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Buffer array resample and reference_data (#623)
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wheeheee authored Feb 6, 2025
1 parent cd2912c commit 2257010
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Showing 12 changed files with 203 additions and 153 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "DSP"
uuid = "717857b8-e6f2-59f4-9121-6e50c889abd2"
version = "0.8.0"
version = "0.8.1"

Bessels = "0e736298-9ec6-45e8-9647-e4fc86a2fe38"
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99 changes: 63 additions & 36 deletions src/Filters/stream_filt.jl
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@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using ..DSP: _zeropad

const PFB{T} = Matrix{T} # polyphase filter bank

abstract type FIRKernel{T} end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,11 +134,11 @@ end
FIRArbitrary(h::Vector, rate::Real, Nϕ::Integer) = FIRArbitrary(h, convert(Float64, rate), convert(Int, Nϕ))

# FIRFilter - the kernel does the heavy lifting
mutable struct FIRFilter{Tk<:FIRKernel}
mutable struct FIRFilter{Tk<:FIRKernel,T}
const kernel::Tk
const h::Vector{T}
const historyLen::Int

# Constructor for single-rate, decimating, interpolating, and rational resampling filters
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ function FIRFilter(h::Vector, resampleRatio::Union{Integer,Rational} = 1)

history = zeros(historyLen)

FIRFilter(kernel, history, historyLen, h)
FIRFilter(kernel, h, historyLen, history)

# Constructor for arbitrary resampling filter (polyphase interpolator w/ intra-phase linear interpolation)
Expand All @@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ function FIRFilter(h::Vector, rate::AbstractFloat, Nϕ::Integer=32)
kernel = FIRArbitrary(h, rate, Nϕ)
historyLen = kernel.tapsPerϕ - 1
history = zeros(historyLen)
FIRFilter(kernel, history, historyLen, h)
FIRFilter(kernel, h, historyLen, history)

# Constructor for a resampling FIR filter, where the user needs only to set the sampling rate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,31 +625,34 @@ function filt!(
return bufIdx

function filt(self::FIRFilter{Tk}, x::AbstractVector{Tx}) where {Th,Tx,Tk<:FIRKernel{Th}}
bufLen = outputlength(self, length(x))
function filt(self::FIRFilter{Tk}, x::AbstractVector) where Tk<:FIRKernel
buffer = allocate_output(self, x)
bufLen = length(buffer)
samplesWritten = filt!(buffer, self, x)
if Tk <: FIRArbitrary
samplesWritten == bufLen || resize!(buffer, samplesWritten)
samplesWritten == bufLen || throw(AssertionError("Length of resampled output different from expectation."))
return buffer

function allocate_output(sf::FIRFilter{Tk}, x::AbstractVector{Tx}) where {Th,Tx,Tk<:FIRKernel{Th}}
# In some cases when `filt(::FIRFilter{FIRArbitrary}, x)` is called
# with certain values of `x`, `filt!(buffer, ::FIRFilter{FIRArbitrary}, x)`
# tries to write one sample too many to the buffer and a `BoundsError`
# is thrown. Add one extra sample to catch these exceptional cases.
# is thrown. Add one extra sample to catch these exceptional cases.
# See
# FIXME: Remove this if and when the code in
# `filt!(buffer, ::FIRFilter{FIRArbitrary}, x)`
# is updated to properly account for pathological arbitrary rates.
outLen = outputlength(sf, length(x))
if Tk <: FIRArbitrary
bufLen += 1
outLen += 1
buffer = Vector{promote_type(Th,Tx)}(undef, bufLen)
samplesWritten = filt!(buffer, self, x)

if Tk <: FIRArbitrary
samplesWritten == bufLen || resize!(buffer, samplesWritten)
@assert samplesWritten == bufLen

return buffer
return Vector{promote_type(Th, Tx)}(undef, outLen)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,24 +694,34 @@ function resample(x::AbstractVector, rate::AbstractFloat, h::Vector, Nϕ::Intege
_resample!(x, rate, FIRFilter(h, rate, Nϕ))

function _resample!(x::AbstractVector, rate::Real, self::FIRFilter)
function _resample!(x::AbstractVector, rate::Real, sf::FIRFilter)
outLen = ceil(Int, length(x) * rate)
xPadded = _zeropad(x, inputlength(sf, outLen, RoundUp))

buffer = allocate_output(sf, xPadded)
samplesWritten = filt!(buffer, sf, xPadded)
return checked_resample_output!(buffer, outLen, samplesWritten, sf)

function undelay!(sf::FIRFilter)
# Get delay, in # of samples at the output rate, caused by filtering processes
τ = timedelay(self)
τ = timedelay(sf)

