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mikmoore committed Dec 25, 2022
1 parent f00ac8c commit 81a0ff5
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 38 deletions.
126 changes: 88 additions & 38 deletions base/reduce.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -349,11 +349,6 @@ reduce_empty(op::MappingRF, ::Type{T}) where {T} = mapreduce_empty(op.f, op.rf,
reduce_empty(op::FilteringRF, ::Type{T}) where {T} = reduce_empty(op.rf, T)
reduce_empty(op::FlipArgs, ::Type{T}) where {T} = reduce_empty(op.f, T)

# return a function to transform a value of type `T` to be fast when the operation `op` is applied
_makefast_preproc(op, T) = identity
# reverse the transform used by makefast_preproc, restoring `x` to a value of type `T`
_makefast_postproc(op, T, x) = x

Base.mapreduce_empty(f, op, T)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,11 +411,8 @@ The default is `reduce_first(op, f(x))`.
mapreduce_first(f, op, x) = reduce_first(op, f(x))

function _mapreduce(f, op, A::AbstractArrayOrBroadcasted)
fT = _return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(A)}) # determine type of f(A[i])
preproc = _makefast_preproc(op, fT) # fetch an accelerator, if available
ffast = preproc === identity ? f : preproc f # apply accelerator, if available
rfast = _mapreduce(ffast, op, IndexStyle(A), A)
return _makefast_postproc(op, fT, rfast)
pre_f, op_fast, post = _makefast_mapreduction(f, op, A) # find an accelerator, if available
return post(_mapreduce(pre_f, op_fast, IndexStyle(A), A))

function _mapreduce(f, op, ::IndexLinear, A::AbstractArrayOrBroadcasted)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,34 +607,6 @@ julia> prod(1:5; init = 1.0)
prod(a; kw...) = mapreduce(identity, mul_prod, a; kw...)

# The idea behind the following functions is to transform `IEEEFloat` values to native `Signed` values that obey the same `min`/`max` behavior.
# Namely, the float values must match the semantics of `<` except that `-0.0 < +0.0` and `NaN` is preferred over any other value.
# In the case that both arguments are `NaN`, either value may be returned.
# If we reinterpret(Signed,::IEEEFloat), the signed-integer ordering is:
# -0.0, ... negative values in ascending magnitude ..., -Inf, -NaN, 0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf, +NaN
# The desired ordering for min is:
# NaN (unspecified sign), -Inf, ... negative values in descending magnitude ..., -0.0, +0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf
# The desired ordering for max is:
# -Inf, ... negative values in descending magnitude ..., -0.0, +0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf, NaN (unspecified sign)
# Achieving this ordering requires two steps:
# 1) flip the ordering of all values with a negative sign
# 2) circularly-shift the values so that NaNs are together at the correct end of the spectrum
# The following functions perform this transformation and reverse it.
# Under this scheme, we place a total order on every value (including NaNs), although the ordering of NaNs is an implementation detail.
for (T,S) in ((Float16, Int16), (Float32, Int32), (Float64, Int64))
topval = flipifneg(reinterpret(S, typemax(T)))
botval = flipifneg(reinterpret(S, typemin(T)))
offset_min = typemax(topval) - topval # adding this to a int-interpreted float will place typemax(T) at the top
offset_max = typemin(botval) - botval # adding this to a int-interpreted float will place typemin(T) at the bottom

@eval _makefast_preproc(op::typeof(min), ::Type{$T}) = (floatorder_min(x::$T) = flipifneg(reinterpret($S, x)) + $offset_min)
@eval _makefast_preproc(op::typeof(max), ::Type{$T}) = (floatorder_max(x::$T) = flipifneg(reinterpret($S, x)) + $offset_max)
@eval _makefast_preproc(op::typeof(_extrema_rf), ::Type{NTuple{2,$T}}) = (floatorder_extrema((x,y)::NTuple{2,$T}) = (flipifneg(reinterpret($S, x))+$offset_min, flipifneg(reinterpret($S, y))+$offset_max))
@eval _makefast_postproc(op::typeof(min), ::Type{$T}, x::$S) = reinterpret($T, flipifneg(x - $offset_min))
@eval _makefast_postproc(op::typeof(max), ::Type{$T}, x::$S) = reinterpret($T, flipifneg(x - $offset_max))
@eval _makefast_postproc(op::typeof(_extrema_rf), ::Type{NTuple{2,$T}}, (x,y)::NTuple{2,$S}) = (reinterpret($T, flipifneg(x - $offset_min)), reinterpret($T, flipifneg(x - $offset_max)))

maximum(f, itr; [init])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1337,3 +1301,89 @@ function _simple_count(::typeof(identity), x::Array{Bool}, init::T=0) where {T}
return n

