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add if @generated ... else ... end inside functions to provide opti…
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use meta nodes instead of `stagedfunction` expression head
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JeffBezanson committed Oct 21, 2017
1 parent 5fa5c7e commit a8bc71a
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Showing 23 changed files with 398 additions and 243 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ New language features
* The macro call syntax `@macroname[args]` is now available and is parsed
as `@macroname([args])` ([#23519]).

* The construct `if @generated ...; else ...; end` can be used to provide both
`@generated` and normal implementations of part of a function. Surrounding code
will be common to both versions ([#23168]).

Language changes

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28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions base/boot.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -432,4 +432,32 @@ show(@nospecialize a) = show(STDOUT, a)
print(@nospecialize a...) = print(STDOUT, a...)
println(@nospecialize a...) = println(STDOUT, a...)

struct GeneratedFunctionStub

# invoke and wrap the results of @generated
function (g::GeneratedFunctionStub)(args...)
body = g.gen(args...)
if body isa CodeInfo
return body
lam = Expr(:lambda, g.argnames,
LineNumberNode(g.line, g.file),
Expr(:meta, :push_loc, g.file, Symbol("@generated body")),
Expr(:return, body),
Expr(:meta, :pop_loc))))
if g.spnames === nothing
return lam
return Expr(Symbol("with-static-parameters"), lam, g.spnames...)

ccall(:jl_set_istopmod, Void, (Any, Bool), Core, true)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/docs/Docs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ finddoc(λ, def) = false

# Predicates and helpers for `docm` expression selection:

const FUNC_HEADS = [:function, :stagedfunction, :macro, :(=)]
const FUNC_HEADS = [:function, :macro, :(=)]
const BINDING_HEADS = [:typealias, :const, :global, :(=)] # deprecation: remove `typealias` post-0.6
# For the special `:@mac` / `:(Base.@mac)` syntax for documenting a macro after definition.
isquotedmacrocall(x) =
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19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions base/expr.jl
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Expand Up @@ -332,10 +332,23 @@ function remove_linenums!(ex::Expr)
return ex

macro generated()
return Expr(:generated)

macro generated(f)
if isa(f, Expr) && (f.head === :function || is_short_function_def(f))
f.head = :stagedfunction
return Expr(:escape, f)
if isa(f, Expr) && (f.head === :function || is_short_function_def(f))
body = f.args[2]
lno = body.args[1]
return Expr(:escape,
Expr(f.head, f.args[1],
Expr(:if, Expr(:generated),
Expr(:meta, :generated_only),
Expr(:return, nothing))))))
error("invalid syntax; @generated must be used with a function definition")
Expand Down
16 changes: 11 additions & 5 deletions base/linalg/bidiag.jl
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Expand Up @@ -573,12 +573,18 @@ _valuefields(::Type{<:AbstractTriangular}) = [:data]

const SpecialArrays = Union{Diagonal,Bidiagonal,Tridiagonal,SymTridiagonal,AbstractTriangular}

@generated function fillslots!(A::SpecialArrays, x)
ex = :(xT = convert(eltype(A), x))
for field in _valuefields(A)
ex = :($ex; fill!(A.$field, xT))
function fillslots!(A::SpecialArrays, x)
xT = convert(eltype(A), x)
if @generated
$([ :(fill!(A.$field, xT)) for field in _valuefields(A) ]...)
for field in _valuefields(A)
fill!(getfield(A, field), xT)
:($ex;return A)
return A

