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RFC: Deprecate implicit scalar broadcasting in setindex! (#26347)
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The current `setindex!` function (the `A[i] = b` syntax) does three very different operations:
* Given an index `i` that refers to only one location (scalar indexing), `A[i] = b` modifies `A` in that location to hold `b`.
* Given an index `I` that refers to more than one location (non-scalar indexing), `A[I] = b` can mean one of two things:
    * If `b` is an AbstractArray (multi-value), assign the values it contains to those locations `I` in `A`. That is, essentially, `[A[i] = bᵢ for (i, bᵢ) in zip(I, b)]`.
    * If `b` is not an AbstractArray (scalar-value), then broadcast its value to every location selected by `I` in `A`.

These two different behaviors in the non-scalar indexing case basically make using this function in a generic way impossible.  If you want to _always_ set the value `b` to many indices of `A`, you _cannot_ use this syntax because `b` might happen to be an array in some cases, radically changing the meaning of the expression.  You need to manually iterate over the indices, using scalar setindex methods.  But we now also have the new `broadcast!` syntax, `A[I] .= B`, which uses the usual broadcasting semantics to determine how `B` should fill into the values of `A`.

This PR deprecates the implicit broadcasting of scalar values in non-scalar indexing in favor of an explicit `.=` broadcast syntax, leaving multi-value non-scalar indexing intact.  This is the _exact opposite_ of PR #24368.
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mbauman authored May 2, 2018
1 parent 5a062fa commit 7e2ce0e
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Showing 33 changed files with 316 additions and 246 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -697,6 +697,18 @@ Deprecated or removed
`Matrix{Int}(undef, (2, 4))`, and `Array{Float32,3}(11, 13, 17)` is now
`Array{Float32,3}(undef, 11, 13, 17)` ([#24781]).

* Previously `setindex!(A, x, I...)` (and the syntax `A[I...] = x`) supported two
different modes of operation when supplied with a set of non-scalar indices `I`
(e.g., at least one index is an `AbstractArray`) depending upon the value of `x`
on the right hand side. If `x` is an `AbstractArray`, its _contents_ are copied
elementwise into the locations in `A` selected by `I` and it must have the same
number of elements as `I` selects locations. Otherwise, if `x` is not an
`AbstractArray`, then its _value_ is implicitly broadcast to all locations to
all locations in `A` selected by `I`. This latter behavior—implicitly broadcasting
"scalar"-like values across many locations—is now deprecated in favor of explicitly
using the broadcasted assignment syntax `A[I...] .= x` or `fill!(view(A, I...), x)`

* `LinAlg.fillslots!` has been renamed `LinAlg.fillstored!` ([#25030]).

* `fill!(A::Diagonal, x)` and `fill!(A::AbstractTriangular, x)` have been deprecated
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22 changes: 14 additions & 8 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1181,8 +1181,8 @@ function get!(X::AbstractArray{T}, A::AbstractArray, I::Union{AbstractRange,Abst
# Linear indexing
ind = findall(in(1:length(A)), I)
X[ind] = A[I[ind]]
X[1:first(ind)-1] = default
X[last(ind)+1:length(X)] = default
fill!(view(X, 1:first(ind)-1), default)
fill!(view(X, last(ind)+1:length(X)), default)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1380,7 +1380,11 @@ function _cat(A, shape::NTuple{N}, catdims, X...) where N
I::NTuple{N, UnitRange{Int}} = (inds...,)
A[I...] = x
if x isa AbstractArray
A[I...] = x
fill!(view(A, I...), x)
return A
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1930,27 +1934,27 @@ function mapslices(f, A::AbstractArray, dims::AbstractVector)
ridx[d] = axes(R,d)

R[ridx...] = r1
concatenate_setindex!(R, r1, ridx...)

nidx = length(otherdims)
indices = Iterators.drop(CartesianIndices(itershape), 1)
indices = Iterators.drop(CartesianIndices(itershape), 1) # skip the first element, we already handled it
inner_mapslices!(safe_for_reuse, indices, nidx, idx, otherdims, ridx, Aslice, A, f, R)