Base._FastMapReduce(transform, mapfun)
Essentially a [`ComposedFunction`](@ref) but with limited functionality and
a few specialized methods so that it can initialize collections properly.
Used with `mapreduce` in some situations.
struct _FastMapReduce{A,B}
# (c::_FastMapReduce)(x...; kw...) = c.trans(c.f(x...; kw...)) # behave like trans ∘ f
(c::_FastMapReduce)(x) = c.trans(c.f(x)) # behave like trans ∘ f
mapreduce_empty(c::_FastMapReduce, op, T) = c.trans(mapreduce_empty(c.f, op, T))
mapreduce_first(c::_FastMapReduce, op, x) = c.trans(mapreduce_first(c.f, op, x))

Base._makefast_mapreduction(f, op, A) -> (pre_f, op_fast, post)
Wrapper to call `Base._makefast_reduction(op, T)`, where `T` is the return type of
`f(::eltype(A))`, and compose the resulting `pre`-function with `f` to make `pre_f`.
function _makefast_mapreduction(f, op, A)
elT = eltype(A) # try this
if elT == Any
elT = @default_eltype(A) # try again
fT = _return_type(f, Tuple{elT}) # determine type of f(A[i]), if possible
pre, op_fast, post = _makefast_reduction(op, fT) # find an accelerator, if available
return _FastMapReduce(pre, f), op_fast, post

Base._makefast_reduction(op, T) -> (pre, op_fast, post)
Define a series of functions that can be used accelerate the computation of `op(x, y)`.
Incorrect results may be produced if it does not hold that `op(x::T, y::T)` and
`post(op_fast(pre(x::T), pre(y::T)))` produce equivalent results (and further, that this
holds for arbitrary-length reductions). This can be useful if `op_fast` is much faster
than `op` after the preprocessing provided by `pre`.
The fallback return value for this method is `(identity, op, identity)`, corresponding
to no change to the processing.
_makefast_reduction(op, T) = (identity, op, identity)

# The idea behind the following functions is to transform `IEEEFloat` values to native `Signed` values that obey the same `min`/`max` behavior.
# Namely, the float values must match the semantics of `<` except that `-0.0 < +0.0` and `NaN` is preferred over any other value.
# In the case that both arguments are `NaN`, either value may be returned.
# If we reinterpret(Signed,::IEEEFloat), the signed-integer ordering is:
# -0.0, ... negative values in ascending magnitude ..., -Inf, -NaN, 0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf, +NaN
# The desired ordering for min is:
# NaN (unspecified sign), -Inf, ... negative values in descending magnitude ..., -0.0, +0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf
# The desired ordering for max is:
# -Inf, ... negative values in descending magnitude ..., -0.0, +0.0, ... positive values in ascending magnitude ..., +Inf, NaN (unspecified sign)
# Achieving this ordering requires two steps:
# 1) flip the ordering of all values with a negative sign
# 2) circularly shift the values so that NaNs are together at the correct end of the spectrum
# The following functions perform this transformation and reverse it.
# Under this scheme, we place a total order on every value (including NaNs), although the ordering of NaNs is an implementation detail.
for (T, S) in ((Float16, Int16), (Float32, Int32), (Float64, Int64))
topval = flipifneg(reinterpret(S, typemax(T)))
botval = flipifneg(reinterpret(S, typemin(T)))
offset_min = typemax(topval) - topval # adding this to a int-interpreted float will place typemax(T) at the top
offset_max = typemin(botval) - botval # adding this to a int-interpreted float will place typemin(T) at the bottom

for (op, offset) in ((min, offset_min), (max, offset_max))
@eval function _makefast_reduction(::typeof($op), ::Type{$T})
preprocess(x::$T) = reinterpret($T, flipifneg(reinterpret($S, x)) + $offset)
reduction(x::$T, y::$T) = reinterpret($T, $op(reinterpret($S, x), reinterpret($S, y)))
postprocess(x::$T) = reinterpret($T, flipifneg(reinterpret($S, x) - $offset))
return preprocess, reduction, postprocess

@eval function _makefast_reduction(::typeof(_extrema_rf), ::Type{NTuple{2,$T}}) # used for extrema
premin, reducemin, postmin = _makefast_reduction(min, $T)
premax, reducemax, postmax = _makefast_reduction(max, $T)
preprocess((x, y)::NTuple{2,$T}) = (premin(x), premax(y))
reduction((x1, y1)::NTuple{2,$T}, (x2, y2)::NTuple{2,$T}) = (reducemin(x1, x2), reducemax(y1, y2))
postprocess((x, y)::NTuple{2,$T}) = (postmin(x), postmax(y))
return preprocess, reduction, postprocess

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