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make dims argument to mapslices a keyword arg (#27828)
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fixes #27774
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JeffBezanson authored and mbauman committed Jun 28, 2018
1 parent 7ebcbc0 commit 440a1a5
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Showing 7 changed files with 34 additions and 31 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ foreach(f, itrs...) = (for z in zip(itrs...); f(z...); end; nothing)
## dims specifies which dimensions will be transformed. for example
## dims==1:2 will call f on all slices A[:,:,...]
mapslices(f, A, dims)
mapslices(f, A; dims)
Transform the given dimensions of array `A` using function `f`. `f` is called on each slice
of `A` of the form `A[...,:,...,:,...]`. `dims` is an integer vector specifying where the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ julia> a = reshape(Vector(1:16),(2,2,2,2))
13 15
14 16
julia> mapslices(sum, a, [1,2])
julia> mapslices(sum, a, dims = [1,2])
1×1×2×2 Array{Int64,4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
Expand All @@ -1883,11 +1883,13 @@ julia> mapslices(sum, a, [1,2])
mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray, dims) = mapslices(f, A, [dims...])
function mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray, dims::AbstractVector)
function mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray; dims)
if isempty(dims)
return map(f,A)
if !isa(dims, AbstractVector)
dims = [dims...]

dimsA = [axes(A)...]
ndimsA = ndims(A)
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions base/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1373,6 +1373,7 @@ export readandwrite
@deprecate mapreducedim(f, op, A::AbstractArray, dims, v0) mapreduce(f, op, v0, A, dims=dims)
@deprecate reducedim(op, A::AbstractArray, dims) reduce(op, A, dims=dims)
@deprecate reducedim(op, A::AbstractArray, dims, v0) reduce(op, v0, A, dims=dims)
@deprecate mapslices(op, A::AbstractArray, dims) mapslices(op, A, dims=dims)

@deprecate sort(A::AbstractArray, dim::Integer; kwargs...) sort(A; kwargs..., dims=dim)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/reducedim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ function reducedim_initarray0(A::AbstractArray{T}, region, f, ops) where T

reducedim_initarray0_empty(A::AbstractArray, region, f, ops) = mapslices(x->ops(f.(x)), A, region)
reducedim_initarray0_empty(A::AbstractArray, region,::typeof(identity), ops) = mapslices(ops, A, region)
reducedim_initarray0_empty(A::AbstractArray, region, f, ops) = mapslices(x->ops(f.(x)), A, dims = region)
reducedim_initarray0_empty(A::AbstractArray, region,::typeof(identity), ops) = mapslices(ops, A, dims = region)

# TODO: better way to handle reducedim initialization
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/statistics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ equivalent to calculating mean of two median elements.
median(v::AbstractArray; dims=:) = _median(v, dims)

_median(v::AbstractArray, dims) = mapslices(median!, v, dims)
_median(v::AbstractArray, dims) = mapslices(median!, v, dims = dims)

_median(v::AbstractArray{T}, ::Colon) where {T} = median!(copyto!(Array{T,1}(undef, _length(v)), v))

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42 changes: 21 additions & 21 deletions test/arrayops.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1006,57 +1006,57 @@ end
@testset "mapslices" begin
local a, b, c, m, h, s
a = rand(5,5)
s = mapslices(sort, a, [1])
S = mapslices(sort, a, [2])
s = mapslices(sort, a, dims=[1])
S = mapslices(sort, a, dims=[2])
for i = 1:5
@test s[:,i] == sort(a[:,i])
@test vec(S[i,:]) == sort(vec(a[i,:]))

# issue #3613
b = mapslices(sum, fill(1.,2,3,4), [1,2])
b = mapslices(sum, fill(1.,2,3,4), dims=[1,2])
@test size(b) === (1,1,4)
@test all(b.==6)

# issue #5141
## Update Removed the version that removes the dimensions when dims==1:ndims(A)
c1 = mapslices(x-> maximum(-x), a, [])
c1 = mapslices(x-> maximum(-x), a, dims=[])
@test c1 == -a

# other types than Number
@test mapslices(prod,["1" "2"; "3" "4"],1) == ["13" "24"]
@test mapslices(prod,["1"],1) == ["1"]
@test mapslices(prod,["1" "2"; "3" "4"],dims=1) == ["13" "24"]
@test mapslices(prod,["1"],dims=1) == ["1"]

