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Bugfix for batched gemv #2481

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Bugfix for batched gemv #2481

wants to merge 5 commits into from


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@kose-y kose-y commented Aug 28, 2024

Fix incorrect definition of m and n in gemv_strided_batched!

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maleadt commented Aug 28, 2024

Shouldn't m and n switch depending on trans, just like with other wrappers?

m = size(A[1], trans == 'N' ? 1 : 2)
n = size(A[1], trans == 'N' ? 2 : 1)
lda = max(1,stride(A[1],2))
incx = stride(x[1],1)
incy = stride(y[1],1)
Aptrs = unsafe_batch(A)
xptrs = unsafe_batch(x)
yptrs = unsafe_batch(y)
if CUBLAS.version() >= v"12.0"
$fname_64(handle(), trans, m, n, alpha, Aptrs, lda, xptrs, incx, beta, yptrs, incy, length(A))
$fname(handle(), trans, m, n, alpha, Aptrs, lda, xptrs, incx, beta, yptrs, incy, length(A))

Can you add a test that covers the case that doesn't work right now, and works after the change?

@maleadt maleadt added needs tests Tests are requested. bugfix This gets something working again. labels Aug 28, 2024
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kose-y commented Aug 28, 2024

No, according to the official cuBLAS documentation, definitions of m and n for gemm and gemv interfaces are different.

For gemm interfaces:

  • m: number of rows of matrix op(A) and C.
  • n: number of columns of matrix op(B) and C.

For gemv:

  • m: number of rows of matrix A.
  • n: number of columns of matrix A.

For gemv, they don't depend on op.

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kose-y commented Aug 28, 2024

I will try to add some tests this week.

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kose-y commented Aug 28, 2024

See also the gemv! function:

m,n = size(A)
# check dimensions
length(x) == (trans == 'N' ? n : m) && length(y) == (trans == 'N' ? m : n) || throw(DimensionMismatch(""))
# compute increments
lda = max(1,stride(A,2))
incx = stride(x,1)
incy = stride(y,1)

@kose-y kose-y changed the title Bugfix for gemv_strided_batched! Bugfix for batched gemv Aug 29, 2024
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kose-y commented Aug 29, 2024

@maleadt A similar bug was found on gemv_batched!, and it's also fixed. Tests have been added now.

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maleadt commented Aug 29, 2024

LGTM, let's just ping the original author of these functions: @lpawela

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kose-y commented Sep 9, 2024

@maleadt What is the status of this PR?

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lpawela commented Sep 9, 2024

It hangs on me, sorry. I'll have a look within a couple of days.

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lpawela commented Sep 11, 2024

I have problems launching tests on this patch.

