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Generate more helper overloading methods for mutual-referenced struct…
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Gnimuc committed Apr 11, 2021
1 parent 7d7127b commit 5418e89
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Showing 2 changed files with 47 additions and 5 deletions.
50 changes: 46 additions & 4 deletions src/generator/codegen.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,8 +130,30 @@ function emit!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{TypedefMutualRef}, options::Dict; ar
# pass
ty = getTypedefDeclUnderlyingType(node.cursor)
typedefee = translate(tojulia(ty), options)
replace_pointee!(typedefee, :Cvoid)
jlty = tojulia(ty)
leaf_ty = get_jl_leaf_type(jlty)

# first, we generate a fake struct
real_sym = leaf_ty.sym
fake_sym = Symbol("__JL_$real_sym")
push!(node.exprs, Expr(:struct, true, fake_sym, Expr(:block)))
# then, generate overloading methods to emulates the behavior
# `Base.unsafe_load`
signature = Expr(:call, :(Base.unsafe_load), :(x::Ptr{$fake_sym}))
body = Expr(:block, :(unsafe_load(Ptr{$real_sym}(x))))
push!(node.exprs, Expr(:function, signature, body))
# `Base.getproperty`
signature = Expr(:call, :(Base.getproperty), :(x::Ptr{$fake_sym}), :(f::Symbol))
body = Expr(:block, :(getproperty(Ptr{$real_sym}(x), f)))
push!(node.exprs, Expr(:function, signature, body))
# `Base.setproperty!`
signature = Expr(:call, :(Base.setproperty!), :(x::Ptr{$fake_sym}), :(f::Symbol), :v)
body = Expr(:block, :(setproperty!(Ptr{$real_sym}(x), f, v)))
push!(node.exprs, Expr(:function, signature, body))

# generate typedef
typedefee = translate(jlty, options)
replace_pointee!(typedefee, fake_sym)
typedef_sym = make_symbol_safe(
push!(node.exprs, :(const $typedef_sym = $typedefee))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,7 +304,7 @@ function emit!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{<:AbstractStructNodeType}, options::
if haskey(options, "field_access_method_list")
if string( in options["field_access_method_list"]
emit_getproperty_ptr!(dag, node, options)
emit_getproperty!(dag, node, options)
# emit_getproperty!(dag, node, options)
emit_setproperty!(dag, node, options)
Expand All @@ -295,6 +317,7 @@ function emit!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{StructMutualRef}, options::Dict; arg
struct_sym = make_symbol_safe(
block = Expr(:block)
expr = Expr(:struct, false, struct_sym, block)
mutual_ref_field_cursors = CLCursor[]
field_cursors = fields(getCursorType(node.cursor))
field_cursors = isempty(field_cursors) ? children(node.cursor) : field_cursors
for field_cursor in field_cursors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +347,7 @@ function emit!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{StructMutualRef}, options::Dict; arg
comment = Expr(:(::), field_sym, deepcopy(translated))
push!(block.args, Expr(:block, comment))
replace_pointee!(translated, :Cvoid)
push!(mutual_ref_field_cursors, field_cursor)

Expand All @@ -332,10 +356,28 @@ function emit!(dag::ExprDAG, node::ExprNode{StructMutualRef}, options::Dict; arg

push!(node.exprs, expr)

# make corrections by overloading `Base.getproperty` for those `Ptr{Cvoid}` fields
if !isempty(mutual_ref_field_cursors)
getter = Expr(:call, :(Base.getproperty), :(x::$struct_sym), :(f::Symbol))
body = Expr(:block)
for mrfield_cursor in mutual_ref_field_cursors
n = name(mrfield_cursor)
@assert !isempty(n)
fsym = make_symbol_safe(n)
fty = getCursorType(mrfield_cursor)
ty = translate(tojulia(fty), options)
ex = :(f === $(QuoteNode(fsym)) && return $ty(getfield(x, f)))
push!(body.args, ex)
push!(body.args, :(return getfield(x, f)))
getproperty_expr = Expr(:function, getter, body)
push!(node.exprs, getproperty_expr)

if haskey(options, "field_access_method_list")
if string( in options["field_access_method_list"]
emit_getproperty_ptr!(dag, node, options)
emit_getproperty!(dag, node, options)
# emit_getproperty!(dag, node, options)
emit_setproperty!(dag, node, options)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/generator/passes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ function (x::RemoveCircularReference)(dag::ExprDAG, options::Dict)

# there are cases where the circular reference can only be de-referenced at a
# typedef, so we for-loop another round for that.
# typedef, so we do the for-loop another round for that.
if typedef_only
for i in 1:(length(cycle) - 1)
np, nc = cycle[i], cycle[i + 1]
Expand Down

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