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Merge pull request #22720 from JuliaLang/rf/rand-BigFloat
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implement rand(::BigFloat) (close #13948)
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rfourquet authored Aug 23, 2017
2 parents 96e3a29 + c3c9507 commit ebc4ade
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Showing 6 changed files with 144 additions and 48 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -208,6 +208,8 @@ Library improvements
* Mutating versions of `randperm` and `randcycle` have been added:
`randperm!` and `randcycle!` ([#22723]).

* `BigFloat` random numbers can now be generated ([#22720]).

Compiler/Runtime improvements

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45 changes: 19 additions & 26 deletions base/random/RNGs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -45,12 +45,7 @@ RandomDevice

### generation of floats

rand(rng::RandomDevice, ::Type{Close1Open2}) =
reinterpret(Float64, 0x3ff0000000000000 | rand(rng, UInt64) & 0x000fffffffffffff)

rand(rng::RandomDevice, ::Type{CloseOpen}) = rand(rng, Close1Open2) - 1.0

@inline rand(r::RandomDevice, T::BitFloatType) = rand_generic(r, T)
@inline rand(r::RandomDevice, I::FloatInterval) = rand_generic(r, I)

## MersenneTwister
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,13 +193,13 @@ const GLOBAL_RNG = MersenneTwister(0)
#### helper functions

# precondition: !mt_empty(r)
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Close1Open2}) = mt_pop!(r)
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{CloseOpen}) =
rand_inbounds(r, Close1Open2) - 1.0
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister) = rand_inbounds(r, CloseOpen)
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister, ::Close1Open2_64) = mt_pop!(r)
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister, ::CloseOpen_64) =
rand_inbounds(r, Close1Open2()) - 1.0
@inline rand_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister) = rand_inbounds(r, CloseOpen())

@inline rand_ui52_raw_inbounds(r::MersenneTwister) =
reinterpret(UInt64, rand_inbounds(r, Close1Open2))
reinterpret(UInt64, rand_inbounds(r, Close1Open2()))
@inline rand_ui52_raw(r::MersenneTwister) = (reserve_1(r); rand_ui52_raw_inbounds(r))

@inline function rand_ui2x52_raw(r::MersenneTwister)
Expand All @@ -222,10 +217,9 @@ rand_ui23_raw(r::MersenneTwister) = rand_ui52_raw(r)

#### floats

@inline rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{I}) where {I<:FloatInterval} =
(reserve_1(r); rand_inbounds(r, I))
@inline rand(r::MersenneTwister, I::FloatInterval_64) = (reserve_1(r); rand_inbounds(r, I))

@inline rand(r::MersenneTwister, T::BitFloatType) = rand_generic(r, T)
@inline rand(r::MersenneTwister, I::FloatInterval) = rand_generic(r, I)

#### integers

Expand All @@ -251,8 +245,7 @@ rand(r::MersenneTwister, ::Type{Int128}) = reinterpret(Int128, rand(r, UInt128))
#### arrays of floats

function rand_AbstractArray_Float64!(r::MersenneTwister, A::AbstractArray{Float64},
::Type{I}=CloseOpen) where I<:FloatInterval
n=length(A), I::FloatInterval_64=CloseOpen())
# what follows is equivalent to this simple loop but more efficient:
# for i=1:n
# @inbounds A[i] = rand(r, I)
Expand All @@ -275,14 +268,14 @@ end

rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::AbstractArray{Float64}) = rand_AbstractArray_Float64!(r, A)

fill_array!(s::DSFMT_state, A::Ptr{Float64}, n::Int, ::Type{CloseOpen}) =
fill_array!(s::DSFMT_state, A::Ptr{Float64}, n::Int, ::CloseOpen_64) =
dsfmt_fill_array_close_open!(s, A, n)

fill_array!(s::DSFMT_state, A::Ptr{Float64}, n::Int, ::Type{Close1Open2}) =
fill_array!(s::DSFMT_state, A::Ptr{Float64}, n::Int, ::Close1Open2_64) =
dsfmt_fill_array_close1_open2!(s, A, n)

