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Rename EnvHash to EnvDict
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Andy Ferris committed Oct 21, 2017
1 parent f092e8f commit f9217a7
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Showing 8 changed files with 34 additions and 29 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ Deprecated or removed
* `num` and `den` have been deprecated in favor of `numerator` and `denominator` respectively ([#19233],[#19246]).
* `delete!(ENV::EnvHash, k::AbstractString, def)` has been deprecated in favor of
* `delete!(ENV::EnvDict, k::AbstractString, def)` has been deprecated in favor of
`pop!(ENV, k, def)`. Be aware that `pop!` returns `k` or `def`, whereas `delete!`
returns `ENV` or `def` ([#18012]).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1187,6 +1187,8 @@ Deprecated or removed
* Parsing string dates from a `Dates.DateFormat` object has been deprecated as part of a
larger effort toward faster, more extensible date parsing ([#20952]).
* `EnvHash` has been renamed to `EnvDict` ([#24167]).
Command-line option changes
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion base/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ const _oldstyle_array_vcat_ = false

@deprecate write(x) write(STDOUT::IO, x)

function delete!(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString, def)
function delete!(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString, def)
depwarn("`delete!(ENV, k, def)` should be replaced with `pop!(ENV, k, def)`. Be aware that `pop!` returns `k` or `def`, while `delete!` returns `ENV` or `def`.", :delete!)
haskey(ENV,k) ? delete!(ENV,k) : def
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1913,6 +1913,9 @@ end
@deprecate float(x::AbstractString) parse(Float64, x)
@deprecate float(a::AbstractArray{<:AbstractString}) parse.(Float64, a)

# issue #24167
@deprecate EnvHash EnvDict

# END 0.7 deprecations

# BEGIN 1.0 deprecations
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44 changes: 22 additions & 22 deletions base/env.jl
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Expand Up @@ -59,42 +59,42 @@ end # os test
## ENV: hash interface ##

EnvHash() -> EnvHash
EnvDict() -> EnvDict
A singleton of this type provides a hash table interface to environment variables.
struct EnvHash <: Associative{String,String}; end
struct EnvDict <: Associative{String,String}; end

Reference to the singleton `EnvHash`, providing a dictionary interface to system environment
Reference to the singleton `EnvDict`, providing a dictionary interface to system environment
const ENV = EnvHash()
const ENV = EnvDict()

similar(::EnvHash) = Dict{String,String}()
similar(::EnvDict) = Dict{String,String}()

getindex(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString) = access_env(k->throw(KeyError(k)), k)
get(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString, def) = access_env(k->def, k)
get(f::Callable, ::EnvHash, k::AbstractString) = access_env(k->f(), k)
in(k::AbstractString, ::KeyIterator{EnvHash}) = _hasenv(k)
pop!(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString) = (v = ENV[k]; _unsetenv(k); v)
pop!(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString, def) = haskey(ENV,k) ? pop!(ENV,k) : def
delete!(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString) = (_unsetenv(k); ENV)
setindex!(::EnvHash, v, k::AbstractString) = _setenv(k,string(v))
push!(::EnvHash, k::AbstractString, v) = setindex!(ENV, v, k)
getindex(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString) = access_env(k->throw(KeyError(k)), k)
get(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString, def) = access_env(k->def, k)
get(f::Callable, ::EnvDict, k::AbstractString) = access_env(k->f(), k)
in(k::AbstractString, ::KeyIterator{EnvDict}) = _hasenv(k)
pop!(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString) = (v = ENV[k]; _unsetenv(k); v)
pop!(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString, def) = haskey(ENV,k) ? pop!(ENV,k) : def
delete!(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString) = (_unsetenv(k); ENV)
setindex!(::EnvDict, v, k::AbstractString) = _setenv(k,string(v))
push!(::EnvDict, k::AbstractString, v) = setindex!(ENV, v, k)

if Sys.iswindows()
start(hash::EnvHash) = (pos = ccall(:GetEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Ptr{UInt16},()); (pos,pos))
function done(hash::EnvHash, block::Tuple{Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}})
start(hash::EnvDict) = (pos = ccall(:GetEnvironmentStringsW,stdcall,Ptr{UInt16},()); (pos,pos))
function done(hash::EnvDict, block::Tuple{Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}})
if unsafe_load(block[1]) == 0
ccall(:FreeEnvironmentStringsW, stdcall, Int32, (Ptr{UInt16},), block[2])
return true
return false
function next(hash::EnvHash, block::Tuple{Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}})
function next(hash::EnvDict, block::Tuple{Ptr{UInt16},Ptr{UInt16}})
pos = block[1]
blk = block[2]
len = ccall(:wcslen, UInt, (Ptr{UInt16},), pos)
Expand All @@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ if Sys.iswindows()
return (Pair{String,String}(m.captures[1], m.captures[2]), (pos+(len+1)*2, blk))
else # !windows
start(::EnvHash) = 0
done(::EnvHash, i) = (ccall(:jl_environ, Any, (Int32,), i) === nothing)
start(::EnvDict) = 0
done(::EnvDict, i) = (ccall(:jl_environ, Any, (Int32,), i) === nothing)

function next(::EnvHash, i)
function next(::EnvDict, i)
env = ccall(:jl_environ, Any, (Int32,), i)
if env === nothing
Expand All @@ -126,15 +126,15 @@ else # !windows
end # os-test