# Use setphase! to
# a) adjust the input samples to skip over before producing and output (integer part of τ)
# b) set the ϕ index of the PFB (fractional part of τ)
setphase!(self, τ)

# Calculate the number of 0's required
outLen = ceil(Int, length(x) * rate)
reqInlen = inputlength(self, outLen, RoundUp)
reqZerosLen = reqInlen - length(x)
xPadded = [x; zeros(eltype(x), reqZerosLen)]
setphase!(sf, τ)

y = filt(self, xPadded)
@assert length(y) >= outLen
length(y) > outLen && resize!(y, outLen)
function checked_resample_output!(y::AbstractVector, outLen, samplesWritten, ::FIRFilter{Tk}) where Tk<:FIRKernel
if !(Tk <: FIRArbitrary)
samplesWritten == length(y) || throw(AssertionError("Length of resampled output different from expectation."))
# outLen: the desired output length ceil(Int, rate * length(input)), but we can overshoot
# samplesWritten: number of samples actually written to y; if longer, y[samplesWritten+1:end] contains invalid data
samplesWritten >= outLen || throw(AssertionError("Resample output shorter than expected."))
length(y) == outLen || resize!(y, outLen)
return y

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -742,11 +757,23 @@ end
resample(x::AbstractArray, rate::Real, args::Real...; dims) =
_resample!(x, rate, FIRFilter(rate, args...); dims)

_resample!(x::AbstractArray, rate::Real, sf::FIRFilter; dims) =
mapslices(x; dims) do v
_resample!(v, rate, sf)
function _resample!(x::AbstractArray{T}, rate::Real, sf::FIRFilter; dims::Int) where T
size_v = size(x, dims)
outLen = ceil(Int, size_v * rate)
xPadded = Vector{T}(undef, inputlength(sf, outLen, RoundUp))
xPadded[size_v+1:end] .= zero(T)
buffer = allocate_output(sf, xPadded)
bufLen = length(buffer)

mapslices(x; dims) do v::AbstractVector
length(buffer) == bufLen || resize!(buffer, bufLen)
copyto!(xPadded, v)
samplesWritten = filt!(buffer, sf, xPadded)
return checked_resample_output!(buffer, outLen, samplesWritten, sf)

# References
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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions test/FilterTestHelpers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module FilterTestHelpers
using DSP, Test
using DSP, Test, DelimitedFiles

export tffilter_eq, zpkfilter_eq, tffilter_accuracy, zpkfilter_accuracy,
matrix_to_sosfilter, sosfilter_to_matrix
matrix_to_sosfilter, sosfilter_to_matrix,

read_reference_data(s, delim='\t') = readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__, "data", s), delim)

function lt(a, b)
if abs(real(a) - real(b)) > 1e-10
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions test/filt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
!(dirname(@__FILE__) in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, dirname(@__FILE__))
!(@__DIR__() in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, @__DIR__)
using DSP, Test, Random, FilterTestHelpers
# filt with different filter forms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,17 +181,17 @@ end
@testset "filt! with init. cond." begin
matlab_filt = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "filt_check.txt"),'\t')
matlab_filt = read_reference_data("filt_check.txt")

a = [0.9, 0.6]
b = [0.4, 1]
z = [0.4750]
x = vec(readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t'))
x = vec(read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt"))
@test_deprecated(filt!(x, b, a, x, z))

@test matlab_filt x

x = vec(readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t'))
x = vec(read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt"))
filt!(x, DF2TFilter(PolynomialRatio(b, a), z), x)