function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Array{Float64}, n::Int=length(A),
::Type{I}=CloseOpen) where I<:FloatInterval
# depending on the alignment of A, the data written by fill_array! may have
# to be left-shifted by up to 15 bytes (cf. unsafe_copy! below) for
# reproducibility purposes;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,12 +312,12 @@ end
(u & 0x007fffff007fffff007fffff007fffff) | 0x3f8000003f8000003f8000003f800000

function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}},
T = eltype(A)
n = length(A)
n128 = n * sizeof(T) ÷ 16
rand!(r, unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{Float64}, pointer(A)), 2*n128),
2*n128, Close1Open2)
2*n128, Close1Open2())
A128 = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{UInt128}, pointer(A)), n128)
@inbounds for i in 1:n128
u = A128[i]
Expand All @@ -347,17 +340,17 @@ function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}},

function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}},
rand!(r, A, Close1Open2)
function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}}, ::CloseOpen_64)
rand!(r, A, Close1Open2())
I32 = one(Float32)
for i in eachindex(A)
@inbounds A[i] = Float32(A[i])-I32 # faster than "A[i] -= one(T)" for T==Float16

rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}}) = rand!(r, A, CloseOpen)
rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Union{Array{Float16},Array{Float32}}) =
rand!(r, A, CloseOpen())

#### arrays of integers

Expand All @@ -368,7 +361,7 @@ function rand!(r::MersenneTwister, A::Array{UInt128}, n::Int=length(A))
Af = unsafe_wrap(Array, convert(Ptr{Float64}, pointer(A)), 2n)
i = n
while true
rand!(r, Af, 2i, Close1Open2)
rand!(r, Af, 2i, Close1Open2())
n < 5 && break
i = 0
@inbounds while n-i >= 5
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98 changes: 93 additions & 5 deletions base/random/generation.jl
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### random floats

@inline rand(r::AbstractRNG=GLOBAL_RNG) = rand(r, CloseOpen)
# CloseOpen(T) is the fallback for an AbstractFloat T
@inline rand(r::AbstractRNG=GLOBAL_RNG, ::Type{T}=Float64) where {T<:AbstractFloat} =
rand(r, CloseOpen(T))

# generic random generation function which can be used by RNG implementors
# it is not defined as a fallback rand method as this could create ambiguities
@inline rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Float64}) = rand(r, CloseOpen)

rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Float16}) =
rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::CloseOpen{Float16}) =
(rand_ui10_raw(r) % UInt32 << 13) & 0x007fe000 | 0x3f800000) - 1)

rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::Type{Float32}) =
rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::CloseOpen{Float32}) =
reinterpret(Float32, rand_ui23_raw(r) % UInt32 & 0x007fffff | 0x3f800000) - 1

rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::Close1Open2_64) =
reinterpret(Float64, 0x3ff0000000000000 | rand(r, UInt64) & 0x000fffffffffffff)

rand_generic(r::AbstractRNG, ::CloseOpen_64) = rand(r, Close1Open2()) - 1.0

#### BigFloat

const bits_in_Limb = sizeof(Limb) << 3
const Limb_high_bit = one(Limb) << (bits_in_Limb-1)

struct BigFloatRandGenerator

function BigFloatRandGenerator(prec::Int=precision(BigFloat))
nlimbs = (prec-1) ÷ bits_in_Limb + 1
limbs = Vector{Limb}(nlimbs)
shift = nlimbs * bits_in_Limb - prec
new(prec, nlimbs, limbs, shift)

function _rand(rng::AbstractRNG, gen::BigFloatRandGenerator)
z = BigFloat()
limbs = gen.limbs
rand!(rng, limbs)
@inbounds begin
limbs[1] <<= gen.shift
randbool = iszero(limbs[end] & Limb_high_bit)
limbs[end] |= Limb_high_bit
z.sign = 1
unsafe_copy!(z.d, pointer(limbs), gen.nlimbs)
(z, randbool)

