Package that enable working on GPU accelerated medical image segmentation using Julia. The tech stack includes :
MedEye3d.jl - OpenGL based tool for viewing and annotation of 3D medical imagiing
MedEval3D.jl - CUDA accelerated package with 3D medical image segmentation algorithms
HDF5.jl - Julia interface to HDF5 file system which is proven to give higher performance than native medical imagiing formats
MONAI - Python package called in Julia using PythonCall - used for preprocessing
Tutorial can be found on
If You will find usefull my work please cite it
author = {Mitura, Jakub and Chrapko, Beata E.},
journal = {Zeszyty Naukowe WWSI},
title = {{3D Medical Segmentation Visualization in Julia with MedEye3d}},
year = {2021},
number = {25},
pages = {57--67},
volume = {15},
doi = {10.26348/znwwsi.25.57},
keywords = {OpenGl, Computer Tomagraphy, PET/CT, medical image annotation, medical image visualization},