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Towards #12251 and #12153, reimplement all full(X) method defs. as co…
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…nvert(Array, X) and add convert(AbstractArray, X) methods for Factorizations (#17066)

* Implement convert(Matrix, SparseMatrixCSC) <- convert(Array, SparseMatrixCSC) chain, and reimplement full(SparseMatrixCSC) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, SparseMatrixCSC).

* Implement convert(Vector, AbstractSparseVector) <- convert(Array, AbstractSparseVector) chain, and reimplement full(AbstractSparseVector) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, AbstractSparseVector).

* Implement convert(Matrix, Bidiagonal) <- convert(Array, Bidiagonal) chain, and reimplement full(Bidiagonal) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, Bidiagonal).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, X) <- convert(AbstractArray, X) <- convert(Matrix, X) <- convert(Array, X) chains for Cholesky and CholeskyPivoted types, and reimplement full(X) for both types as synonymous children of convert(Array, X).

* Implement convert(Matrix, Diagonal) <- convert(Array, Diagonal) chain, and reimplement full(Diagonal) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, Diagonal).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, Eigen) <- convert(AbstractArray, Eigen) <- convert(Matrix, Eigen) <- convert(Array, Eigen) chain, and reimplement full(Eigen) as synonymous child of convert(Array, Eigen).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, Hessenberg) <- convert(AbstractArray, Hessenberg) <- convert(Matrix, Hessenberg) <- convert(Array, Hessenberg) and convert(Matrix, HessenbergQ) <- convert(Array, HessenbergQ )chains, and reimplement full(X) for both types as synonmous children of convert(Array, X).

* Implement convert(SymTridiagonal, LDLt) <- convert(AbstractMatrix, LDLt) <- convert(AbstractArray, LDLt) <- convert(Matrix, LDLt) <- convert(Array, LDLt) chain, and reimplement full(LDLt) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, LDLt).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, LQ) <- convert(AbstractArray, LQ) <- convert(Matrix, LQ) <- convert(Array, LQ) and convert(Matrix, LQPackedQ) <- convert(Array, LQPackedQ) chains, and reimplement full(X) for both types as a synonymous child of convert(Array, X).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, X) < convert(AbstractArray, X) <- convert(Matrix, X) <- convert(Array, X) chains for LU and LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}} types, and reimplement full(X) for both types as synonymous children of convert(Array, X).

* Implement convert(AbstractArray, Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) <- convert(AbstractMatrix, Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) <- convert(Matrix, Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) <- convert(Array, Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) and convert(Matrix, Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) <- convert(Array, Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) chains, and reimplement full(Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) and full(Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) as synonymous children of convert(Array, Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) and convert(Array, Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) respectively.

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, Schur) <- convert(AbstractArray, Schur) <- convert(Matrix, Schur) <- convert(Array, Schur) chain, and reimplement full(Schur) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, Schur).

* Implement convert(AbstractMatrix, SVD) <- convert(AbstractArray, SVD) <- convert(Matrix, SVD) <- convert(Array, SVD) chain, and reimplement full(SVD) as a synonymous child of convert(Array, SVD).

* Implements convert(Matrix, Symmetric) and convert(Matrix, Hermitian). Implements convert(Array, Union{Symmetric,Hermitian}) as a short child of the two preceding methods, and reimplements full(Union{Symmetric,Hermitian}) likewise.

* Implements convert(Array, AbstractTriangular) as a short child of convert(Matrix, AbstractTriangular), and reimplements full(AbstractTriangular) as a short child of convert(Array, AbstractTriangular).

* Implements convert(Array, Tridiagonal) and convert(Array, SymTridiagonal) as synonymous children of convert(Matrix, Tridiagonal) and convert(Matrix, SymTridiagonal) respectively, and reimplements full(Tridiagonal) and full(SymTridiagonal) as short children of convert(Array, Tridiagonal) and convert(Array, SymTridiagonal) respectively.
  • Loading branch information
Sacha0 authored and andreasnoack committed Jul 10, 2016
1 parent 4a84310 commit f8d67f7
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Showing 17 changed files with 179 additions and 104 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/bidiag.jl
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Expand Up @@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ function Base.replace_in_print_matrix(A::Bidiagonal,i::Integer,j::Integer,s::Abs