# for historical reasons:
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12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions base/methodshow.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ function argtype_decl(env, n, sig::DataType, i::Int, nargs, isva::Bool) # -> (ar
return s, string_with_env(env, t)

function method_argnames(m::Method)
if !isdefined(m, :source) && isdefined(m, :generator)
return m.generator.argnames
argnames = Vector{Any}(m.nargs)
ccall(:jl_fill_argnames, Void, (Any, Any), m.source, argnames)
return argnames

function arg_decl_parts(m::Method)
tv = Any[]
sig = m.sig
Expand All @@ -52,8 +61,7 @@ function arg_decl_parts(m::Method)
file = m.file
line = m.line
if isdefined(m, :source) || isdefined(m, :generator)
argnames = Vector{Any}(m.nargs)
ccall(:jl_fill_argnames, Void, (Any, Any), isdefined(m, :source) ? m.source : m.generator.inferred, argnames)
argnames = method_argnames(m)
show_env = ImmutableDict{Symbol, Any}()
for t in tv
show_env = ImmutableDict(show_env, :unionall_env => t)
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52 changes: 25 additions & 27 deletions base/multidimensional.jl
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Expand Up @@ -549,14 +549,11 @@ end
@noinline throw_checksize_error(A, sz) = throw(DimensionMismatch("output array is the wrong size; expected $sz, got $(size(A))"))

## setindex! ##
@generated function _setindex!(l::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Union{Real, AbstractArray}...)
N = length(I)
@boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...)
_unsafe_setindex!(l, _maybe_reshape(l, A, I...), x, I...)
function _setindex!(l::IndexStyle, A::AbstractArray, x, I::Union{Real, AbstractArray}...)
@boundscheck checkbounds(A, I...)
_unsafe_setindex!(l, _maybe_reshape(l, A, I...), x, I...)

_iterable(v::AbstractArray) = v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -916,28 +913,29 @@ function copy!(dest::AbstractArray{T,N}, src::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {T,N}

@generated function copy!(dest::AbstractArray{T1,N},
Rsrc::CartesianRange{N}) where {T1,T2,N}
isempty(Rdest) && return dest
if size(Rdest) != size(Rsrc)
throw(ArgumentError("source and destination must have same size (got $(size(Rsrc)) and $(size(Rdest)))"))
function copy!(dest::AbstractArray{T1,N}, Rdest::CartesianRange{N},
src::AbstractArray{T2,N}, Rsrc::CartesianRange{N}) where {T1,T2,N}
isempty(Rdest) && return dest
if size(Rdest) != size(Rsrc)
throw(ArgumentError("source and destination must have same size (got $(size(Rsrc)) and $(size(Rdest)))"))
@boundscheck checkbounds(dest, first(Rdest))
@boundscheck checkbounds(dest, last(Rdest))
@boundscheck checkbounds(src, first(Rsrc))
@boundscheck checkbounds(src, last(Rsrc))
ΔI = first(Rdest) - first(Rsrc)
if @generated
@nloops $N i (n->Rsrc.indices[n]) begin
@inbounds @nref($N,dest,n->i_n+ΔI[n]) = @nref($N,src,i)
@boundscheck checkbounds(dest, first(Rdest))
@boundscheck checkbounds(dest, last(Rdest))
@boundscheck checkbounds(src, first(Rsrc))
@boundscheck checkbounds(src, last(Rsrc))
ΔI = first(Rdest) - first(Rsrc)
# TODO: restore when #9080 is fixed
# for I in Rsrc
# @inbounds dest[I+ΔI] = src[I]
@nloops $N i (n->Rsrc.indices[n]) begin
@inbounds @nref($N,dest,n->i_n+ΔI[n]) = @nref($N,src,i)
for I in Rsrc
@inbounds dest[I + ΔI] = src[I]

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions base/reflection.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -738,7 +738,8 @@ function length(mt::MethodTable)
isempty(mt::MethodTable) = (mt.defs === nothing)

uncompressed_ast(m::Method) = uncompressed_ast(m, isdefined(m, :source) ? m.source : m.generator.inferred)
uncompressed_ast(m::Method) = isdefined(m,:source) ? uncompressed_ast(m, m.source) :
error("Method is @generated; try `code_lowered` instead.")
uncompressed_ast(m::Method, s::CodeInfo) = s
uncompressed_ast(m::Method, s::Array{UInt8,1}) = ccall(:jl_uncompress_ast, Any, (Any, Any), m, s)::CodeInfo
uncompressed_ast(m::Core.MethodInstance) = uncompressed_ast(m.def)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -852,7 +853,7 @@ code_native(::IO, ::Any, ::Symbol) = error("illegal code_native call") # resolve