@noinline function inner_mapslices!(safe_for_reuse, indices, nidx, idx, otherdims, ridx, Aslice, A, f, R)
if safe_for_reuse
# when f returns an array, R[ridx...] = f(Aslice) line copies elements,
# so we can reuse Aslice
for I in indices # skip the first element, we already handled it
for I in indices
replace_tuples!(nidx, idx, ridx, otherdims, I)
_unsafe_getindex!(Aslice, A, idx...)
R[ridx...] = f(Aslice)
concatenate_setindex!(R, f(Aslice), ridx...)
# we can't guarantee safety (#18524), so allocate new storage for each slice
for I in indices
replace_tuples!(nidx, idx, ridx, otherdims, I)
R[ridx...] = f(A[idx...])
concatenate_setindex!(R, f(A[idx...]), ridx...)

Expand All @@ -1963,6 +1967,8 @@ function replace_tuples!(nidx, idx, ridx, otherdims, I)

concatenate_setindex!(R, v, I...) = (R[I...] .= (v,); R)
concatenate_setindex!(R, X::AbstractArray, I...) = (R[I...] = X)

## 1 argument

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6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions base/abstractarraymath.jl
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Expand Up @@ -363,10 +363,6 @@ _rshps(shp, shp_i, sz, i, ::Tuple{}) =
_reperr(s, n, N) = throw(ArgumentError("number of " * s * " repetitions " *
"($n) cannot be less than number of dimensions of input ($N)"))

# We need special handling when repeating arrays of arrays
cat_fill!(R, X, inds) = (R[inds...] = X)
cat_fill!(R, X::AbstractArray, inds) = fill!(view(R, inds...), X)

@noinline function _repeat(A::AbstractArray, inner, outer)
shape, inner_shape = rep_shapes(A, inner, outer)

Expand All @@ -385,7 +381,7 @@ cat_fill!(R, X::AbstractArray, inds) = fill!(view(R, inds...), X)
n = inner[i]
inner_indices[i] = (1:n) .+ ((c[i] - 1) * n)
cat_fill!(R, A[c], inner_indices)
fill!(view(R, inner_indices...), A[c])

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26 changes: 0 additions & 26 deletions base/array.jl
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Expand Up @@ -706,29 +706,6 @@ function setindex! end
@eval setindex!(A::Array{T}, x, i1::Int, i2::Int, I::Int...) where {T} =
(@_inline_meta; arrayset($(Expr(:boundscheck)), A, convert(T,x)::T, i1, i2, I...))

# These are redundant with the abstract fallbacks but needed for bootstrap
function setindex!(A::Array, x, I::AbstractVector{Int})
I′ = unalias(A, I)
for i in I′
A[i] = x
return A
function setindex!(A::Array, X::AbstractArray, I::AbstractVector{Int})
@boundscheck setindex_shape_check(X, length(I))
X′ = unalias(A, X)
I′ = unalias(A, I)
count = 1
for i in I′
@inbounds x = X′[count]
A[i] = x
count += 1
return A

# Faster contiguous setindex! with copyto!
function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, I::UnitRange{Int}) where T
Expand All @@ -750,9 +727,6 @@ function setindex!(A::Array{T}, X::Array{T}, c::Colon) where T
return A

setindex!(A::Array, x::Number, ::Colon) = fill!(A, x)
setindex!(A::Array{T, N}, x::Number, ::Vararg{Colon, N}) where {T, N} = fill!(A, x)

# efficiently grow an array

_growbeg!(a::Vector, delta::Integer) =
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38 changes: 2 additions & 36 deletions base/bitarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ function gen_bitarray_from_itr(itr, st)
if ind > 1
@inbounds C[ind:bitcache_size] = false
@inbounds C[ind:bitcache_size] .= false
resize!(B, length(B) + ind - 1)
dumpbitcache(Bc, cind, C)
Expand All @@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ function fill_bitarray_from_itr!(B::BitArray, itr, st)
if ind > 1
@inbounds C[ind:bitcache_size] = false
@inbounds C[ind:bitcache_size] .= false
dumpbitcache(Bc, cind, C)
return B
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,44 +653,10 @@ end
indexoffset(i) = first(i)-1
indexoffset(::Colon) = 0