      From worker 2:    Stacktrace:
      From worker 2:      [1] throw_api_error(res::CUDA.cudaError_enum)
      From worker 2:        @ CUDA ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/libcuda.jl:30
      From worker 2:      [2] check
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/libcuda.jl:37 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [3] cuMemFreeAsync
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/utils/call.jl:34 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [4] free(mem::CUDA.DeviceMemory; stream::CuStream)
      From worker 2:        @ CUDA ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/memory.jl:87
      From worker 2:      [5] free
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/memory.jl:82 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [6] #1102
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/src/memory.jl:708 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [7] #context!#990
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/state.jl:168 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [8] context!
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/lib/cudadrv/state.jl:163 [inlined]
      From worker 2:      [9] _pool_free
      From worker 2:        @ ~/lib/CUDA.jl/src/memory.jl:707 [inlined]
      From worker 2:     [10] macro expansion
      From worker 2:        @ ./timing.jl:395 [inlined]
      From worker 2:     [11] pool_free(managed::CUDA.Managed{CUDA.DeviceMemory})
      From worker 2:        @ CUDA ~/lib/CUDA.jl/src/memory.jl:689
      From worker 2:     [12] release(::GPUArrays.RefCounted{CUDA.Managed{CUDA.DeviceMemory}})
      From worker 2:        @ GPUArrays ~/.julia/packages/GPUArrays/qt4ax/src/host/abstractarray.jl:42
      From worker 2:     [13] unsafe_free!
      From worker 2:        @ ~/.julia/packages/GPUArrays/qt4ax/src/host/abstractarray.jl:91 [inlined]
      From worker 2:     [14] unsafe_free!(xs::CuArray{Float32, 2, CUDA.DeviceMemory})
      From worker 2:        @ CUDA ~/lib/CUDA.jl/src/array.jl:94
      From worker 2:     [15] exit
      From worker 2:        @ ./initdefs.jl:28 [inlined]
      From worker 2:     [16] exit()
      From worker 2:        @ Base ./initdefs.jl:29
      From worker 2:     [17] #invokelatest#2
      From worker 2:        @ ./essentials.jl:892 [inlined]
      From worker 2:     [18] invokelatest(::Any)
      From worker 2:        @ Base ./essentials.jl:889
      From worker 2:     [19] (::Distributed.var"#118#120"{Distributed.RemoteDoMsg})()
      From worker 2:        @ Distributed ~/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.2+0.x64.linux.gnu/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:310
      From worker 2:     [20] run_work_thunk(thunk::Distributed.var"#118#120"{Distributed.RemoteDoMsg}, print_error::Bool)
      From worker 2:        @ Distributed ~/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.2+0.x64.linux.gnu/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:70
      From worker 2:     [21] (::Distributed.var"#117#119"{Distributed.RemoteDoMsg})()
      From worker 2:        @ Distributed ~/.julia/juliaup/julia-1.10.2+0.x64.linux.gnu/share/julia/stdlib/v1.10/Distributed/src/process_messages.jl:310
      From worker 2:    WARNING: Error while freeing DeviceMemory(1.562 KiB at 0x0000000302122a00):
      From worker 2:    CUDA.CuError(code=CUDA.cudaError_enum(0x000002bc))

when launching julia --project test/runtests.jl libraries/cublas

julia> CUDA.versioninfo()
CUDA runtime 12.6, artifact installation
CUDA driver 12.4
NVIDIA driver 550.90.7

CUDA libraries: 
- CUBLAS: 12.6.0
- CURAND: 10.3.7
- CUFFT: 11.2.6
- CUSOLVER: 11.6.4
- CUSPARSE: 12.5.2
- CUPTI: 2024.3.0 (API 24.0.0)
- NVML: 12.0.0+550.90.7

Julia packages: 
- CUDA: 5.5.0
- CUDA_Driver_jll: 0.10.0+0
- CUDA_Runtime_jll: 0.15.1+0

- Julia: 1.10.2
- LLVM: 15.0.7

1 device:
  0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 (sm_86, 7.857 GiB / 10.000 GiB available)

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maleadt commented Sep 12, 2024

julia>  CUDA.CuError(CUDA.cudaError_enum(0x000002bc))

The changes in this PR seem to triggering some illegal memory access.

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maleadt commented Sep 17, 2024

I'm seeing similar issues locally, but I'm having a hard time isolating the problem. Many times, the libraries/cublas test suite hangs on this PR, while only taking the gemv tests modified here doesn't reproduce the issue.

Fix incorrect definition of m and n in gemv_strided_batched!
all the input dimensions should be identical for gemv_batched!
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maleadt commented Sep 18, 2024

Actually, some more testing today reveals that the illegal memory access I was seeing locally comes from a different test.