# give a decent error message if we try to instantiate a staged function on non-leaf types
function func_for_method_checked(m::Method, @nospecialize types)
if isdefined(m,:generator) && !isdefined(m,:source) && !_isleaftype(types)
if isdefined(m,:generator) && !_isleaftype(types)
error("cannot call @generated function `", m, "` ",
"with abstract argument types: ", types)
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32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions base/sysimg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -236,21 +236,27 @@ include("broadcast.jl")
using .Broadcast

# define the real ntuple functions
@generated function ntuple(f::F, ::Val{N}) where {F,N}
Core.typeassert(N, Int)
(N >= 0) || return :(throw($(ArgumentError(string("tuple length should be ≥0, got ", N)))))
return quote
$(Expr(:meta, :inline))
@nexprs $N i -> t_i = f(i)
@ncall $N tuple t
@inline function ntuple(f::F, ::Val{N}) where {F,N}
(N >= 0) || throw(ArgumentError(string("tuple length should be ≥0, got ", N)))
if @generated
@nexprs $N i -> t_i = f(i)
@ncall $N tuple t
Tuple(f(i) for i = 1:N)
@generated function fill_to_length(t::Tuple, val, ::Val{N}) where {N}
M = length(t.parameters)
M > N && return :(throw($(ArgumentError("input tuple of length $M, requested $N"))))
return quote
$(Expr(:meta, :inline))
(t..., $(Any[ :val for i = (M + 1):N ]...))
@inline function fill_to_length(t::Tuple, val, ::Val{N}) where {N}
M = length(t)
M > N && throw(ArgumentError("input tuple of length $M, requested $N"))
if @generated
(t..., $(fill(:val, N-length(t.parameters))...))
(t..., fill(val, N-M)...)

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67 changes: 56 additions & 11 deletions doc/src/manual/
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Expand Up @@ -1012,17 +1012,16 @@ syntax tree.
A very special macro is `@generated`, which allows you to define so-called *generated functions*.
These have the capability to generate specialized code depending on the types of their arguments
with more flexibility and/or less code than what can be achieved with multiple dispatch. While
macros work with expressions at parsing-time and cannot access the types of their inputs, a generated
macros work with expressions at parse time and cannot access the types of their inputs, a generated
function gets expanded at a time when the types of the arguments are known, but the function is
not yet compiled.

Instead of performing some calculation or action, a generated function declaration returns a quoted
expression which then forms the body for the method corresponding to the types of the arguments.
When called, the body expression is first evaluated and compiled, then the returned expression
is compiled and run. To make this efficient, the result is often cached. And to make this inferable,
only a limited subset of the language is usable. Thus, generated functions provide a flexible
framework to move work from run-time to compile-time, at the expense of greater restrictions on
the allowable constructs.
When a generated function is called, the expression it returns is compiled and then run.
To make this efficient, the result is usually cached. And to make this inferable, only a limited
subset of the language is usable. Thus, generated functions provide a flexible way to move work from
run time to compile time, at the expense of greater restrictions on allowed constructs.

When defining generated functions, there are four main differences to ordinary functions:

Expand All @@ -1038,7 +1037,7 @@ When defining generated functions, there are four main differences to ordinary f
This means they can only read global constants, and cannot have any side effects.
In other words, they must be completely pure.
Due to an implementation limitation, this also means that they currently cannot define a closure
or untyped generator.
or generator.

It's easiest to illustrate this with an example. We can declare a generated function `foo` as

Expand All @@ -1053,9 +1052,8 @@ foo (generic function with 1 method)
Note that the body returns a quoted expression, namely `:(x * x)`, rather than just the value
of `x * x`.