@test matlab_filt x
Expand All @@ -215,22 +215,22 @@ end
@testset "filtfilt 1D" begin
x2_matlab = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "filtfilt_output.txt"),'\t')
x2_matlab = read_reference_data("filtfilt_output.txt")

b = [ 0.00327922, 0.01639608, 0.03279216, 0.03279216, 0.01639608, 0.00327922]
a = [ 1. , -2.47441617, 2.81100631, -1.70377224, 0.54443269, -0.07231567]
x = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t')
x = read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt")

@test x2_matlab filtfilt(b, a, x)

# Make sure above doesn't crash for real coeffs & complex data.
@testset "filtfilt 1D Complex" begin
x2_matlab = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "filtfilt_output.txt"),'\t')
x2_matlab = read_reference_data("filtfilt_output.txt")

b = [ 0.00327922, 0.01639608, 0.03279216, 0.03279216, 0.01639608, 0.00327922]
a = [ 1. , -2.47441617, 2.81100631, -1.70377224, 0.54443269, -0.07231567]
x = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t')
x = read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt")

y = x .+ 1im .* randn(size(x, 1))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -260,10 +260,10 @@ end
b = [ 0.00327922, 0.01639608, 0.03279216, 0.03279216, 0.01639608, 0.00327922]
a = [ 1. , -2.47441617, 2.81100631, -1.70377224, 0.54443269, -0.07231567]

x2_output = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "filtfilt_output_2d.txt"),'\t')
x2_output = read_reference_data("filtfilt_output_2d.txt")

x = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t')
x = repeat(x, outer=(1, 3))
x = read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt")
x = repeat(x, outer=(1, 3))
x[:,2] = circshift(x[:,2], 64)
x[:,3] = circshift(x[:,3], 128)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ end
# the extrapolation will differ slightly.)
@testset "filtfilt SOS" begin
x = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t')
x = read_reference_data("spectrogram_x.txt")

f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.2), Butterworth(4))
@test filtfilt(convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x) filtfilt(convert(PolynomialRatio, f), x)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/filter_conversion.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
!(dirname(@__FILE__) in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, dirname(@__FILE__))
!(@__DIR__() in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, @__DIR__)
using DSP, Test, FilterTestHelpers, Polynomials
using Polynomials.PolyCompat

Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions test/filter_design.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
!(dirname(@__FILE__) in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, dirname(@__FILE__))
!(@__DIR__() in LOAD_PATH) && push!(LOAD_PATH, @__DIR__)
using DSP, Test, FilterTestHelpers
using LinearAlgebra: norm
using DelimitedFiles: readdlm
using FFTW: fft

# Butterworth filter prototype
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -987,29 +987,29 @@ end
@testset "window FIR" begin
winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(128), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(128, 0.25, nyq=.5, scale=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_128_lowpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_128_lowpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(129, 0.25, nyq=.5, scale=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_lowpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_lowpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

@test_throws ArgumentError digitalfilter(Highpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(128), scale=false))

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Highpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(129, 0.25, nyq=.5, scale=False, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_highpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_highpass_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandpass(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(128), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(128, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, scale=False, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_128_bandpass_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_128_bandpass_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandpass(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(129, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, scale=False, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandpass_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandpass_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

@test_throws ArgumentError ComplexBandpass(2, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1046,37 +1046,37 @@ end

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandstop(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=false); fs=1)
# firwin(129, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, scale=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandstop_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandstop_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl vec(winfirtaps_scipy)

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(128), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(128, 0.25, nyq=.5)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_128_lowpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_128_lowpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(129, 0.25, nyq=.5)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_lowpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_lowpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Highpass(0.25),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(129, 0.25, nyq=.5, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_highpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_highpass_scaled_fc0.25_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandpass(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(128), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(128, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_128_bandpass_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_128_bandpass_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandpass(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(129, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, scale=False, pass_zero=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandpass_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandpass_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl winfirtaps_scipy

winfirtaps_jl = digitalfilter(Bandstop(0.1, 0.2),FIRWindow(hamming(129), scale=true); fs=1)
# firwin(129, [0.1, 0.2], nyq=.5, scale=False)
winfirtaps_scipy = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandstop_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt"),'\t')
winfirtaps_scipy = read_reference_data("digitalfilter_hamming_129_bandstop_scaled_fc0.1_0.2_fs1.0.txt")
@test winfirtaps_jl vec(winfirtaps_scipy)

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