@lpawela I cannot reproduce the isolated failure of the libraries/cublas test suite you are seeing. Is this still the case on the latest version of this PR? Does it reproduce with just the gemv tests from this PR?

using CUDA.CUBLAS, GPUArrays
using CUDA, Test, LinearAlgebra

using Adapt

struct ArrayAdaptor{AT} end
Adapt.adapt_storage(::ArrayAdaptor{AT}, xs::AbstractArray) where {AT} = AT(xs)

test_result(a::Number, b::Number; kwargs...) = (a, b; kwargs...)
test_result(a::Missing, b::Missing; kwargs...) = true
test_result(a::Number, b::Missing; kwargs...) = false
test_result(a::Missing, b::Number; kwargs...) = false
function test_result(a::AbstractArray{T}, b::AbstractArray{T}; kwargs...) where {T<:Number}
    (collect(a), collect(b); kwargs...)
function test_result(a::AbstractArray{T}, b::AbstractArray{T};
                     kwargs...) where {T<:NTuple{N,<:Number} where {N}}
    ET = eltype(T)
    (reinterpret(ET, collect(a)), reinterpret(ET, collect(b)); kwargs...)
function test_result(as::NTuple{N,Any}, bs::NTuple{N,Any}; kwargs...) where {N}
    all(zip(as, bs)) do (a, b)
        test_result(a, b; kwargs...)

function compare(f, AT::Type{<:AbstractGPUArray}, xs...; kwargs...)
    # copy on the CPU, adapt on the GPU, but keep Ref's
    cpu_in = map(x -> isa(x, Base.RefValue) ? x[] : deepcopy(x), xs)
    gpu_in = map(x -> isa(x, Base.RefValue) ? x[] : adapt(ArrayAdaptor{AT}(), x), xs)

    cpu_out = f(cpu_in...)
    gpu_out = f(gpu_in...)

    test_result(cpu_out, gpu_out; kwargs...)

function compare(f, AT::Type{<:Array}, xs...; kwargs...)
    # no need to actually run this tests: we have nothing to compoare against,
    # and we'll run it on a CPU array anyhow when comparing to a GPU array.
    # this method exists so that we can at least run the test suite with Array,
    # and make sure we cover other tests (that don't call `compare`) too.
    return true

testf(f, xs...; kwargs...) = compare(f, CuArray, xs...; kwargs...)

m = 20
n = 35
k = 13

@testset for elty in [Float32, Float64, ComplexF32, ComplexF64]
    alpha = rand(elty)
    beta = rand(elty)

    @testset "gemv" begin
        @test testf(*, rand(elty, m, n), rand(elty, n))
        @test testf(*, transpose(rand(elty, m, n)), rand(elty, m))
        @test testf(*, rand(elty, m, n)', rand(elty, m))
        x = rand(elty, m)
        A = rand(elty, m, m + 1 )
        y = rand(elty, n)
        dx = CuArray(x)
        dA = CuArray(A)
        dy = CuArray(y)
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch mul!(dy, dA, dx)
        A = rand(elty, m + 1, m )
        dA = CuArray(A)
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch mul!(dy, dA, dx)
        x = rand(elty, m)
        A = rand(elty, n, m)
        dx = CuArray(x)
        dA = CuArray(A)
        alpha = rand(elty)
        dy = CUBLAS.gemv('N', alpha, dA, dx)
        hy = collect(dy)
        @test hy  alpha * A * x
        dy = CUBLAS.gemv('N', dA, dx)
        hy = collect(dy)
        @test hy  A * x
        dy = CuArray(y)
        dx = CUBLAS.gemv(elty <: Real ? 'T' : 'C', alpha, dA, dy)
        hx = collect(dx)
        @test hx  alpha * A' * y

