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Extend PE example to show a SM gate optimization
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goerz committed Sep 7, 2022
1 parent 588d9df commit 2d6dc19
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 32 deletions.
172 changes: 140 additions & 32 deletions examples/perfect_entanglers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
# # Example 2: Optimization for a perfect entangler
# # Example 2: Entangling quantum gates for coupled transmon qubits

#md # !!! tip
#md # This example is also available as a Jupyter notebook:
#md # [`perfect_entanglers.ipynb`](@__NBVIEWER_ROOT_URL__/examples/perfect_entanglers.ipynb).
#md #
#md # Compare this example against the [same example using Krotov's
#md # Compare this example against the [related example using Krotov's
#md # method](

#md # ``\gdef\Op#1{\hat{#1}}``
#md # ``\gdef\op#1{\hat{#1}}``
#md # ``\gdef\init{\text{init}}``
#md # ``\gdef\tgt{\text{tgt}}``
#md # ``\gdef\Re{\operatorname{Re}}``
#md # ``\gdef\Im{\operatorname{Im}}``

#nb # $
#nb # \newcommand{tr}[0]{\operatorname{tr}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,14 +47,25 @@

using DrWatson
@quickactivate "GRAPETests"
using QuantumControl
#jl using Test; println("")

# This example illustrates the optimization towards a perfectly entangling
# two-qubit gate for a system of two transmon qubits with a shared transmission
# line. It uses both the indirect perfect entanglers functional shown in
# Goerz et. al., Phys. Rev. A 91, 062307 (2015) and a direct maximization of
# the gate concurrence and thus demonstrates the optimization for non-analytic
# functions via the calculation of gradients with automatic differentiation.
# line. It goes through three progressively more advanced optimizations:
# 1. The direct optimization for a ``\Op{O} = \sqrt{\text{iSWAP}}`` gate with a
# standard square-modulus functional
# 2. The optimization towards a perfect entangler using the functional
# developed in Goerz et al., Phys. Rev. A 91, 062307 (2015)
# 3. The direct maximization of of the gate concurrence
# While the first example evaluates the gradient of the optimization functional
# analytically, the latter two are examples for the use of automatic
# differentiation, or more specifically semi-automatic differentiation, as
# developed in Goerz et al., arXiv:2205.15044. The optimization of the gate
# concurrence specifically illustrates the optimization of a functional that is
# inherently non-analytical.

# ## Hamiltonian and guess pulses

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,6 +156,8 @@ end

tlist, Ωre_guess, Ωim_guess = guess_pulses();


# We can visualize this:

using Plots
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,6 +194,10 @@ end

plot_complex_pulse(tlist, Ωre_guess.(tlist) + 𝕚 * Ωim_guess.(tlist))

# We now instantiate the Hamiltonian with these control fields:

H = hamiltonian(Ωre=Ωre_guess, Ωim=Ωim_guess);

# ## Logical basis for two-qubit gates

# For simplicity, we will be define the qubits in the *bare* basis, i.e.
Expand All @@ -200,18 +220,122 @@ end
function ket(label::AbstractString; N=N)
indices = [parse(Int64, digit) for digit in label]
return ket(indices...; N=N)


basis = [ket("00"), ket("01"), ket("10"), ket("11")];

# ## Defining the optimization problem
# ## Optimizing for a specific quantum gate

# We define the optimization with one objective for each of the four basis
# states:
# Our target gate is ``\Op{O} = \sqrt{\text{iSWAP}}``:

using QuantumControl
1 0 0 0
0 1/√2 𝕚/√2 0
0 𝕚/√2 1/√2 0
0 0 0 1

H = hamiltonian(Ωre=Ωre_guess, Ωim=Ωim_guess);
# For each basis state, we get a target state that results from applying the
# gate to the basis state (you can convince yourself that this equivalent
# multiplying the transpose of the above gate matrix to the vector of basis
# states):

basis_tgt = transpose(SQRTISWAP) * basis;

# The mapping from each initial (basis) state to the corresponding target state
# constitutes an "objective" for the optimization:

objectives = [
Objective(initial_state=Ψ, target_state=Ψtgt, generator=H) for
(Ψ, Ψtgt) zip(basis, basis_tgt)