#TODO: Make these more efficent
function length(::EnvHash)
function length(::EnvDict)
i = 0
for (k,v) in ENV
i += 1
return i

function show(io::IO, ::EnvHash)
function show(io::IO, ::EnvDict)
for (k,v) = ENV
println(io, "$k=$v")
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contrib/Julia_Notepad++.xml
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<Keywords name="Folders in comment, middle"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Folders in comment, close"></Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords1">true false C_NULL Inf NaN Inf32 NaN32 nothing</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords2">AbstractArray AbstractMatrix AbstractRange AbstractRemoteRef AbstractSparseMatrix AbstractString AbstractVector Any ArgumentError Array Associative BigFloat BigInt BitArray BitMatrix BitVector Bool BunchKaufman Cchar Cdouble Cfloat Char CharString CholeskyDense CholeskyPivotedDense Cint Cintmax_t Clong Clonglong Colon Complex Complex128 Complex64 ComplexPair Cptrdiff_t Cshort Csize_t Cuchar Cuint Cuintmax_t Culong Culonglong Cushort DArray Dict Dims DisconnectException EOFError EachLine EnvHash ErrorException Exception Expr Factorization Filter Float Float32 Float64 Function GSVDDense IO IOBuffer IOStream ImaginaryUnit InsertionSort Int Int128 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int8 IntSet Integer KeyError LDLTTridiagonal LUDense LUTridiagonal LoadError LocalProcess Matrix MergeSort MethodError NTuple Number ObjectIdDict ObjectIdDict OrdinalRange ParseError PipeBuffer ProcessGroup Ptr QRDense QRPivotedDense QuickSort RangeIndex Rational Real Regex RegexMatch RegexMatchIterator RepString RevString Reverse SVDDense Set Signed SparseMatrixCSC SpawnNullStream Stat StridedArray StridedMatrix StridedVecOrMat StridedVector String SubArray SubDArray SubOrDArray SubString SymTridiagonal Symbol SystemError Task TCPSocket TimSort Tridiagonal Tuple Type TypeError UInt UInt128 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt8 UVError Union UnitRange Unsigned VecOrMat Vector VersionNumber Void WeakKeyDict WeakRef Zip</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords2">AbstractArray AbstractMatrix AbstractRange AbstractRemoteRef AbstractSparseMatrix AbstractString AbstractVector Any ArgumentError Array Associative BigFloat BigInt BitArray BitMatrix BitVector Bool BunchKaufman Cchar Cdouble Cfloat Char CharString CholeskyDense CholeskyPivotedDense Cint Cintmax_t Clong Clonglong Colon Complex Complex128 Complex64 ComplexPair Cptrdiff_t Cshort Csize_t Cuchar Cuint Cuintmax_t Culong Culonglong Cushort DArray Dict Dims DisconnectException EOFError EachLine EnvDict ErrorException Exception Expr Factorization Filter Float Float32 Float64 Function GSVDDense IO IOBuffer IOStream ImaginaryUnit InsertionSort Int Int128 Int16 Int32 Int64 Int8 IntSet Integer KeyError LDLTTridiagonal LUDense LUTridiagonal LoadError LocalProcess Matrix MergeSort MethodError NTuple Number ObjectIdDict ObjectIdDict OrdinalRange ParseError PipeBuffer ProcessGroup Ptr QRDense QRPivotedDense QuickSort RangeIndex Rational Real Regex RegexMatch RegexMatchIterator RepString RevString Reverse SVDDense Set Signed SparseMatrixCSC SpawnNullStream Stat StridedArray StridedMatrix StridedVecOrMat StridedVector String SubArray SubDArray SubOrDArray SubString SymTridiagonal Symbol SystemError Task TCPSocket TimSort Tridiagonal Tuple Type TypeError UInt UInt128 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64 UInt8 UVError Union UnitRange Unsigned VecOrMat Vector VersionNumber Void WeakKeyDict WeakRef Zip</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords3">abstract begin baremodule primitive break catch ccall const continue do else elseif end export finally for function global if struct import importall let local macro module quote return try mutable typealias using while</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords4">close enumerate error info open print println read write warn</Keywords>
<Keywords name="Keywords5">print println</Keywords>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contrib/julia.lang
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contrib/julia.xml
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Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
<item> EachLine </item>
<item> Eigen </item>
<item> Enumerate </item>
<item> EnvHash </item>
<item> EnvDict </item>
<item> Exception </item>
<item> Expr </item>
<item> FileMonitor </item>
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/src/stdlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ Base.@timev
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/src/stdlib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Partially implemented by:

* [`IntSet`](@ref)
* [`Set`](@ref)
* [`EnvHash`](@ref Base.EnvHash)
* [`EnvDict`](@ref Base.EnvDict)
* [`Array`](@ref)
* [`BitArray`](@ref)

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