# issue #5177

c = fill(1,2,3,4)
m1 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,2,3), c, [1,2])
m2 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,2,4), c, [1,3])
m3 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,3,4), c, [2,3])
m1 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,2,3), c, dims=[1,2])
m2 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,2,4), c, dims=[1,3])
m3 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,3,4), c, dims=[2,3])
@test size(m1) == size(m2) == size(m3) == size(c)

n1 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, [1,2])
n2 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, [1,3])
n3 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, [2,3])
n1a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, [1,2])
n2a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, [1,3])
n3a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, [2,3])
n1 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, dims=[1,2])
n2 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, dims=[1,3])
n3 = mapslices(x-> fill(1,6), c, dims=[2,3])
n1a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, dims=[1,2])
n2a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, dims=[1,3])
n3a = mapslices(x-> fill(1,1,6), c, dims=[2,3])
@test size(n1a) == (1,6,4) && size(n2a) == (1,3,6) && size(n3a) == (2,1,6)
@test size(n1) == (6,1,4) && size(n2) == (6,3,1) && size(n3) == (2,6,1)

# mutating functions
o = fill(1, 3, 4)
m = mapslices(x->fill!(x, 0), o, 2)
m = mapslices(x->fill!(x, 0), o, dims=2)
@test m == zeros(3, 4)
@test o == fill(1, 3, 4)

# issue #18524
m = mapslices(x->tuple(x), [1 2; 3 4], 1)
m = mapslices(x->tuple(x), [1 2; 3 4], dims=1)
@test m[1,1] == ([1,3],)
@test m[1,2] == ([2,4],)

# issue #21123
@test mapslices(nnz, sparse(1.0I, 3, 3), 1) == [1 1 1]
@test mapslices(nnz, sparse(1.0I, 3, 3), dims=1) == [1 1 1]

@testset "single multidimensional index" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ end

# mutating functions
o = fill(1, 3, 4)
m = mapslices(x->fill!(x, 0), o, 2)
m = mapslices(x->fill!(x, 0), o, dims=2)
@test m == zeros(3, 4)
@test o == fill(1, 3, 4)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1987,8 +1987,8 @@ copyto!(S, A)
@test cumsum(A, dims=1) == cumsum(B, dims=1) == cumsum(S, dims=1)
@test cumsum(A, dims=2) == cumsum(B, dims=2) == cumsum(S, dims=2)

@test mapslices(sort, A, 1) == mapslices(sort, B, 1) == mapslices(sort, S, 1)
@test mapslices(sort, A, 2) == mapslices(sort, B, 2) == mapslices(sort, S, 2)
@test mapslices(sort, A, dims=1) == mapslices(sort, B, dims=1) == mapslices(sort, S, dims=1)
@test mapslices(sort, A, dims=2) == mapslices(sort, B, dims=2) == mapslices(sort, S, dims=2)

@test reverse(A, dims=1) == reverse(B, dims=1) == reverse(S, dims=2)
@test reverse(A, dims=2) == reverse(B, dims=2) == reverse(S, dims=2)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/offsetarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ v = OffsetArray(rand(8), (-2,))
@test sort(A, dims=1) == OffsetArray(sort(parent(A), dims=1), A.offsets)
@test sort(A, dims=2) == OffsetArray(sort(parent(A), dims=2), A.offsets)

@test mapslices(sort, A, 1) == OffsetArray(mapslices(sort, parent(A), 1), A.offsets)
@test mapslices(sort, A, 2) == OffsetArray(mapslices(sort, parent(A), 2), A.offsets)
@test mapslices(sort, A, dims=1) == OffsetArray(mapslices(sort, parent(A), dims=1), A.offsets)
@test mapslices(sort, A, dims=2) == OffsetArray(mapslices(sort, parent(A), dims=2), A.offsets)

@test rotl90(A) == OffsetArray(rotl90(parent(A)), A.offsets[[2,1]])
@test rotr90(A) == OffsetArray(rotr90(parent(A)), A.offsets[[2,1]])
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/reducedim.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ using Random

function safe_mapslices(op, A, region)
newregion = intersect(region, 1:ndims(A))
return isempty(newregion) ? A : mapslices(op, A, newregion)
return isempty(newregion) ? A : mapslices(op, A, dims = newregion)
safe_sum(A::Array{T}, region) where {T} = safe_mapslices(sum, A, region)
safe_prod(A::Array{T}, region) where {T} = safe_mapslices(prod, A, region)
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