This script will convert caltech annotations into yolo format
You first need to extract .seq files into images and annotations into text files using either
- evaluation tool from and extract seq into images directory using dbExtract.m
- with python
next use convert_caltech_annos_to_yolo script to convert annotations into yolo format by providing
parser.add_argument('-images_root', default = 'F:\dataset\CaltechPedestrians\\train_images', # This dir name I cannot change cuz it will cause confusion
help='path to root of the images dir\n', )
parser.add_argument('-annos_root', default = 'F:\dataset\CaltechPedestrians\\txt_annotations',
help='path to root of the annotations dir ')
parser.add_argument('-yolo_annos_root', default = 'F:\\dataset\\CaltechPedestrians\\fullBB-sample\\train_labels',
help='path to root of simple annotations dir')
parser.add_argument('-filelist', default = 'F:\\dataset\\CaltechPedestrians\\fullBB-sample\\filelist_train.txt',
help='name of the file that contain paths to images.')