=(s=BitSet(2)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "intersect!", "big"] = @benchmarkable intersect!(b, $small) setup=(b=BitSet(2^18)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "intersect!", "small"] = @benchmarkable intersect!(s, $big) setup=(s=BitSet(2)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "setdiff!", "big"] = @benchmarkable setdiff!(b, $small) setup=(b=BitSet(2^18)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "setdiff!", "small"] = @benchmarkable setdiff!(s, $big) setup=(s=BitSet(2)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "symdiff!", "big"] = @benchmarkable symdiff!(b, $small) setup=(b=BitSet(2^18)) evals=1
g["BitSet", "Int", "symdiff!", "small"] = @benchmarkable symdiff!(s, $big) setup=(s=BitSet(2)) evals=1


# Optimizations for types with "few" values #

# cf. issue #20903 and PR #21964
g = addgroup!(SUITE, "optimizations", ["Dict", "Set", "BitSet", "Vector"])

for T in (Void, Bool, Int8, UInt16)
v::Vector{T} = T === Void ? Vector{Void}(100000) :
rand(MT, one(T):typemax(T), 100000)
tstr = string(T)
g["Dict", "abstract", tstr] = @benchmarkable Dict($(map(Pair, v, v)))
g["Dict", "concrete", tstr] = @benchmarkable Dict{$T,$T}($(map(Pair, v, v)))
g["Set", "abstract", tstr] = @benchmarkable Set($v)
g["Set", "concrete", tstr] = @benchmarkable Set{$T}($v)
if T === Void
g["Vector", "abstract", tstr] = @benchmarkable Vector($v)
g["Vector", "concrete", tstr] = @benchmarkable Vector{$T}($v)
elseif T !== Bool && (!(T <: Unsigned) || VERSION >= v"0.7.0-")
# there is a bug on 0.6, will probably get fixed on v6.2, cf. #24365
g["BitSet", tstr] = @benchmarkable BitSet($v)


end # module

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