Somewhat Comprehensively Accurate Monikers
Mostly a comparator/backup repo. This is partially serious, partially joking, completely offensive.
Download newest release/pre-release.
Delete localization.blk to reset vanilla files.
Relaunch warthunder (aces.exe) to download Gaijin's latest csv files.
Replace Gaijin's csv files with extracted csv files. Not all files are needed, pick and choose whichever one you want:
- _online
- console -> handicap; add colors to icons in kill feed
- menu
- bail out -> j out; 'merican English, server rename; armor multiplier
- menu_events
- assault -> ass salt
- missions_hints
- hides "Press F1 for help with the controls", etc
- missions_versus
- assault -> ass salt, etc
- ui
- removes useless warnings; add skill issue
- units
- no more vague or confusing names, homogenize within each tree
- units_modifications
- homogenize engine and modification names
- units_weaponry
- homogenize weapon names, distinguishes bombs/rockets, round types, bombs in kg
- controls
- hides "no fuel tanks" or some other equipment if not mounted
- _online
Relaunch Warthunder to make sure changes have been applied.
- Enable custom localization in game options.
- Relaunch warthunder (aces.exe) to download Gaijin's latest csv files.
- Download newest release/pre-release.
- Replace Gaijin's csv files with extracted csv files.
- Relaunch Warthunder to make sure changes have been applied.
- Disable custom localization in game options.
- Delete lang folder and all its contents.