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inlining: NFC simplifications on the inlining algorithm (#50593)
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- pack return value of `ir_prepare_inlining!` into a struct and pass it around
- improved handling of `linetable` argument
  • Loading branch information
aviatesk authored Jul 19, 2023
1 parent c5e4621 commit 0f56da8
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Showing 3 changed files with 61 additions and 62 deletions.
108 changes: 54 additions & 54 deletions base/compiler/ssair/inlining.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,8 +322,7 @@ inline_node_is_duplicate(topline::LineInfoNode, line::LineInfoNode) =
topline.line === line.line

function ir_inline_linetable!(linetable::Vector{LineInfoNode}, inlinee_ir::IRCode,
inlinee::MethodInstance, inlined_at::Int32)
inlinee_def = inlinee.def::Method
coverage = coverage_enabled(inlinee_def.module)
linetable_offset::Int32 = length(linetable)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,18 +357,18 @@ function ir_inline_linetable!(linetable::Vector{LineInfoNode}, inlinee_ir::IRCod

function ir_prepare_inlining!(insert_node!::Inserter, inline_target::Union{IRCode, IncrementalCompact},
linetable::Vector{LineInfoNode}, ir′::IRCode, sparam_vals::SimpleVector,
mi::MethodInstance, inlined_at::Int32, argexprs::Vector{Any})
ir::IRCode, mi::MethodInstance, inlined_at::Int32, argexprs::Vector{Any})
def = mi.def::Method
linetable = inline_target isa IRCode ? inline_target.linetable :
topline::Int32 = length(linetable) + Int32(1)
linetable_offset, extra_coverage_line = ir_inline_linetable!(linetable, ir, mi, inlined_at)
linetable_offset, extra_coverage_line = ir_inline_linetable!(linetable, ir, mi, inlined_at)
if extra_coverage_line != 0
insert_node!(NewInstruction(Expr(:code_coverage_effect), Nothing, extra_coverage_line))
sp_ssa = nothing
if !validate_sparams(sparam_vals)
spvals_ssa = nothing
if !validate_sparams(mi.sparam_vals)
# N.B. This works on the caller-side argexprs, (i.e. before the va fixup below)
sp_ssa = insert_node!(
spvals_ssa = insert_node!(
effect_free_and_nothrow(NewInstruction(Expr(:call, Core._compute_sparams, def, argexprs...), SimpleVector, topline)))
if def.isva
Expand All @@ -382,20 +381,17 @@ function ir_prepare_inlining!(insert_node!::Inserter, inline_target::Union{IRCod
# Replace the first argument by a load of the capture environment
argexprs[1] = insert_node!(
NewInstruction(Expr(:call, GlobalRef(Core, :getfield), argexprs[1], QuoteNode(:captures)),
ir.argtypes[1], topline))
ir.argtypes[1], topline))
return (Pair{Union{Nothing, SSAValue}, Vector{Any}}(sp_ssa, argexprs), linetable_offset)
return SSASubstitute(mi, argexprs, spvals_ssa, linetable_offset)

function ir_inline_item!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int, argexprs::Vector{Any},
linetable::Vector{LineInfoNode}, item::InliningTodo,
boundscheck::Symbol, todo_bbs::Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}})
item::InliningTodo, boundscheck::Symbol, todo_bbs::Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}})
# Ok, do the inlining here
sparam_vals = item.mi.sparam_vals
inlined_at = compact.result[idx][:line]