From the caller's perspective, they are very similar to regular functions; in fact, you don't
have to know if you're calling a regular or generated function - the syntax and result of the
call is just the same. Let's see how `foo` behaves:
From the caller's perspective, this is identical to a regular function; in fact, you don't
have to know whether you're calling a regular or generated function. Let's see how `foo` behaves:

```jldoctest generated
julia> x = foo(2); # note: output is from println() statement in the body
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1199,7 +1197,7 @@ end and at the call site; however, *don't copy them*, for the following reasons:
when, how often or how many times these side-effects will occur
* the `bar` function solves a problem that is better solved with multiple dispatch - defining `bar(x) = x`
and `bar(x::Integer) = x ^ 2` will do the same thing, but it is both simpler and faster.
* the `baz` function is pathologically insane
* the `baz` function is pathological

Note that the set of operations that should not be attempted in a generated function is unbounded,
and the runtime system can currently only detect a subset of the invalid operations. There are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1317,3 +1315,50 @@ the two tuples, multiplication and addition/subtraction. All the looping is perf
and we avoid looping during execution entirely. Thus, we only loop *once per type*, in this case
once per `N` (except in edge cases where the function is generated more than once - see disclaimer

### Optionally-generated functions

Generated functions can achieve high efficiency at run time, but come with a compile time cost:
a new function body must be generated for every combination of concrete argument types.
Typically, Julia is able to compile "generic" versions of functions that will work for any
arguments, but with generated functions this is impossible.
This means that programs making heavy use of generated functions might be impossible to
statically compile.

To solve this problem, the language provides syntax for writing normal, non-generated
alternative implementations of generated functions.
Applied to the `sub2ind` example above, it would look like this:

function sub2ind_gen(dims::NTuple{N}, I::Integer...) where N
if N != length(I)
throw(ArgumentError("Number of dimensions must match number of indices."))
if @generated
ex = :(I[$N] - 1)
for i = (N - 1):-1:1
ex = :(I[$i] - 1 + dims[$i] * $ex)
return :($ex + 1)
ind = I[N] - 1
for i = (N - 1):-1:1
ind = I[i] - 1 + dims[i]*ind
return ind + 1

Internally, this code creates two implementations of the function: a generated one where
the first block in `if @generated` is used, and a normal one where the `else` block is used.
Notice that we added an error check to the top of the function.
This code will be common to both versions, and is run-time code in both versions
(in other words, it will be quoted and returned as an expression from the generated version).
Inside the `then` part of the `if @generated` block, code has the same semantics as other
generated functions: argument names refer to types, and the code should return an expression.

In this style of definition, the code generation feature is essentially an optional
The compiler will use it if convenient, but otherwise may choose to use the normal
implementation instead.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/ast.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ jl_sym_t *meta_sym; jl_sym_t *compiler_temp_sym;
jl_sym_t *inert_sym; jl_sym_t *vararg_sym;
jl_sym_t *unused_sym; jl_sym_t *static_parameter_sym;
jl_sym_t *polly_sym; jl_sym_t *inline_sym;
jl_sym_t *propagate_inbounds_sym;
jl_sym_t *propagate_inbounds_sym; jl_sym_t *generated_sym;
jl_sym_t *generated_only_sym;
jl_sym_t *isdefined_sym; jl_sym_t *nospecialize_sym;
jl_sym_t *macrocall_sym;
jl_sym_t *hygienicscope_sym;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,6 +344,8 @@ void jl_init_frontend(void)
hygienicscope_sym = jl_symbol("hygienic-scope");
gc_preserve_begin_sym = jl_symbol("gc_preserve_begin");
gc_preserve_end_sym = jl_symbol("gc_preserve_end");
generated_sym = jl_symbol("generated");
generated_only_sym = jl_symbol("generated_only");

JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_lisp_prompt(void)
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