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Go collector SSL/TLS support for Junos 17.2X (Mutual Authentication)

We’ll generate self-signed Root CA certificate to sign client and router certificates. First of all, on your Linux machine, create three empty directories named CA, router, and client to hold certificates, keys, certificate signing requests etc.

Self-Signed Root CA

Generate CA key

openssl genrsa -out CA/RootCA.key 2048

Generate self-signed CA cert (CN=Self Signed Root CA)

openssl req -x509 -new -key CA/RootCA.key -days 3650 -out CA/RootCA.crt

Note: This command will prompt you many times to get answers. You can ignore most of them by pressing enter except one. For below question enter

Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: Self Signed Root CA

Generate Client certificates (signed by SS Root CA)

Client Cert signed by our Root cert Generate client key

openssl genrsa -out client/client.key 2048 

Generate client CSR (CN=localhost)

openssl req -new -key client/client.key -out client/client.csr

Generate a client cert signed by our CA

openssl x509 -req -in client/client.csr -CA CA/RootCA.crt -CAkey CA/RootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out client/client.crt -days 365

Copy CA/RootCA.crt or client/client.crt to /var/tmp in router

Generate Router certificates (signed by SS Root CA)

Generate router key

openssl genrsa -out router/router.key 2048 

Generate router CSR (CN=172x)

openssl req -new -key router/router.key -out router/router.csr

Note: 172x is host name of my vmx. You can choose your device's host name. This is important as later in JSON file we have to specify exact same name that we use here.

Generate a router cert signed by our SS Root CA

openssl x509 -req -in router/router.csr -CA CA/RootCA.crt -CAkey CA/RootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out router/router.crt -days 365

Generate pem file for router cert

cat router/router.crt router/router.key > router/router.pem

Copy router.pem to /var/tmp in router

Junos changes

You will have following files in /var/tmp

root@172x:/var/tmp # ls -ltra
-rw-r--r--   1 regress  wheel        1310 Jul 24 21:23 RootCA.crt <<<< Self signed Root CA
-rw-r--r--   1 regress  wheel        1176 Jul 24 21:23 client.crt <<<< client certificate
-rw-r--r--   1 regress  wheel        2851 Jul 24 21:26 router.pem <<<< router private key + certificate

Enter config mode and run following in below order.

set security pki ca-profile ca1 ca-identity caid1
set security certificates local lcert load-key-file /var/tmp/router.pem
run request security pki ca-certificate load ca-profile ca1 filename /var/tmp/RootCA.crt
set system services extension-service request-response grpc ssl port 50051
set system services extension-service request-response grpc ssl local-certificate lcert
set system services extension-service request-response grpc ssl mutual-authentication certificate-authority ca1
set system services extension-service request-response grpc ssl mutual-authentication client-certificate-request require-certificate-and-verify

Collector JSON file

Use following (replace values as your need) JSON file on the server side to start collector.

    "host": "IP-of-Router",
    "port": 50051,
    "user": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "cid": "cid-2",
    "tls" : {
        "clientcrt" : "172x/test-cert/client/client.crt",
        "clientkey" : "172x/test-cert/client/client.key",
        "ca" : "172x/test-cert/CA/RootCA.crt",
        "servername" : "172x"
    "paths": [{
        "path": "/interfaces",
        "freq": 2000
    }, {
        "path": "/bgp",
        "freq": 2000
    }, {
        "path": "/components",
        "freq": 2000

Note: In case if you want to test only server-side certification authentication then remove clientcrt and clientkey from the above JSON file. In case if you want to do clear-test tests then remove the entire “tls” section from the above JSON file.

Go collector user authentication support for Junos 17.2X

In 17.2X, Junos has a feature using which collector will pass username and password using gRPC metadata instead of Lego API LoginCheck(). To tell the collector to use metadata is controlled by following entry in JSON file.

"meta" : true | false

true means use metadata and false means use existing LoginCheck(). The default is Meta false.


Go version 1.15 onwards, certs require SAN. To generate certs with SAN, follow the sample procedure 'docs/howto-certs-san/x.509-certs-with-san'. You can see the Makefile that generates certs with SAN. Please update values ca/ca.cnf, client/client.cnf, and router/router.cnf as you see fit.

$ make read-router-crt | grep -A 1 Subject
        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Sunnyvale, OU=Engineering, CN=router
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:router,, DNS:*