#Converting from Bidiagonal to dense Matrix
full{T}(M::Bidiagonal{T}) = convert(Matrix{T}, M)
function convert{T}(::Type{Matrix{T}}, A::Bidiagonal)
n = size(A, 1)
B = zeros(T, n, n)
Expand All @@ -130,6 +129,8 @@ function convert{T}(::Type{Matrix{T}}, A::Bidiagonal)
return B
convert{T}(::Type{Matrix}, A::Bidiagonal{T}) = convert(Matrix{T}, A)
convert(::Type{Array}, A::Bidiagonal) = convert(Matrix, A)
full(A::Bidiagonal) = convert(Array, A)
promote_rule{T,S}(::Type{Matrix{T}}, ::Type{Bidiagonal{S}})=Matrix{promote_type(T,S)}

#Converting from Bidiagonal to Tridiagonal
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15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions base/linalg/cholesky.jl
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Expand Up @@ -324,11 +324,20 @@ convert{T}(::Type{CholeskyPivoted{T}},C::CholeskyPivoted) =
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, C::CholeskyPivoted) = convert(CholeskyPivoted{T}, C)

full{T,S}(C::Cholesky{T,S}) = C.uplo == 'U' ? C[:U]'C[:U] : C[:L]*C[:L]'
function full(F::CholeskyPivoted)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, C::Cholesky) = C.uplo == 'U' ? C[:U]'C[:U] : C[:L]*C[:L]'
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, C::Cholesky) = convert(AbstractMatrix, C)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, C::Cholesky) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, C))
convert(::Type{Array}, C::Cholesky) = convert(Matrix, C)
full(C::Cholesky) = convert(Array, C)

function convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::CholeskyPivoted)
ip = invperm(F[:p])
return (F[:L] * F[:U])[ip,ip]
(F[:L] * F[:U])[ip,ip]
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::CholeskyPivoted) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::CholeskyPivoted) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::CholeskyPivoted) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::CholeskyPivoted) = convert(Array, F)

copy(C::Cholesky) = Cholesky(copy(C.factors), C.uplo)
copy(C::CholeskyPivoted) = CholeskyPivoted(copy(C.factors), C.uplo, C.piv, C.rank, C.tol,
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions base/linalg/diagonal.jl
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ convert{T}(::Type{Diagonal{T}}, D::Diagonal) = Diagonal{T}(convert(Vector{T}, D.
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{T}}, D::Diagonal) = convert(Diagonal{T}, D)
convert{T}(::Type{UpperTriangular}, A::Diagonal{T}) = UpperTriangular(A)
convert{T}(::Type{LowerTriangular}, A::Diagonal{T}) = LowerTriangular(A)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, D::Diagonal) = diagm(D.diag)
convert(::Type{Array}, D::Diagonal) = convert(Matrix, D)
full(D::Diagonal) = convert(Array, D)

function similar{T}(D::Diagonal, ::Type{T})
return Diagonal{T}(similar(D.diag, T))
Expand All @@ -39,8 +42,6 @@ function size(D::Diagonal,d::Integer)
return d<=2 ? length(D.diag) : 1

full(D::Diagonal) = diagm(D.diag)

@inline function getindex(D::Diagonal, i::Int, j::Int)
@boundscheck checkbounds(D, i, j)
if i == j
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/eigen.jl
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Expand Up @@ -182,5 +182,11 @@ end

eigvecs(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix) = eigvecs(eigfact(A, B))

# Conversion methods

## Can we determine the source/result is Real? This is not stored in the type Eigen
full(F::Eigen) = F.vectors * Diagonal(F.values) / F.vectors
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::Eigen) = F.vectors * Diagonal(F.values) / F.vectors
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::Eigen) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::Eigen) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::Eigen) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::Eigen) = convert(Array, F)
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions base/linalg/hessenberg.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,11 +53,14 @@ function getindex(A::HessenbergQ, i::Integer, j::Integer)

