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various fixes
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* correct overflow checks
* correct broadcasting
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johnnychen94 committed Oct 3, 2020
1 parent 113201f commit 4b47f63
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 42 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1112,7 +1112,8 @@ broadcasted(::typeof(+), j::CartesianIndex{N}, I::CartesianIndices{N}) where N =
broadcasted(::typeof(-), I::CartesianIndices{N}, j::CartesianIndex{N}) where N =
CartesianIndices(map((rng, offset)->rng .- offset, I.indices, Tuple(j)))
function broadcasted(::typeof(-), j::CartesianIndex{N}, I::CartesianIndices{N}) where N
diffrange(offset, rng) = range(offset-last(rng), length=length(rng))
# TODO: 8ns overhead by adding step=step(rng)
diffrange(offset, rng) = range(offset-last(rng), length=length(rng), step=step(rng))
Iterators.reverse(CartesianIndices(map(diffrange, Tuple(j), I.indices)))

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93 changes: 68 additions & 25 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -368,38 +368,69 @@ module IteratorsMD
eltype(::Type{CartesianIndices{N,TT}}) where {N,TT} = CartesianIndex{N}
IteratorSize(::Type{<:CartesianIndices{N}}) where {N} = Base.HasShape{N}()

@inline function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices)
iterfirst, iterlast = first(iter), last(iter)
if any(map(>, iterfirst.I, iterlast.I))
@propagate_inbounds function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices)
iterfirst = first(iter)
if !all(map(in, iterfirst.I, iter.indices))
return nothing
iterfirst, iterfirst
@inline function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices, state)
@propagate_inbounds function iterate(iter::CartesianIndices, state)
valid, I = __inc(state.I, iter.indices)
valid || return nothing
return CartesianIndex(I...), CartesianIndex(I...)

# increment & carry
@inline function inc(state, indices)
@propagate_inbounds function inc(state, indices)
_, I = __inc(state, indices)
return CartesianIndex(I...)

__inc(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = false, ()
@inline function __inc(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{<:OrdinalRange})
I = state[1] + step(indices[1])
valid = I <= last(indices[1]) && typemax(Int) - step(indices[1]) >= state[1]
@propagate_inbounds function __inc(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{<:OrdinalRange})
rng = indices[1]
I = state[1] + step(rng)
valid = __isvalid_inc_range(I, rng) && __has_inc_overflow(state[1], rng)
return valid, (I, )
@inline function __inc(state, indices)
I = state[1] + step(indices[1])
if I <= last(indices[1]) && typemax(Int) - step(indices[1]) >= state[1]
@propagate_inbounds function __inc(state, indices)
rng = indices[1]
I = state[1] + step(rng)
if __isvalid_inc_range(I, rng) && __has_inc_overflow(state[1], rng)
return true, (I, tail(state)...)
valid, I = __inc(tail(state), tail(indices))
return valid, (first(indices[1]), I...)
return valid, (first(rng), I...)

@inline __isvalid_inc_range(I, rng) = __isvalid_range(I, rng)
@inline __isvalid_inc_range(I, rng::AbstractUnitRange) = I <= last(rng)

@propagate_inbounds __has_inc_overflow(I, rng) = __has_overflow(I, rng)
@inline function __has_inc_overflow(I::T, rng::AbstractUnitRange) where T
@boundscheck return I < last(rng)
return true

@inline function __isvalid_range(I, rng)
if step(rng) > 0
lo, hi = first(rng), last(rng)
elseif step(rng) < 0
lo, hi = last(rng), first(rng)
lo <= I <= hi
@inline function __has_overflow(I::T, rng) where T
@boundscheck begin
inc_step = step(rng)
if inc_step > 0 && I > typemax(T) - inc_step
return false
elseif inc_step < 0 && I < typemin(T) - inc_step
return false
return true

# 0-d cartesian ranges are special-cased to iterate once and only once
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,45 +494,57 @@ module IteratorsMD

Base.reverse(iter::CartesianIndices) = CartesianIndices(reverse.(iter.indices))

@inline function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices})
iterfirst, iterlast = last(r.itr), first(r.itr)
if any(map(<, iterfirst.I, iterlast.I))
@propagate_inbounds function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices})
iterfirst = last(r.itr)
if !all(map(in, iterfirst.I, r.itr.indices))
return nothing
iterfirst, iterfirst
@inline function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices}, state)
@propagate_inbounds function iterate(r::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices}, state)
valid, I = __dec(state.I, r.itr.indices)
valid || return nothing
return CartesianIndex(I...), CartesianIndex(I...)

# decrement & carry
@inline function dec(state, indices)
@propagate_inbounds function dec(state, indices)
_, I = __dec(state, indices)
return CartesianIndex(I...)

# decrement post check to avoid integer overflow
@inline __dec(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = false, ()
@inline function __dec(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{<:OrdinalRange})
I = state[1] - step(indices[1])
valid = I >= first(indices[1]) && typemin(Int) + step(indices[1]) <= state[1]
@propagate_inbounds __dec(::Tuple{}, ::Tuple{}) = false, ()
@propagate_inbounds function __dec(state::Tuple{Int}, indices::Tuple{<:OrdinalRange})
rng = indices[1]
I = state[1] - step(rng)
valid = __isvalid_dec_range(I, rng) && __has_dec_overflow(I, rng)
return valid, (I,)

@inline function __dec(state, indices)
I = state[1] - step(indices[1])
if I >= first(indices[1]) && typemin(Int) + step(indices[1]) <= state[1]
@propagate_inbounds function __dec(state, indices)
rng = indices[1]
I = state[1] - step(rng)
if __isvalid_dec_range(I, rng) && __has_dec_overflow(I, rng)
return true, (I, tail(state)...)
valid, I = __dec(tail(state), tail(indices))
return valid, (last(indices[1]), I...)
return valid, (last(rng), I...)