# We can analyze how all of the basis states evolve under the guess controls in
# one go:

using QuantumControl: propagate_objectives

guess_states = propagate_objectives(objectives, tlist; use_threads=true);

# The gate implemented by the guess controls is

U_guess = [basis[i] guess_states[j] for i = 1:4, j = 1:4];

# We will optimize these objectives with a square-modulus functional

using QuantumControl.Functionals: J_T_sm

# The initial value of the functional is

J_T_sm(guess_states, objectives)

# which is the gate error

1 - (abs(tr(U_guess' * SQRTISWAP)) / 4)^2

# Now, we define the full optimization problems on top of the list of
# objectives, and with the optimization functional:

problem = ControlProblem(
check_convergence=res -> begin
(res.J_T > res.J_T_prev) &&
(res.converged = true) &&
(res.message = "Loss of monotonic convergence")
((res.J_T <= 1e-3) && (res.converged = true) && (res.message = "J_T < 10⁻³"))


opt_result, file =
@optimize_or_load(datadir(), problem; method=:GRAPE, filename="GATE_OCT.jld2");

# We extract the optimized control field from the optimization result and plot
# it

Ω_opt = opt_result.optimized_controls[1] + 𝕚 * opt_result.optimized_controls[2]

plot_complex_pulse(tlist, Ω_opt)

# We then propagate the optimized control field to analyze the resulting
# quantum gate:

opt_states = propagate_objectives(
Ωre_guess => opt_result.optimized_controls[1],
Ωim_guess => opt_result.optimized_controls[2]

# The resulting gate is

U_opt = [basis[i] opt_states[j] for i = 1:4, j = 1:4];

# and we can verify the resulting fidelity

(abs(tr(U_opt' * SQRTISWAP)) / 4)^2

# ## Optimizing for a general perfect entangler

# We define the optimization with one objective for each of the four basis
# states:

objectives = [MinimalObjective(; initial_state=Ψ, generator=H) for Ψ basis];

Expand All @@ -225,7 +349,7 @@ objectives = [MinimalObjective(; initial_state=Ψ, generator=H) for Ψ ∈ basis
# the Weyl chamber. Since the logical subspace defining the qubit is embedded
# in the larger Hilbert space of the transmon, there may be loss of population
# from the logical subspace. To counter this possibility in the optimization,
# we add a unitarity measure to $D_PE$. The two terms are added with equal
# we add a unitarity measure to $D_{PE}$. The two terms are added with equal
# weight.

using QuantumControl.WeylChamber: D_PE, gate_concurrence, unitarity
Expand All @@ -241,11 +365,6 @@ J_T_PE = gate_functional(D_PE; unitarity_weight=0.5);
# We can check that for the guess pulse, we are not implementing a perfect
# entangler

using QuantumControl: propagate_objectives

guess_states = propagate_objectives(objectives, tlist; use_threads=true);

U_guess = [basis[i] guess_states[j] for i = 1:4, j = 1:4]


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,25 +416,15 @@ J_T_PE(guess_states, objectives)
#jl @test 0.4 < J_T_PE(guess_states, objectives) < 0.5
#jl @test 0.5 * D_PE(U_guess) + 0.5 * (1-unitarity(U_guess)) ≈ J_T_PE(guess_states, objectives) atol=1e-15

# ## Optimization

# Now, we formulate the full control problem

problem = ControlProblem(
Ωre_guess => Dict(
:lambda_a => 10.0,
:update_shape => t -> flattop(t, T=400ns, t_rise=15ns, func=:blackman),
Ωim_guess => Dict(
:lambda_a => 10.0,
:update_shape => t -> flattop(t, T=400ns, t_rise=15ns, func=:blackman),
check_convergence=res -> begin
(res.J_T > res.J_T_prev) &&
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,8 +480,6 @@ opt_result, file =

# ## Optimization result

# We extract the optimized control field from the optimization result and plot
# it

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -458,6 +565,7 @@ opt_result_direct, file = @optimize_or_load(
Expand Down

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