((sp_ssa, argexprs), linetable_offset) = ir_prepare_inlining!(InsertHere(compact),
compact, linetable,, sparam_vals, item.mi, inlined_at, argexprs)
ssa_substitute = ir_prepare_inlining!(InsertHere(compact), compact,, item.mi, inlined_at, argexprs)

if boundscheck === :default || boundscheck === :propagate
if (compact.result[idx][:flag] & IR_FLAG_INBOUNDS) != 0
Expand All @@ -405,8 +401,6 @@ function ir_inline_item!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int, argexprs::Vector
# If the iterator already moved on to the next basic block,
# temporarily re-open in again.
local return_value
def = item.mi.def::Method
sig = def.sig
# Special case inlining that maintains the current basic block if there's only one BB in the target
new_new_offset = length(compact.new_new_nodes)
late_fixup_offset = length(compact.late_fixup)
Expand All @@ -418,7 +412,9 @@ function ir_inline_item!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int, argexprs::Vector
# face of rename_arguments! mutating in place - should figure out
# something better eventually.
inline_compact[idx′] = nothing
stmt′ = ssa_substitute!(InsertBefore(inline_compact, SSAValue(idx′)), inline_compact[SSAValue(idx′)], stmt′, argexprs, sig, sparam_vals, sp_ssa, linetable_offset, boundscheck)
insert_node! = InsertBefore(inline_compact, SSAValue(idx′))
stmt′ = ssa_substitute!(insert_node!, inline_compact[SSAValue(idx′)], stmt′,
ssa_substitute, boundscheck)
if isa(stmt′, ReturnNode)
val = stmt′.val
return_value = SSAValue(idx′)
Expand All @@ -445,7 +441,9 @@ function ir_inline_item!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int, argexprs::Vector
inline_compact = IncrementalCompact(compact,, compact.result_idx)
for ((_, idx′), stmt′) in inline_compact
inline_compact[idx′] = nothing
stmt′ = ssa_substitute!(InsertBefore(inline_compact, SSAValue(idx′)), inline_compact[SSAValue(idx′)], stmt′, argexprs, sig, sparam_vals, sp_ssa, linetable_offset, boundscheck)
insert_node! = InsertBefore(inline_compact, SSAValue(idx′))
stmt′ = ssa_substitute!(insert_node!, inline_compact[SSAValue(idx′)], stmt′,
ssa_substitute, boundscheck)
if isa(stmt′, ReturnNode)
if isdefined(stmt′, :val)
val = stmt′.val
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -554,11 +552,10 @@ excluding cases where `case.sig::UnionAll`.
In short, here we can process the dispatch candidates in order, assuming we haven't changed
their order somehow somewhere up to this point.
function ir_inline_unionsplit!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int,
argexprs::Vector{Any}, linetable::Vector{LineInfoNode},
(; fully_covered, atype, cases, bbs)::UnionSplit,
boundscheck::Symbol, todo_bbs::Vector{Tuple{Int, Int}},
function ir_inline_unionsplit!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int, argexprs::Vector{Any},
union_split::UnionSplit, boundscheck::Symbol,
todo_bbs::Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}, params::OptimizationParams)
(; fully_covered, atype, cases, bbs) = union_split
stmt, typ, line = compact.result[idx][:inst], compact.result[idx][:type], compact.result[idx][:line]
join_bb = bbs[end]
pn = PhiNode()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -606,7 +603,7 @@ function ir_inline_unionsplit!(compact::IncrementalCompact, idx::Int,
if isa(case, InliningTodo)
val = ir_inline_item!(compact, idx, argexprs′, linetable, case, boundscheck, todo_bbs)
val = ir_inline_item!(compact, idx, argexprs′, case, boundscheck, todo_bbs)
elseif isa(case, InvokeCase)
inst = Expr(:invoke, case.invoke, argexprs′...)
flag = flags_for_effects(case.effects)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -698,9 +695,9 @@ function batch_inline!(ir::IRCode, todo::Vector{Pair{Int,Any}}, propagate_inboun
if isa(item, InliningTodo)
compact.ssa_rename[old_idx] = ir_inline_item!(compact, idx, argexprs, ir.linetable, item, boundscheck, state.todo_bbs)
compact.ssa_rename[old_idx] = ir_inline_item!(compact, idx, argexprs, item, boundscheck, state.todo_bbs)
elseif isa(item, UnionSplit)
compact.ssa_rename[old_idx] = ir_inline_unionsplit!(compact, idx, argexprs, ir.linetable, item, boundscheck, state.todo_bbs, params)
compact.ssa_rename[old_idx] = ir_inline_unionsplit!(compact, idx, argexprs, item, boundscheck, state.todo_bbs, params)
compact[idx] = nothing
refinish && finish_current_bb!(compact, 0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1795,15 +1792,18 @@ function late_inline_special_case!(
return nothing