## reconstruct the original matrix
full{T<:BlasFloat}(A::HessenbergQ{T}) = LAPACK.orghr!(1, size(A.factors, 1), copy(A.factors), A.τ)
function full(F::Hessenberg)
fq = full(F[:Q])
return (fq * F[:H]) * fq'
convert{T<:BlasFloat}(::Type{Matrix}, A::HessenbergQ{T}) = LAPACK.orghr!(1, size(A.factors, 1), copy(A.factors), A.τ)
convert(::Type{Array}, A::HessenbergQ) = convert(Matrix, A)
full(A::HessenbergQ) = convert(Array, A)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::Hessenberg) = (fq = full(F[:Q]); (fq * F[:H]) * fq')
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::Hessenberg) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::Hessenberg) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::Hessenberg) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::Hessenberg) = convert(Array, F)

A_mul_B!{T<:BlasFloat}(Q::HessenbergQ{T}, X::StridedVecOrMat{T}) =
LAPACK.ormhr!('L', 'N', 1, size(Q.factors, 1), Q.factors, Q.τ, X)
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions base/linalg/ldlt.jl
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Expand Up @@ -76,11 +76,16 @@ function A_ldiv_B!{T}(S::LDLt{T,SymTridiagonal{T}}, B::AbstractVecOrMat{T})
return B

## reconstruct the original matrix, which is tridiagonal
function full(F::LDLt)
# Conversion methods
function convert(::Type{SymTridiagonal}, F::LDLt)
e = copy(
d = copy(
e .*= d[1:end-1]
d[2:end] += e .*
SymTridiagonal(d, e)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::LDLt) = convert(SymTridiagonal, F)
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::LDLt) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::LDLt) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::LDLt) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::LDLt) = convert(Array, F)
39 changes: 22 additions & 17 deletions base/linalg/lq.jl
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Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,15 @@ function lq(A::Union{Number, AbstractMatrix}; thin::Bool=true)

copy(A::LQ) = LQ(copy(A.factors), copy(A.τ))

convert{T}(::Type{LQ{T}},A::LQ) = LQ(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(Vector{T}, A.τ))
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, A::LQ) = convert(LQ{T}, A)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, A::LQ) = A[:L]*A[:Q]
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, A::LQ) = convert(AbstractMatrix, A)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, A::LQ) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, A))
convert(::Type{Array}, A::LQ) = convert(Matrix, A)
full(A::LQ) = convert(Array, A)

ctranspose{T}(A::LQ{T}) = QR{T,typeof(A.factors)}(A.factors', A.τ)

function getindex(A::LQ, d::Symbol)
Expand All @@ -73,6 +80,21 @@ getq(A::LQ) = LQPackedQ(A.factors, A.τ)

convert{T}(::Type{LQPackedQ{T}}, Q::LQPackedQ) = LQPackedQ(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, Q.factors), convert(Vector{T}, Q.τ))
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{T}}, Q::LQPackedQ) = convert(LQPackedQ{T}, Q)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, A::LQPackedQ) = LAPACK.orglq!(copy(A.factors),A.τ)
convert(::Type{Array}, A::LQPackedQ) = convert(Matrix, A)
function full{T}(A::LQPackedQ{T}; thin::Bool = true)
#= We construct the full eye here, even though it seems inefficient, because
every element in the output matrix is a function of all the elements of
the input matrix. The eye is modified by the elementary reflectors held
in A, so this is not just an indexing operation. Note that in general
explicitly constructing Q, rather than using the ldiv or mult methods,
may be a wasteful allocation. =#
if thin
convert(Array, A)
A_mul_B!(A, eye(T, size(A.factors,2), size(A.factors,1)))

size(A::LQ, dim::Integer) = size(A.factors, dim)
size(A::LQ) = size(A.factors)
Expand All @@ -88,23 +110,6 @@ end

size(A::LQPackedQ) = size(A.factors)

full(A::LQ) = A[:L]*A[:Q]
We construct the full eye here, even though it seems ineffecient, because
every element in the output matrix is a function of all the elements of
the input matrix. The eye is modified by the elementary reflectors held
in A, so this is not just an indexing operation. Note that in general
explicitly constructing Q, rather than using the ldiv or mult methods,
may be a wasteful allocation.
function full{T}(A::LQPackedQ{T}; thin::Bool=true)
if thin
A_mul_B!(A, eye(T, size(A.factors,2), size(A.factors,1)))