    if CUBLAS.version() >= v"11.9"
        @testset "gemv_batched" begin
            x = [rand(elty, m) for i=1:10]
            A = [rand(elty, n, m) for i=1:10]
            y = [rand(elty, n) for i=1:10]
            dx = CuArray{elty, 1}[]
            dA = CuArray{elty, 2}[]
            dy = CuArray{elty, 1}[]
            dbad = CuArray{elty, 1}[]
            for i=1:length(A)
                push!(dA, CuArray(A[i]))
                push!(dx, CuArray(x[i]))
                push!(dy, CuArray(y[i]))
                if i < length(A) - 2
            @test_throws DimensionMismatch CUBLAS.gemv_batched!('N', alpha, dA, dx, beta, dbad)
            CUBLAS.gemv_batched!('N', alpha, dA, dx, beta, dy)
            for i=1:length(A)
                hy = collect(dy[i])
                y[i] = alpha * A[i] * x[i] + beta * y[i]
                @test y[i]  hy
            dy = CuArray{elty, 1}[]
            for i=1:length(A)
                push!(dy, CuArray(y[i]))
            CUBLAS.gemv_batched!(elty <: Real ? 'T' : 'C', alpha, dA, dy, beta, dx)
            for i=1:size(A, 3)
                hx = collect(dx[i])
                x[i] = alpha * A[i]' * y[i] + beta * x[i]
                @test x[i]  hx

    if CUBLAS.version() >= v"11.9"
        @testset "gemv_strided_batched" begin
            x = rand(elty, m, 10)
            A = rand(elty, n, m, 10)
            y = rand(elty, n, 10)
            bad = rand(elty, m, 10)
            dx = CuArray(x)
            dA = CuArray(A)
            dy = CuArray(y)
            dbad = CuArray(bad)
            @test_throws DimensionMismatch CUBLAS.gemv_strided_batched!('N', alpha, dA, dx, beta, dbad)
            bad = rand(elty, n, 2)
            dbad = CuArray(bad)
            @test_throws DimensionMismatch CUBLAS.gemv_strided_batched!('N', alpha, dA, dx, beta, dbad)
            CUBLAS.gemv_strided_batched!('N', alpha, dA, dx, beta, dy)
            for i=1:size(A, 3)
                hy = collect(dy[:, i])
                y[:, i] = alpha * A[:, :, i] * x[:, i] + beta * y[:, i]
                @test y[:, i]  hy
            dy = CuArray(y)
            CUBLAS.gemv_strided_batched!(elty <: Real ? 'T' : 'C', alpha, dA, dy, beta, dx)
            for i=1:size(A, 3)
                hx = collect(dx[:, i])
                x[:, i] = alpha * A[:, :, i]' * y[:, i] + beta * x[:, i]
                @test x[:, i]  hx

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lpawela commented Sep 18, 2024

I still get the same error, even on a different machine. The command julia --project test/runtests.jl libraries/cublas

julia> using CUDA
julia> CUDA.versioninfo()
CUDA runtime 12.6, artifact installation
CUDA driver 12.2
NVIDIA driver 535.183.1

CUDA libraries: 
- CUBLAS: 12.6.1
- CURAND: 10.3.7
- CUFFT: 11.2.6
- CUSOLVER: 11.6.4
- CUSPARSE: 12.5.3
- CUPTI: 2024.3.1 (API 24.0.0)
- NVML: 12.0.0+535.183.1

Julia packages: 
- CUDA: 5.5.0
- CUDA_Driver_jll: 0.10.1+0
- CUDA_Runtime_jll: 0.15.2+0

- Julia: 1.10.2
- LLVM: 15.0.7

1 device:
  0: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 (sm_86, 22.477 GiB / 24.000 GiB available)

@maleadt maleadt added needs changes Changes are needed. and removed needs tests Tests are requested. labels Sep 18, 2024
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maleadt commented Sep 18, 2024

Okay, thanks for confirming! Marked as draft until we figure out the exact issue here.

EDIT: does the isolated reproduces also give the same error?

@maleadt maleadt marked this pull request as draft September 18, 2024 10:20
@maleadt maleadt force-pushed the master branch 4 times, most recently from 6f9bcaa to fd4dd6d Compare December 19, 2024 16:36
@maleadt maleadt force-pushed the master branch 11 times, most recently from 5d585c4 to c850163 Compare December 20, 2024 08:18
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bugfix This gets something working again. needs changes Changes are needed.
None yet

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

3 participants