function rand(rng::AbstractRNG, gen::BigFloatRandGenerator, ::Close1Open2{BigFloat})
z = _rand(rng, gen)[1]
z.exp = 1

function rand(rng::AbstractRNG, gen::BigFloatRandGenerator, ::CloseOpen{BigFloat})
z, randbool = _rand(rng, gen)
z.exp = 0
randbool &&
ccall((:mpfr_sub_d, :libmpfr), Int32,
(Ptr{BigFloat}, Ptr{BigFloat}, Cdouble, Int32),
&z, &z, 0.5, Base.MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[])

# alternative, with 1 bit less of precision
# TODO: make an API for requesting full or not-full precision
function rand(rng::AbstractRNG, gen::BigFloatRandGenerator, ::CloseOpen{BigFloat}, ::Void)
z = rand(rng, Close1Open2(BigFloat), gen)
ccall((:mpfr_sub_ui, :libmpfr), Int32, (Ptr{BigFloat}, Ptr{BigFloat}, Culong, Int32),
&z, &z, 1, Base.MPFR.ROUNDING_MODE[])

rand_generic(rng::AbstractRNG, I::FloatInterval{BigFloat}) =
rand(rng, BigFloatRandGenerator(), I)

### random integers

rand_ui10_raw(r::AbstractRNG) = rand(r, UInt16)
rand_ui23_raw(r::AbstractRNG) = rand(r, UInt32)

@inline rand_ui52_raw(r::AbstractRNG) = reinterpret(UInt64, rand(r, Close1Open2))
@inline rand_ui52_raw(r::AbstractRNG) = reinterpret(UInt64, rand(r, Close1Open2()))
@inline rand_ui52(r::AbstractRNG) = rand_ui52_raw(r) & 0x000fffffffffffff

### random complex numbers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +139,27 @@ rand( T::Type, d::Integer, dims::Integer...) = rand(T, Dims((d, d
# rand(r, ()) would match both this method and rand(r, dims::Dims)
# moreover, a call like rand(r, NotImplementedType()) would be an infinite loop

#### arrays of floats

rand!(r::AbstractRNG, A::AbstractArray, ::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat} =
rand!(r, A, CloseOpen{T}())

function rand!(r::AbstractRNG, A::AbstractArray, I::FloatInterval)
for i in eachindex(A)
@inbounds A[i] = rand(r, I)

function rand!(rng::AbstractRNG, A::AbstractArray, I::FloatInterval{BigFloat})
gen = BigFloatRandGenerator()
for i in eachindex(A)
@inbounds A[i] = rand(rng, gen, I)

rand!(A::AbstractArray, I::FloatInterval) = rand!(GLOBAL_RNG, A, I)

## Generate random integer within a range

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14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions base/random/random.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,17 @@ export srand,

abstract type AbstractRNG end

abstract type FloatInterval end
mutable struct CloseOpen <: FloatInterval end
mutable struct Close1Open2 <: FloatInterval end
abstract type FloatInterval{T<:AbstractFloat} end

struct CloseOpen{ T<:AbstractFloat} <: FloatInterval{T} end # interval [0,1)
struct Close1Open2{T<:AbstractFloat} <: FloatInterval{T} end # interval [1,2)

const FloatInterval_64 = FloatInterval{Float64}
const CloseOpen_64 = CloseOpen{Float64}
const Close1Open2_64 = Close1Open2{Float64}

CloseOpen( ::Type{T}=Float64) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = CloseOpen{T}()
Close1Open2(::Type{T}=Float64) where {T<:AbstractFloat} = Close1Open2{T}()

const BitFloatType = Union{Type{Float16},Type{Float32},Type{Float64}}

Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions doc/src/stdlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ dimension specifications `dims...` (which can be given as a tuple) to generate a