## Multiplication by LQ
A_mul_B!{T<:BlasFloat}(A::LQ{T}, B::StridedVecOrMat{T}) = A[:L]*LAPACK.ormlq!('L','N',A.factors,A.τ,B)
A_mul_B!{T<:BlasFloat}(A::LQ{T}, B::QR{T}) = A[:L]*LAPACK.ormlq!('L','N',A.factors,A.τ,full(B))
Expand Down
83 changes: 46 additions & 37 deletions base/linalg/lu.jl
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Expand Up @@ -329,41 +329,6 @@ function getindex{T}(F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}, d::Symbol)

function full{T}(F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}})
n = size(F, 1)

dl = copy(F.factors.dl)
d = copy(F.factors.d)
du = copy(F.factors.du)
du2 = copy(F.factors.du2)

for i = n - 1:-1:1
li = dl[i]
dl[i] = li*d[i]
d[i + 1] += li*du[i]
if i < n - 1
du[i + 1] += li*du2[i]

if F.ipiv[i] != i
tmp = dl[i]
dl[i] = d[i]
d[i] = tmp

tmp = d[i + 1]
d[i + 1] = du[i]
du[i] = tmp

if i < n - 1
tmp = du[i + 1]
du[i + 1] = du2[i]
du2[i] = tmp
return Tridiagonal(dl, d, du)

# See dgtts2.f
function A_ldiv_B!{T}(A::LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}, B::AbstractVecOrMat)
n = size(A,1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,5 +432,49 @@ end

/(B::AbstractMatrix,A::LU) = At_ldiv_Bt(A,B).'

## reconstruct the original matrix
full(F::LU) = (F[:L] * F[:U])[invperm(F[:p]),:]
# Conversions
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::LU) = (F[:L] * F[:U])[invperm(F[:p]),:]
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::LU) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::LU) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::LU) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::LU) = convert(Array, F)

function convert{T}(::Type{Tridiagonal}, F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}})
n = size(F, 1)

dl = copy(F.factors.dl)
d = copy(F.factors.d)
du = copy(F.factors.du)
du2 = copy(F.factors.du2)

for i = n - 1:-1:1
li = dl[i]
dl[i] = li*d[i]
d[i + 1] += li*du[i]
if i < n - 1
du[i + 1] += li*du2[i]

if F.ipiv[i] != i
tmp = dl[i]
dl[i] = d[i]
d[i] = tmp

tmp = d[i + 1]
d[i + 1] = du[i]
du[i] = tmp

if i < n - 1
tmp = du[i + 1]
du[i + 1] = du2[i]
du2[i] = tmp
return Tridiagonal(dl, d, du)
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}) = convert(Tridiagonal, F)
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert{T}(::Type{Matrix}, F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert{T}(::Type{Array}, F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}) = convert(Matrix, F)
full{T}(F::Base.LinAlg.LU{T,Tridiagonal{T}}) = convert(Array, F)
33 changes: 23 additions & 10 deletions base/linalg/qr.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,13 +234,23 @@ function qr!(v::AbstractVector)
__normalize!(v, nrm), nrm

convert{T}(::Type{QR{T}},A::QR) = QR(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(Vector{T}, A.τ))
# Conversions
convert{T}(::Type{QR{T}}, A::QR) = QR(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(Vector{T}, A.τ))
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, A::QR) = convert(QR{T}, A)
convert{T}(::Type{QRCompactWY{T}},A::QRCompactWY) = QRCompactWY(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.T))
convert{T}(::Type{QRCompactWY{T}}, A::QRCompactWY) = QRCompactWY(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.T))
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, A::QRCompactWY) = convert(QRCompactWY{T}, A)
convert{T}(::Type{QRPivoted{T}},A::QRPivoted) = QRPivoted(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(Vector{T}, A.τ), A.jpvt)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) = F[:Q] * F[:R]
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::Union{QR,QRCompactWY}) = convert(Array, F)
convert{T}(::Type{QRPivoted{T}}, A::QRPivoted) = QRPivoted(convert(AbstractMatrix{T}, A.factors), convert(Vector{T}, A.τ), A.jpvt)
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, A::QRPivoted) = convert(QRPivoted{T}, A)
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::QRPivoted) = (F[:Q] * F[:R])[:,invperm(F[:p])]
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::QRPivoted) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::QRPivoted) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::QRPivoted) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::QRPivoted) = convert(Array, F)

function getindex(A::QR, d::Symbol)
m, n = size(A)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,11 +293,6 @@ function getindex{T}(A::QRPivoted{T}, d::Symbol)

