中文版简介: https://www.jianshu.com/p/f59a74a1dc95
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
JUNFlex is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'JUNFlex'
#import <JUNFlex/JUNFlex.h>
into your project.- JUNFlex provides six widgets to help you build interfaces quickly.
is an horizontal layout, all of the UIViews wrapped by it are laid out in x-axis direction.JUNFlex.hstack .children(@[ aLabel, aButton, aSwitch, ... ]);
is a vertical layout, similar to Hstack, all of its components are laid out in y-axis direction.JUNFlex.vstack .width(100) // Yes, you can set some properties here. .height(200) .children(@[ aLabel, aButton, aSwitch, ... ]);
is a stack layout where all of its components are stacked in the z-axis direction.JUNFlex.zstack .size(80, 80) .align(-1, -1) // This makes all contents in stack lean to the left top corner. .children(@[ aLabel, aButton, aSwitch, ... ]);
is used to wrap a UIView, you can use it to specify the insets, as well as implicitly constraining its content by setting the wrapper's size.JUNFlex.padding .left(20).right(20) // This makes edge insets. .size(80, 80) // Constrain its content implicitly. .radius(30) .maskBounds(true) .color(UIColor.orangeColor) // Color and radius, you can even use it to wrap and decorate a view! .child( aView );
is a nice tool in JUNFlex that allows you to quickly create many types of views, from UIImageView to UILabel and even UIButton.JUNFlex.vstack .children(@[ JUNFlex.item // This makes a UIImageView .size(80, 80) .image(@"http:///path/to/image") .radius(30), JUNFlex.hstack // Yes, you can nest stacks in stacks. .children(@[ JUNFlex.item // This makes item responds to ui events. .text(@"Hello World!!!", [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20], UIColor.blueColor) .onTap(self, @selector(buttonOnTap)), UISwitch.new, [self createAnyView], ... ]), ... ]);
is an encapsulation of JUNCollectionView that you can use to create either a horizontal or vertical scrollable list or a flowlayout.JUNFlex.list .horizontal(true) .size(535, 1000) .itemSize(80, 80) .alwaysBounce(true) .showIndicator(true) .count(100, ^id (NSUInteger i) { // There are four other builders, such as forEach loop builder... return JUNFlex.vstack .children(@[ JUNFlex.item .size(80, 80) .image(@"aBundleImageName") .radius(30), JUNFlex.hstack .children(@[ JUNFlex.item .text(@"hello", [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20], UIColor.blueColor) .onTap(self, @selector(buttonOnTap)), UISwitch.new, ]), JUNFlex.item .width(120) .text(@"world", [UIFont systemFontOfSize:20], UIColor.blueColor) .color(UIColor.greenColor), ]); });
- You can register and query the identifier of views.
[self.view addSubview: JUNFlex.item .ID(@"anyIdentifier") .color(UIColor.orangeColor) .size(100, 100) .EOB // Must call 'End Of Build' when you use JUNItem without a stack or padding wrapper. ]; self.view.jun_query0(@"anyIdentifier"); // Query first matched view.
- JUNFlex also has the ability to separate ui from code via json.
- First, create a file named
, Here's an example.
{ "type" : "hstack", "id" : "hello", "border" : { "width" : 10, "color" : "orange", }, "radius" : "12.5", "align" : { "main" : "min", "cross" : "max", }, "children" : [ { "size" : { "width" : 100, "height" : 200, }, "align" : { "main" : "min", "cross" : "center", }, "color" : "red", "text" : { "string" : "hello", "font" : { "name" : "PingFang SC", "size" : 18, }, "color" : "pink", }, "image" : "test-image.jpg", }, { "width" : 100, "height" : 200, "text" : "world", "color" : "green", }, { "size" : { "width" : 100, }, "height" : 200, "color" : "blue", }, ], }
- Then just need to specify the json file in your controller.
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.jun_layout(@"demo.json"); }
- First, create a file named
- Nice
Jun Ma, maxinchun5@gmail.com
JUNFlex is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.