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Merge pull request #33533 from JuliaLang/mb/fast-partitions
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Make Iterators.partition split arrays into views for faster and easier parallelism
  • Loading branch information
mbauman authored Nov 1, 2019
2 parents 2f9eebd + 47e49ab commit 3f0e7d6
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Showing 5 changed files with 173 additions and 19 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ Standard library changes

* Verbose `display` of `Char` (`text/plain` output) now shows the codepoint value in standard-conforming `"U+XXXX"` format ([#33291]).

* `Iterators.partition` now uses views (or smartly re-computed ranges) for partitions of all `AbstractArray`s ([#33533]).

* Sets are now displayed less compactly in the REPL, as a column of elements, like vectors
and dictionaries ([#33300]).

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21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions base/broadcast.jl
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length(dest) < 256 && return invoke(copyto!, Tuple{AbstractArray, Broadcasted{Nothing}}, dest, bc)
tmp = Vector{Bool}(undef, bitcache_size)
destc = dest.chunks
ind = cind = 1
cind = 1
bc′ = preprocess(dest, bc)
@simd for I in eachindex(bc′)
@inbounds tmp[ind] = bc′[I]
ind += 1
if ind > bitcache_size
dumpbitcache(destc, cind, tmp)
cind += bitcache_chunks
ind = 1
for P in Iterators.partition(eachindex(bc′), bitcache_size)
ind = 1
@simd for I in P
@inbounds tmp[ind] = bc′[I]
ind += 1
@simd for i in ind:bitcache_size
@inbounds tmp[i] = false
if ind > 1
@inbounds tmp[ind:bitcache_size] .= false
dumpbitcache(destc, cind, tmp)
cind += bitcache_chunks
return dest
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31 changes: 25 additions & 6 deletions base/iterators.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1022,37 +1022,56 @@ Iterate over a collection `n` elements at a time.
# Examples
julia> collect(Iterators.partition([1,2,3,4,5], 2))
3-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
3-element Array{SubArray{Int64,1,Array{Int64,1},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},true},1}:
[1, 2]
[3, 4]
partition(c::T, n::Integer) where {T} = PartitionIterator{T}(c, Int(n))
function partition(c, n::Integer)
n < 1 && throw(ArgumentError("cannot create partitions of length $n"))
return PartitionIterator(c, Int(n))

struct PartitionIterator{T}
# Partitions are explicitly a linear indexing operation, so reshape to 1-d immediately
PartitionIterator(A::AbstractArray, n::Int) = PartitionIterator(vec(A), n)
PartitionIterator(v::AbstractVector, n::Int) = PartitionIterator{typeof(v)}(v, n)

eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T} = Vector{eltype(T)}
# Arrays use a generic `view`-of-a-`vec`, so we cannot exactly predict what we'll get back
eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:AbstractArray} = AbstractVector{eltype(T)}
# But for some common implementations in Base we know the answer exactly
eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Vector} = SubArray{eltype(T), 1, T, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, true}

IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T} = IteratorEltype(T)
IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:AbstractArray} = EltypeUnknown()
IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Vector} = IteratorEltype(T)

partition_iteratorsize(::HasShape) = HasLength()
partition_iteratorsize(isz) = isz
function IteratorSize(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T}

IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T} = IteratorEltype(T)

function length(itr::PartitionIterator)
l = length(itr.c)
return div(l, itr.n) + ((mod(l, itr.n) > 0) ? 1 : 0)

function iterate(itr::PartitionIterator{<:Vector}, state=1)
function iterate(itr::PartitionIterator{<:AbstractRange}, state=1)
state > length(itr.c) && return nothing
r = min(state + itr.n - 1, length(itr.c))
return @inbounds itr.c[state:r], r + 1

function iterate(itr::PartitionIterator{<:AbstractArray}, state=1)
state > length(itr.c) && return nothing
r = min(state + itr.n - 1, length(itr.c))
return view(itr.c, state:r), r + 1
return @inbounds view(itr.c, state:r), r + 1

struct IterationCutShort; end
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59 changes: 57 additions & 2 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ module IteratorsMD

import .Base: +, -, *, (:)
import .Base: simd_outer_range, simd_inner_length, simd_index
using .Base: IndexLinear, IndexCartesian, AbstractCartesianIndex, fill_to_length, tail
using .Base.Iterators: Reverse
using .Base: IndexLinear, IndexCartesian, AbstractCartesianIndex, fill_to_length, tail,
ReshapedArray, ReshapedArrayLF, OneTo
using .Base.Iterators: Reverse, PartitionIterator

export CartesianIndex, CartesianIndices

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,6 +464,60 @@ module IteratorsMD
iterate(iter::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices{0}}, state=false) = state ? nothing : (CartesianIndex(), true)

Base.LinearIndices(inds::CartesianIndices{N,R}) where {N,R} = LinearIndices{N,R}(inds.indices)

# Views of reshaped CartesianIndices are used for partitions — ensure these are fast
const CartesianPartition{T<:CartesianIndex, P<:CartesianIndices, R<:ReshapedArray{T,1,P}} = SubArray{T,1,R,Tuple{UnitRange{Int}},false}
eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArrayLF} = SubArray{eltype(T), 1, T, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, true}
eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArray} = SubArray{eltype(T), 1, T, Tuple{UnitRange{Int}}, false}
Iterators.IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:ReshapedArray} = Iterators.IteratorEltype(T)

eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:OneTo} = UnitRange{eltype(T)}
eltype(::Type{PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Union{UnitRange, StepRange, StepRangeLen, LinRange}} = T
Iterators.IteratorEltype(::Type{<:PartitionIterator{T}}) where {T<:Union{OneTo, UnitRange, StepRange, StepRangeLen, LinRange}} = Iterators.IteratorEltype(T)