@inline function setindex!(B::BitArray, x, J0::Union{Colon,UnitRange{Int}})
I0 = to_indices(B, (J0,))[1]
@boundscheck checkbounds(B, I0)
y = Bool(x)
l0 = length(I0)
l0 == 0 && return B
f0 = indexoffset(I0)+1
fill_chunks!(B.chunks, y, f0, l0)
return B
@propagate_inbounds function setindex!(B::BitArray, X::AbstractArray, J0::Union{Colon,UnitRange{Int}})
_setindex!(IndexStyle(B), B, X, to_indices(B, (J0,))[1])

# logical indexing

# When indexing with a BitArray, we can operate whole chunks at a time for a ~100x gain
@inline function setindex!(B::BitArray, x, I::BitArray)
@boundscheck checkbounds(B, I)
_unsafe_setindex!(B, x, I)
function _unsafe_setindex!(B::BitArray, x, I::BitArray)
y = convert(Bool, x)
Bc = B.chunks
Ic = I.chunks
length(Bc) == length(Ic) || throw_boundserror(B, I)
@inbounds if y
for i = 1:length(Bc)
Bc[i] |= Ic[i]
for i = 1:length(Bc)
Bc[i] &= ~Ic[i]
return B

# Assigning an array of bools is more complicated, but we can still do some
# work on chunks by combining X and I 64 bits at a time to improve perf by ~40%
@inline function setindex!(B::BitArray, X::AbstractArray, I::BitArray)
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions base/bitset.jl
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Expand Up @@ -114,12 +114,16 @@ end
@inline function _growend0!(b::Bits, nchunks::Int)
len = length(b)
_growend!(b, nchunks)
@inbounds b[len+1:end] = CHK0 # resize! gives dirty memory
for i in len+1:length(b)
@inbounds b[i] = CHK0 # resize! gives dirty memory

@inline function _growbeg0!(b::Bits, nchunks::Int)
_growbeg!(b, nchunks)
@inbounds b[1:nchunks] = CHK0
for i in 1:nchunks
@inbounds b[i] = CHK0

function _matched_map!(f, s1::BitSet, s2::BitSet)
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35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion base/broadcast.jl
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Expand Up @@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ end
if ind > 1
@inbounds tmp[ind:bitcache_size] = false
@inbounds tmp[ind:bitcache_size] .= false
dumpbitcache(destc, cind, tmp)
return dest
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1108,6 +1108,39 @@ See [`broadcast_getindex`](@ref) for examples of the treatment of `inds`.

## In specific instances, we can broadcast masked BitArrays whole chunks at a time
# Very intentionally do not support much functionality here: scalar indexing would be O(n)
struct BitMaskedBitArray{N,M}
BitMaskedBitArray{N,M}(parent, mask) where {N,M} = new(parent, mask)
@inline function BitMaskedBitArray(parent::BitArray{N}, mask::BitArray{M}) where {N,M}
@boundscheck checkbounds(parent, mask)
BitMaskedBitArray{N,M}(parent, mask)
Base.@propagate_inbounds dotview(B::BitArray, i::BitArray) = BitMaskedBitArray(B, i), B::BitMaskedBitArray) = foreach(arg->show(io, arg), (typeof(B), (B.parent, B.mask)))
# Override materialize! to prevent the BitMaskedBitArray from escaping to an overrideable method
@inline materialize!(B::BitMaskedBitArray, bc::Broadcasted{<:Any,<:Any,typeof(identity),Tuple{Bool}}) = fill!(B, bc.args[1])
@inline materialize!(B::BitMaskedBitArray, bc::Broadcasted{<:Any}) = materialize!(SubArray(B.parent, to_indices(B.parent, (B.mask,))), bc)
function Base.fill!(B::BitMaskedBitArray, b::Bool)
Bc = B.parent.chunks
Ic = B.mask.chunks
@inbounds if b
for i = 1:length(Bc)
Bc[i] |= Ic[i]
for i = 1:length(Bc)
Bc[i] &= ~Ic[i]
return B