A `MersenneTwister` or `RandomDevice` RNG can generate random numbers of the following types:
[`Float16`](@ref), [`Float32`](@ref), [`Float64`](@ref), [`Bool`](@ref), [`Int8`](@ref),
[`UInt8`](@ref), [`Int16`](@ref), [`UInt16`](@ref), [`Int32`](@ref), [`UInt32`](@ref),
[`Int64`](@ref), [`UInt64`](@ref), [`Int128`](@ref), [`UInt128`](@ref), [`BigInt`](@ref)
(or complex numbers of those types). Random floating point numbers are generated uniformly
in ``[0, 1)``. As `BigInt` represents unbounded integers, the interval must be specified
(e.g. `rand(big(1:6))`).
[`Float16`](@ref), [`Float32`](@ref), [`Float64`](@ref), [`BigFloat`](@ref), [`Bool`](@ref),
[`Int8`](@ref), [`UInt8`](@ref), [`Int16`](@ref), [`UInt16`](@ref), [`Int32`](@ref),
[`UInt32`](@ref), [`Int64`](@ref), [`UInt64`](@ref), [`Int128`](@ref), [`UInt128`](@ref),
[`BigInt`](@ref) (or complex numbers of those types).
Random floating point numbers are generated uniformly in ``[0, 1)``. As `BigInt` represents
unbounded integers, the interval must be specified (e.g. `rand(big(1:6))`).

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21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions test/random.jl
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Expand Up @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ end
for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()])
ftypes = [Float16, Float32, Float64]
cftypes = [Complex32, Complex64, Complex128, ftypes...]
types = [Bool, Char, Base.BitInteger_types..., ftypes...]
types = [Bool, Char, BigFloat, Base.BitInteger_types..., ftypes...]
randset = Set(rand(Int, 20))
randdict = Dict(zip(rand(Int,10), rand(Int, 10)))
collections = [IntSet(rand(1:100, 20)) => Int,
Expand All @@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()])
Float64 => Float64,
"qwèrtï" => Char,
GenericString("qwèrtï") => Char]
functypes = Dict(rand => types, randn => cftypes, randexp => ftypes,
rand! => types, randn! => cftypes, randexp! => ftypes)

b2 = big(2)
u3 = UInt(3)
for f in [rand, randn, randexp]
Expand All @@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()])
f(rng..., 2, 3) ::Array{Float64, 2}
f(rng..., b2, u3) ::Array{Float64, 2}
f(rng..., (2, 3)) ::Array{Float64, 2}
for T in (f === rand ? types : f === randn ? cftypes : ftypes)
for T in functypes[f]
a0 = f(rng..., T) ::T
a1 = f(rng..., T, 5) ::Vector{T}
a2 = f(rng..., T, 2, 3) ::Array{T, 2}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +373,7 @@ for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()])
@test_throws ArgumentError rand(rng..., C, 5)
for f! in [rand!, randn!, randexp!]
for T in (f! === rand! ? types : f! === randn! ? cftypes : ftypes)
for T in functypes[f!]
X = T == Bool ? T[0,1] : T[0,1,2]
for A in (Array{T}(5), Array{T}(2, 3), GenericArray{T}(5), GenericArray{T}(2, 3))
f!(rng..., A) ::typeof(A)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,17 +412,19 @@ for rng in ([], [MersenneTwister(0)], [RandomDevice()])

function hist(X,n)
v = zeros(Int,n)
function hist(X, n)
v = zeros(Int, n)
for x in X
v[floor(Int,x*n)+1] += 1
v[floor(Int, x*n) + 1] += 1

# test uniform distribution of floats
for rng in [srand(MersenneTwister(0)), RandomDevice()]
for T in [Float16,Float32,Float64]
for rng in [srand(MersenneTwister(0)), RandomDevice()],
T in [Float16, Float32, Float64, BigFloat],
prec in (T == BigFloat ? [3, 53, 64, 100, 256, 1000] : [256])
setprecision(BigFloat, prec) do
# array version
counts = hist(rand(rng, T, 2000), 4)
@test minimum(counts) > 300 # should fail with proba < 1e-26
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