@inline __isvalid_dec_range(I, rng) = __isvalid_range(I, rng)
@inline __isvalid_dec_range(I, rng::AbstractUnitRange) = I >= first(rng)

@propagate_inbounds __has_dec_overflow(I, rng) = __has_overflow(I, rng)
@inline function __has_dec_overflow(I::T, rng::AbstractUnitRange) where T
@boundscheck return I <= last(rng)
return true

# 0-d cartesian ranges are special-cased to iterate once and only once
iterate(iter::Reverse{<:CartesianIndices{0}}, state=false) = state ? nothing : (CartesianIndex(), true)

# FIXME: A[SR] == A[Linearindices[SR]] should hold for StepRange CartesianIndices
Base.LinearIndices(inds::CartesianIndices{N,R}) where {N,R} = LinearIndices(axes(inds))

# array operations
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131 changes: 115 additions & 16 deletions test/cartesian.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,11 +130,34 @@ end
SR = CartesianIndex(first.(oinds)):CartesianIndex(step.(oinds)):CartesianIndex(last.(oinds))
@test A[oinds...] == A[SR]
@test A[SR] == A[R[SR]]
# FIXME: A[SR] == A[Linearindices[SR]] should hold for StepRange CartesianIndices
@test_broken A[SR] == A[LinearIndices[SR]]

@testset "Cartesian simd" begin
@testset "range interface" begin
for (I, i, i_next) in [
(CartesianIndices((1:2:5, )), CartesianIndex(2, ), CartesianIndex(4, )),
(1:2:5, 2, 4),
# consistant to ranges
@test !(i in I)
@test iterate(I, i) == (i_next, i_next)

for R in [
CartesianIndices((1:-1:-1, 1:2:5)),
CartesianIndices((2, 3)),
CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- CartesianIndices((1:-1:-1, 1:2:5)),
CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- CartesianIndices((2, 3)),
Rc = collect(R)
@test all(map(==, R, Rc))

@testset "Cartesian simd/broadcasting" begin
@testset "AbstractUnitRange" begin
A = rand(-5:5, 64, 64)
@test abs.(A) == map(abs, A)
Expand All @@ -156,6 +179,18 @@ end

test_simd(+, A)

R = CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(6, 7)
@test R .+ CartesianIndex(1, 2) == CartesianIndex(0, 1):CartesianIndex(7, 9)
@test R .- CartesianIndex(1, 2) == CartesianIndex(-2, -3):CartesianIndex(5, 5)
# 37867: collect is needed
@test collect(CartesianIndex(1, 2) .- R) == CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(-5, -5)

R = CartesianIndex(-1, -1):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(6, 7)
@test R .+ CartesianIndex(2, 2) == CartesianIndex(1, 1):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(8, 9)
@test R .- CartesianIndex(2, 2) == CartesianIndex(-3, -3):CartesianIndex(2, 3):CartesianIndex(4, 5)
# 37867: collect is needed
@test collect(CartesianIndex(1, 1) .- R) == CartesianIndex(2, 2):CartesianIndex(-2, -3):CartesianIndex(-4, -4)

@testset "Iterators" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -195,25 +230,89 @@ end

@testset "CartesianIndices overflow" begin
I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int),))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing
@testset "incremental" begin
I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int),))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), ))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:(typemax(Int)-1),))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int))
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int)-1, ))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int), 1:typemax(Int)))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), 1:2:typemax(Int)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1, typemax(Int)-1)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int), 1:typemax(Int)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 1)
@test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(1, 2), CartesianIndex(1,2))

I = CartesianIndices((1:2:typemax(Int), 1:2:typemax(Int)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int)-1, 1)
@test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(1, 3), CartesianIndex(1, 3))

I = CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):(typemin(Int)+3),))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices(((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+3), ))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+2)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:(typemax(Int)-1),))
i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int))
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing
@testset "decremental" begin
I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, )))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((1:typemax(Int), 1:typemax(Int)))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing
I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, )))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

i = CartesianIndex(typemax(Int), 1)
@test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(1, 2), CartesianIndex(1,2))
I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, )))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int))
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

# reverse cartesian indices
I = CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):(typemin(Int)+3),))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing
I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, )))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int))
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10)))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int))
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):typemin(Int)+10)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int)+1)
@test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)), CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)))

I = Iterators.Reverse(CartesianIndices((typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int):2:typemin(Int)+10)))
i = CartesianIndex(typemin(Int), typemin(Int)+2)
@test iterate(I, i) === (CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)), CartesianIndex(typemin(Int)+10, typemin(Int)))

I = CartesianIndices((typemax(Int):-1:typemax(Int)-10, ))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

I = CartesianIndices((typemax(Int):-2:typemax(Int)-10, ))
i = last(I)
@test iterate(I, i) === nothing

@testset "CartesianIndices iteration" begin
Expand Down

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