## reconstruct the original matrix
full(F::QR) = F[:Q] * F[:R]
full(F::QRCompactWY) = F[:Q] * F[:R]
full(F::QRPivoted) = (F[:Q] * F[:R])[:,invperm(F[:p])]

# Type-stable interface to get Q
getq(A::QRCompactWY) = QRCompactWYQ(A.factors,A.T)
getq(A::Union{QR, QRPivoted}) = QRPackedQ(A.factors,A.τ)
Expand All @@ -310,13 +315,21 @@ convert{T}(::Type{QRPackedQ{T}}, Q::QRPackedQ) = QRPackedQ(convert(AbstractMatri
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{T}}, Q::QRPackedQ) = convert(QRPackedQ{T}, Q)
convert{S}(::Type{QRCompactWYQ{S}}, Q::QRCompactWYQ) = QRCompactWYQ(convert(AbstractMatrix{S}, Q.factors), convert(AbstractMatrix{S}, Q.T))
convert{S}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{S}}, Q::QRCompactWYQ) = convert(QRCompactWYQ{S}, Q)
convert{T}(::Type{Matrix}, A::Union{QRPackedQ{T},QRCompactWYQ{T}}) = A_mul_B!(A, eye(T, size(A.factors, 1), minimum(size(A.factors))))
convert(::Type{Array}, A::Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) = convert(Matrix, A)
function full{T}(A::Union{QRPackedQ{T},QRCompactWYQ{T}}; thin::Bool = true)
if thin
convert(Array, A)
A_mul_B!(A, eye(T, size(A.factors, 1)))

size(A::Union{QR,QRCompactWY,QRPivoted}, dim::Integer) = size(A.factors, dim)
size(A::Union{QR,QRCompactWY,QRPivoted}) = size(A.factors)
size(A::Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}, dim::Integer) = 0 < dim ? (dim <= 2 ? size(A.factors, 1) : 1) : throw(BoundsError())
size(A::Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}) = size(A, 1), size(A, 2)

full{T}(A::Union{QRPackedQ{T},QRCompactWYQ{T}}; thin::Bool=true) = A_mul_B!(A, thin ? eye(T, size(A.factors,1), minimum(size(A.factors))) : eye(T, size(A.factors,1)))

function getindex(A::Union{QRPackedQ,QRCompactWYQ}, i::Integer, j::Integer)
x = zeros(eltype(A), size(A, 1))
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/schur.jl
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Expand Up @@ -206,7 +206,12 @@ function schur(A::StridedMatrix, B::StridedMatrix)
SchurF[:S], SchurF[:T], SchurF[:Q], SchurF[:Z], SchurF[:alpha], SchurF[:beta]

full(F::Schur) = (F.Z * F.T) * F.Z'
# Conversion
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::Schur) = (F.Z * F.T) * F.Z'
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::Schur) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::Schur) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::Schur) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::Schur) = convert(Array, F)

copy(F::Schur) = Schur(copy(F.T), copy(F.Z), copy(F.values))
copy(F::GeneralizedSchur) = GeneralizedSchur(copy(F.S), copy(F.T), copy(F.alpha), copy(F.beta), copy(F.Q), copy(F.Z))
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/special.jl
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ convert{T}(::Type{SymTridiagonal}, A::Diagonal{T})=SymTridiagonal(A.diag, zeros(
convert{T}(::Type{Tridiagonal}, A::Diagonal{T})=Tridiagonal(zeros(T, size(A.diag,1)-1), A.diag, zeros(T, size(A.diag,1)-1))
convert(::Type{LowerTriangular}, A::Bidiagonal) = !A.isupper ? LowerTriangular(full(A)) : throw(ArgumentError("Bidiagonal matrix must have lower off diagonal to be converted to LowerTriangular"))
convert(::Type{UpperTriangular}, A::Bidiagonal) = A.isupper ? UpperTriangular(full(A)) : throw(ArgumentError("Bidiagonal matrix must have upper off diagonal to be converted to UpperTriangular"))
convert(::Type{Matrix}, D::Diagonal) = diagm(D.diag)

