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Add Stateful iterator wrapper
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There are several different ways to think about this iterator wrapper:
    1. It provides a mutable wrapper around an iterator and
       its iteration state.
    2. It turns an iterator-like abstraction into a Channel-like
    3. It's an iterator that mutates to become its own rest iterator
       whenever an item is produced.

`Stateful` provides the regular iterator interface. Like other mutable iterators
(e.g. Channel), if iteration is stopped early (e.g. by a `break` in a for loop),
iteration can be resumed from the same spot by continuing to iterate over the
same iterator object (in contrast, an immutable iterator would restart from the

The motivation for this iterator came from looking at the string
code, which makes frequent use of the underlying iteration protocol
rather than higher-level wrappers, because it needs to carry state
from one loop to another.
  • Loading branch information
Keno committed Jan 26, 2018
1 parent 7d3991f commit 7ad9312
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Showing 3 changed files with 120 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions base/essentials.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -765,3 +765,6 @@ Indicate whether `x` is [`missing`](@ref).
ismissing(::Any) = false
ismissing(::Missing) = true

function popfirst! end
function peek end
98 changes: 97 additions & 1 deletion base/iterators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ import .Base:
isempty, length, size, axes, ndims,
eltype, IteratorSize, IteratorEltype,
haskey, keys, values, pairs,
getindex, setindex!, get
getindex, setindex!, get, popfirst!,

export enumerate, zip, rest, countfrom, take, drop, cycle, repeated, product, flatten, partition

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -958,4 +959,99 @@ function next(itr::PartitionIterator, state)
return resize!(v, i), state

There are several different ways to think about this iterator wrapper:
1. It provides a mutable wrapper around an iterator and
its iteration state.
2. It turns an iterator-like abstraction into a Channel-like
3. It's an iterator that mutates to become its own rest iterator
whenever an item is produced.
`Stateful` provides the regular iterator interface. Like other mutable iterators
(e.g. `Channel`), if iteration is stopped early (e.g. by a `break` in a `for` loop),
iteration can be resumed from the same spot by continuing to iterate over the
same iterator object (in contrast, an immutable iterator would restart from the
# Example:
julia> a = Iterators.Stateful("abcdef");
julia> isempty(a)
julia> popfirst!(a)
'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase)
julia> collect(Iterators.take(a, 3))
3-element Array{Char,1}:
julia> collect(a)
2-element Array{Char,1}:
julia> a = Iterators.Stateful([1,1,1,2,3,4]);
julia> for x in a; x == 1 || break; end
julia> Base.peek(a)
# Sum the remaining elements
julia> sum(a)
mutable struct Stateful{VS,T}
# A bit awkward right now, but adapted to the new iteration protocol
nextvalstate::Union{VS, Nothing}
function Stateful(itr::T) where {T}
state = start(itr)
vs = done(itr, state) ? nothing : next(itr, state)
VS = typeof(vs)
new{VS, T}(itr, vs, 0)

function Stateful{VS}(itr::T) where {VS,T}
state = start(itr)
vs = done(itr, state) ? nothing : next(itr, state)::VS
new{VS, T}(itr, vs, 0)

convert(::Type{Stateful}, itr) = Stateful(itr)
convert(::Type{Stateful{S}}, itr) where {S} = Stateful{S}(itr)

isempty(s::Stateful) = s.nextvalstate === nothing

function popfirst!(s::Stateful)
isempty(s) && throw(EOFError())
val, state = s.nextvalstate
s.nextvalstate = done(s.itr, state) ? nothing : next(s.itr, state)
s.taken += 1

peek(s::Stateful, sentinel=nothing) = s.nextvalstate !== nothing ? s.nextvalstate[1] : sentinel
start(s::Stateful) = nothing
next(s::Stateful, state) = popfirst!(s), nothing
done(s::Stateful, state) = isempty(s)
IteratorSize(::Type{Stateful{VS,T}} where VS) where {T} =
isa(IteratorSize(T), SizeUnknown) ? SizeUnknown() : HasLength()
eltype(::Type{Stateful{VS, T}} where VS) where {T} = eltype(T)
IteratorEltype(::Type{Stateful{VS,T}} where VS) where {T} = IteratorEltype(T)
length(s::Stateful) = length(s.itr) - s.taken

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/iterators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -493,3 +493,23 @@ end
@test Iterators.reverse(Iterators.reverse(t)) === t

@testset "Iterators.Stateful" begin
let a = Iterators.Stateful("abcdef")
@test !isempty(a)
@test popfirst!(a) == 'a'
@test collect(Iterators.take(a, 3)) == ['b','c','d']
@test collect(a) == ['e', 'f']
let a = Iterators.Stateful{Any}("abcdef")
@test !isempty(a)
@test popfirst!(a) == 'a'
@test collect(Iterators.take(a, 3)) == ['b','c','d']
@test collect(a) == ['e', 'f']
let a = Iterators.Stateful([1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4])
for x in a; x == 1 || break; end
@test Base.peek(a) == 3
@test sum(a) == 7

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