# x[...] .= f.(y...) ---> broadcast!(f, dotview(x, ...), y...).
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion base/char.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,7 +215,10 @@ widen(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractChar} = T
print(io::IO, c::Char) = (write(io, c); nothing)
print(io::IO, c::AbstractChar) = print(io, Char(c)) # fallback: convert to output UTF-8

const hex_chars = UInt8['0':'9';'a':'z']
const hex_chars = UInt8['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i',
'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r',
's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']

function show_invalid(io::IO, c::Char)
write(io, 0x27)
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion base/compiler/ssair/ir.jl
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Expand Up @@ -588,7 +588,9 @@ function resize!(compact::IncrementalCompact, nnewnodes)
resize!(compact.result_lines, nnewnodes)
resize!(compact.result_flags, nnewnodes)
resize!(compact.used_ssas, nnewnodes)
compact.used_ssas[(old_length+1):nnewnodes] = 0
for i in (old_length+1):nnewnodes
compact.used_ssas[i] = 0

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/compiler/ssair/slot2ssa.jl
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Expand Up @@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ function domsort_ssa!(ir::IRCode, domtree::DomTree)
old_inst_range = ir.cfg.blocks[bb].stmts
inst_range = (bb_start_off+1):(bb_start_off+length(old_inst_range))
inst_rename[old_inst_range] = Any[SSAValue(x) for x in inst_range]
for (nidx, idx) in zip(inst_range, old_inst_range)
inst_rename[idx] = SSAValue(nidx)
stmt = ir.stmts[idx]
if isa(stmt, PhiNode)
result_stmts[nidx] = rename_phinode_edges(stmt, bb, result_order, bb_rename)
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions base/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1491,6 +1491,27 @@ function slicedim(A::AbstractVector, d::Integer, i::Number)

# PR #26347: Deprecate implicit scalar broadcasting in setindex!
_axes(::Ref) = ()
_axes(x) = axes(x)
function deprecate_scalar_setindex_broadcast_message(v, I...)
value = (_axes(Base.Broadcast.broadcastable(v)) == () ? "x" : "(x,)")
"using `A[I...] = x` to implicitly broadcast `x` across many locations is deprecated. Use `A[I...] .= $value` instead."
deprecate_scalar_setindex_broadcast_message(v, ::Colon, ::Vararg{Colon}) =
"using `A[:] = x` to implicitly broadcast `x` across many locations is deprecated. Use `fill!(A, x)` instead."

function _iterable(v, I...)
depwarn(deprecate_scalar_setindex_broadcast_message(v, I...), :setindex!)
function setindex!(B::BitArray, x, I0::Union{Colon,UnitRange{Int}}, I::Union{Int,UnitRange{Int},Colon}...)
depwarn(deprecate_scalar_setindex_broadcast_message(x, I0, I...), :setindex!)
B[I0, I...] .= (x,)

# PR #26283
@deprecate contains(haystack, needle) occursin(needle, haystack)
@deprecate contains(s::AbstractString, r::Regex, offset::Integer) occursin(r, s, offset=offset)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/iobuffer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ function IOBuffer(;
maxsize=maxsize)[:] = 0
fill!(, 0)
return buf

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ function truncate(io::GenericIOBuffer, n::Integer)
if n > length(
resize!(, n)
end[io.size+1:n] = 0[io.size+1:n] .= 0
io.size = n
io.ptr = min(io.ptr, n+1)
ismarked(io) && io.mark > n && unmark(io)
Expand Down

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Executing the daily benchmark build, I will reply here when finished:

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