function convert(::Type{UnitUpperTriangular}, A::Diagonal)
if !all(A.diag .== one(eltype(A)))
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/svd.jl
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Expand Up @@ -236,4 +236,9 @@ function svdvals{TA,TB}(A::StridedMatrix{TA}, B::StridedMatrix{TB})
return svdvals!(copy_oftype(A, S), copy_oftype(B, S))

full(F::SVD) = (F.U * Diagonal(F.S)) * F.Vt
# Conversion
convert(::Type{AbstractMatrix}, F::SVD) = (F.U * Diagonal(F.S)) * F.Vt
convert(::Type{AbstractArray}, F::SVD) = convert(AbstractMatrix, F)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, F::SVD) = convert(Array, convert(AbstractArray, F))
convert(::Type{Array}, F::SVD) = convert(Matrix, F)
full(F::SVD) = convert(Array, F)
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions base/linalg/symmetric.jl
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Expand Up @@ -80,15 +80,19 @@ function similar{T}(A::Hermitian, ::Type{T})
return Hermitian(B)

full(A::Symmetric) = copytri!(copy(, A.uplo)
full(A::Hermitian) = copytri!(copy(, A.uplo, true)
# Conversion
convert(::Type{Matrix}, A::Symmetric) = copytri!(convert(Matrix, copy(, A.uplo)
convert(::Type{Matrix}, A::Hermitian) = copytri!(convert(Matrix, copy(, A.uplo, true)
convert(::Type{Array}, A::Union{Symmetric,Hermitian}) = convert(Matrix, A)
full(A::Union{Symmetric,Hermitian}) = convert(Array, A)
parent(A::HermOrSym) =
convert{T,S<:AbstractMatrix}(::Type{Symmetric{T,S}},A::Symmetric{T,S}) = A
convert{T,S<:AbstractMatrix}(::Type{Symmetric{T,S}},A::Symmetric) = Symmetric{T,S}(convert(S,,A.uplo)
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{T}}, A::Symmetric) = Symmetric(convert(AbstractMatrix{T},, Symbol(A.uplo))
convert{T,S<:AbstractMatrix}(::Type{Hermitian{T,S}},A::Hermitian{T,S}) = A
convert{T,S<:AbstractMatrix}(::Type{Hermitian{T,S}},A::Hermitian) = Hermitian{T,S}(convert(S,,A.uplo)
convert{T}(::Type{AbstractMatrix{T}}, A::Hermitian) = Hermitian(convert(AbstractMatrix{T},, Symbol(A.uplo))

copy{T,S}(A::Symmetric{T,S}) = (B = copy(; Symmetric{T,typeof(B)}(B,A.uplo))
copy{T,S}(A::Hermitian{T,S}) = (B = copy(; Hermitian{T,typeof(B)}(B,A.uplo))
ishermitian(A::Hermitian) = true
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion base/linalg/triangular.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ imag(A::LowerTriangular) = LowerTriangular(imag(
imag(A::UnitLowerTriangular) = LowerTriangular(tril!(imag(,-1))
imag(A::UnitUpperTriangular) = UpperTriangular(triu!(imag(,1))

full(A::AbstractTriangular) = convert(Matrix, A)
convert(::Type{Array}, A::AbstractTriangular) = convert(Matrix, A)
full(A::AbstractTriangular) = convert(Array, A)
parent(A::AbstractTriangular) =

# then handle all methods that requires specific handling of upper/lower and unit diagonal
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4 comments on commit f8d67f7

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Executing the daily benchmark build, I will reply here when finished:

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Your benchmark job has completed - possible performance regressions were detected. A full report can be found here. cc @jrevels

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Executing the daily benchmark build, I will reply here when finished:

@nanosoldier runbenchmarks(ALL, isdaily = true)

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Your benchmark job has completed - possible performance regressions were detected. A full report can be found here. cc @jrevels

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