function ssa_substitute!(insert_node!::Inserter,
subst_inst::Instruction, @nospecialize(val), arg_replacements::Vector{Any},
@nospecialize(spsig), spvals::SimpleVector,
spvals_ssa::Union{Nothing, SSAValue},
linetable_offset::Int32, boundscheck::Symbol)
struct SSASubstitute

function ssa_substitute!(insert_node!::Inserter, subst_inst::Instruction, @nospecialize(val),
ssa_substitute::SSASubstitute, boundscheck::Symbol)
subst_inst[:flag] &= ~IR_FLAG_INBOUNDS
subst_inst[:line] += linetable_offset
return ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!, subst_inst,
val, arg_replacements, spsig, spvals, spvals_ssa, boundscheck)
subst_inst[:line] += ssa_substitute.linetable_offset
return ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!, subst_inst, val, ssa_substitute, boundscheck)

function insert_spval!(insert_node!::Inserter, spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx::Int, do_isdefined::Bool)
Expand All @@ -1819,26 +1819,24 @@ function insert_spval!(insert_node!::Inserter, spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx::Int,
return (ret, tcheck_not)

function ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!::Inserter, subst_inst::Instruction,
@nospecialize(val), arg_replacements::Vector{Any},
@nospecialize(spsig), spvals::SimpleVector,
spvals_ssa::Union{Nothing, SSAValue},
function ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!::Inserter, subst_inst::Instruction, @nospecialize(val),
ssa_substitute::SSASubstitute, boundscheck::Symbol)
if isa(val, Argument)
return arg_replacements[val.n]
return ssa_substitute.arg_replacements[val.n]
if isa(val, Expr)
e = val::Expr
head = e.head
sparam_vals = ssa_substitute.mi.sparam_vals
if head === :static_parameter
spidx = e.args[1]::Int
val = spvals[spidx]
val = sparam_vals[spidx]
if !isa(val, TypeVar) && val !== Vararg
return quoted(val)
flag = subst_inst[:flag]
maybe_undef = (flag & IR_FLAG_NOTHROW) == 0 && isa(val, TypeVar)
(ret, tcheck_not) = insert_spval!(insert_node!, spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx, maybe_undef)
(ret, tcheck_not) = insert_spval!(insert_node!, ssa_substitute.spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx, maybe_undef)
if maybe_undef
NewInstruction(Expr(:throw_undef_if_not,, tcheck_not), Nothing))
Expand All @@ -1847,27 +1845,29 @@ function ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!::Inserter, subst_inst::Instruction,
elseif head === :isdefined && isa(e.args[1], Expr) && e.args[1].head === :static_parameter
spidx = (e.args[1]::Expr).args[1]::Int
val = spvals[spidx]
val = sparam_vals[spidx]
if !isa(val, TypeVar)
return true
(_, tcheck_not) = insert_spval!(insert_node!, spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx, true)
(_, tcheck_not) = insert_spval!(insert_node!, ssa_substitute.spvals_ssa::SSAValue, spidx, true)
return tcheck_not
elseif head === :cfunction && spvals_ssa === nothing
@assert !isa(spsig, UnionAll) || !isempty(spvals)
e.args[3] = ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), e.args[3], spsig, spvals)
elseif head === :cfunction && ssa_substitute.spvals_ssa === nothing
msig = (ssa_substitute.mi.def::Method).sig
@assert !isa(msig, UnionAll) || !isempty(sparam_vals)
e.args[3] = ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), e.args[3], msig, sparam_vals)
e.args[4] = svec(Any[
ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), argt, spsig, spvals)
ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), argt, msig, sparam_vals)
for argt in e.args[4]::SimpleVector ]...)
elseif head === :foreigncall && spvals_ssa === nothing
@assert !isa(spsig, UnionAll) || !isempty(spvals)
elseif head === :foreigncall && ssa_substitute.spvals_ssa === nothing
msig = (ssa_substitute.mi.def::Method).sig
@assert !isa(msig, UnionAll) || !isempty(sparam_vals)
for i = 1:length(e.args)
if i == 2
e.args[2] = ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), e.args[2], spsig, spvals)
e.args[2] = ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), e.args[2], msig, sparam_vals)
elseif i == 3
e.args[3] = svec(Any[
ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), argt, spsig, spvals)
ccall(:jl_instantiate_type_in_env, Any, (Any, Any, Ptr{Any}), argt, msig, sparam_vals)
for argt in e.args[3]::SimpleVector ]...)
Expand All @@ -1884,7 +1884,7 @@ function ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!::Inserter, subst_inst::Instruction,
isa(val, Union{SSAValue, NewSSAValue}) && return val # avoid infinite loop
urs = userefs(val)
for op in urs
op[] = ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!, subst_inst, op[], arg_replacements, spsig, spvals, spvals_ssa, boundscheck)
op[] = ssa_substitute_op!(insert_node!, subst_inst, op[], ssa_substitute, boundscheck)
return urs[]
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/compiler/ssair/ir.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -765,16 +765,16 @@ function dominates_ssa(compact::IncrementalCompact, domtree::DomTree, x::AnySSAV
y′ = y
if x′.id == y′.id && (xinfo !== nothing || yinfo !== nothing)
if x′.id == y′.id
if xinfo !== nothing && yinfo !== nothing
if xinfo.attach_after == yinfo.attach_after
return <
return yinfo.attach_after
elseif xinfo !== nothing
return !xinfo.attach_after
return (yinfo::NewNodeInfo).attach_after
elseif yinfo !== nothing
return yinfo.attach_after
return x′.id < y′.id
Expand Down
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions base/compiler/ssair/passes.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1248,11 +1248,9 @@ function try_inline_finalizer!(ir::IRCode, argexprs::Vector{Any}, idx::Int,