@inline function iterate(iter::CartesianPartition)
isempty(iter) && return nothing
f = first(iter)
return (f, (f, 1))
@inline function iterate(iter::CartesianPartition, (state, n))
n >= length(iter) && return nothing
I =, first(iter.parent.parent).I, last(iter.parent.parent).I)
return I, (I, n+1)

@inline function simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianPartition)
# In general, the Cartesian Partition might start and stop in the middle of the outer
# dimensions — thus the outer range of a CartesianPartition is itself a
# CartesianPartition.
t = tail(iter.parent.parent.indices)
ci = CartesianIndices(t)
li = LinearIndices(t)
return @inbounds view(ci, li[tail(iter[1].I)...]:li[tail(iter[end].I)...])
function simd_outer_range(iter::CartesianPartition{CartesianIndex{2}})
# But for two-dimensional Partitions the above is just a simple one-dimensional range
# over the second dimension; we don't need to worry about non-rectangular staggers in
# higher dimensions.
return @inbounds CartesianIndices((iter[1][2]:iter[end][2],))
@inline function simd_inner_length(iter::CartesianPartition, I::CartesianIndex)
inner = iter.parent.parent.indices[1]
@inbounds fi = iter[1].I
@inbounds li = iter[end].I
inner_start = I.I == tail(fi) ? fi[1] : first(inner)
inner_end = I.I == tail(li) ? li[1] : last(inner)
return inner_end - inner_start + 1
@inline function simd_index(iter::CartesianPartition, Ilast::CartesianIndex, I1::Int)
# I1 is the 0-based distance from the first dimension's offest
offset = first(iter.parent.parent.indices[1]) # (this is 1 for 1-based arrays)
# In the first column we need to also add in the iter's starting point (branchlessly)
f = @inbounds iter[1]
startoffset = (Ilast.I == tail(f.I))*(f[1] - 1)
CartesianIndex((I1 + offset + startoffset, Ilast.I...))
end # IteratorsMD

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79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions test/iterators.jl
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Expand Up @@ -433,6 +433,85 @@ for n in [5,6]

function iterate_length(iter)
for i in iter
n += 1
return n
function simd_iterate_length(iter)
@simd for i in iter
n += 1
return n
function simd_trip_count(iter)
return sum(Base.SimdLoop.simd_inner_length(iter, i) for i in Base.SimdLoop.simd_outer_range(iter))
function iterate_elements(iter)
vals = Vector{eltype(iter)}(undef, length(iter))
i = 1
for v in iter
@inbounds vals[i] = v
i += 1
return vals
function simd_iterate_elements(iter)
vals = Vector{eltype(iter)}(undef, length(iter))
i = 1
@simd for v in iter
@inbounds vals[i] = v
i += 1
return vals
function index_elements(iter)
vals = Vector{eltype(iter)}(undef, length(iter))
i = 1
for j in eachindex(iter)
@inbounds vals[i] = iter[j]
i += 1
return vals

@testset "CartesianPartition optimizations" for dims in ((1,), (64,), (101,),
(1,1), (8,8), (11, 13),
(1,1,1), (8, 4, 2), (11, 13, 17)),
part in (1, 7, 8, 11, 63, 64, 65, 142, 143, 144)
P = partition(CartesianIndices(dims), part)
for I in P
@test length(I) == iterate_length(I) == simd_iterate_length(I) == simd_trip_count(I)
@test collect(I) == iterate_elements(I) == simd_iterate_elements(I) == index_elements(I)
@test all(Base.splat(==), zip(Iterators.flatten(map(collect, P)), CartesianIndices(dims)))
@testset "empty/invalid partitions" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError partition(1:10, 0)
@test_throws ArgumentError partition(1:10, -1)
@test_throws ArgumentError partition(1:0, 0)
@test_throws ArgumentError partition(1:0, -1)
@test isempty(partition(1:0, 1))
@test isempty(partition(CartesianIndices((0,1)), 1))
@testset "exact partition eltypes" for a in (Base.OneTo(24), 1:24, 1:1:24, LinRange(1,10,24), .1:.1:2.4, Vector(1:24),
CartesianIndices((4, 6)), Dict((1:24) .=> (1:24)))
P = partition(a, 2)
@test eltype(P) === typeof(first(P))
@test Iterators.IteratorEltype(P) == Iterators.HasEltype()
if a isa AbstractArray
P = partition(vec(a), 2)
@test eltype(P) === typeof(first(P))
P = partition(reshape(a, 6, 4), 2)
@test eltype(P) === typeof(first(P))
P = partition(reshape(a, 2, 3, 4), 2)
@test eltype(P) === typeof(first(P))

@test join(map(x->string(x...), partition("Hello World!", 5)), "|") ==
"Hello| Worl|d!"

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2 comments on commit 3f0e7d6

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Executing the daily benchmark build, I will reply here when finished:

@nanosoldier runbenchmarks(ALL, isdaily = true)

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Your benchmark job has completed - possible performance regressions were detected. A full report can be found here. cc @ararslan

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