# TODO: Should there be a special line number node for inlined finalizers?
inlined_at = ir[SSAValue(idx)][:line]
((sp_ssa, argexprs), linetable_offset) = ir_prepare_inlining!(InsertBefore(ir, SSAValue(idx)), ir,
ir.linetable, src, mi.sparam_vals, mi, inlined_at, argexprs)
ssa_substitute = ir_prepare_inlining!(InsertBefore(ir, SSAValue(idx)), ir, src, mi, inlined_at, argexprs)

# TODO: Use the actual inliner here rather than open coding this special purpose inliner.
spvals = mi.sparam_vals
ssa_rename = Vector{Any}(undef, length(src.stmts))
for idx′ = 1:length(src.stmts)
inst = src[SSAValue(idx′)]
Expand All @@ -1261,9 +1259,10 @@ function try_inline_finalizer!(ir::IRCode, argexprs::Vector{Any}, idx::Int,
stmt′ = ssamap(stmt′) do ssa::SSAValue
stmt′ = ssa_substitute_op!(InsertBefore(ir, SSAValue(idx)), inst, stmt′, argexprs, mi.specTypes, mi.sparam_vals, sp_ssa, :default)
stmt′ = ssa_substitute_op!(InsertBefore(ir, SSAValue(idx)), inst, stmt′,
ssa_substitute, :default)
ssa_rename[idx′] = insert_node!(ir, idx,
NewInstruction(inst; stmt=stmt′, line=inst[:line]+linetable_offset),
NewInstruction(inst; stmt=stmt′, line=inst[:line]+ssa_substitute.linetable_offset),

Expand Down

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