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Exam #1: "CMSmall"

Student: s317002 GIAMBRONE SIMONE

React Client Application Routes

  • Route /: FrontOffice page
  • Route /backoffice: BackOffice page
  • Route /login: Login Page
  • Route /pages/:id: Page that shows details about a single page, :id is the Page ID
  • Route /pages/create: Page that lets any authenticated user create a page
  • Route /pages/edit/:id: Page that lets a user edit a page, :id is the Page ID

API Server


  • POST /api/login
    • Request body : {username: "emailToLogin", password:"passwordToLogin"}
    • Response body : { id:, email:, username: user.username, role: user.role }
  • GET /api/session:
    • Response body :
    • If the request is authenticated: { id:, email:, username: user.username, role: user.role }
    • If the request is not authenticated: { error: "Unauthenticated user!" }
  • DELETE /api/logout: Performs logout


  • GET /api/pages/all: Needs authentication and returns an array with all the pages in the DB
  • GET /api/pages/all/published: Doesn't need authentication and returns an array with all the pages created earlier than today or today in the DB.
  • GET /api/pages/:id: Needs authentication and returns the page with id == :id
  • GET /api/authors/all: Needs authentication and returns an array with all the possible authors(All the saved users) in the DB
  • POST /api/pages/create: Needs authentication, lets an authenticated user create a new page. Returns the id of the created page
  • DELETE /api/pages/:id: Needs authentication, deletes the page with id == :id
  • PUT /api/pages/:id: Needs authentication, updates the page with id == :id


  • GET /api/title: Doesn't need authentication, returns the website title saved in the DB
  • PUT /api/title: Needs admin privileges, updates the website title in the DB
  • GET /api/images/all: Doesn't need authentication, returns the names of the static images saved in /public/images

Database Tables

  • Table users: (id, email, username, salt, password, role)
  • Table pages: (id, title, author, creation_date, publication_date)
  • Table blocks: (id, page_id, type, content, position)
  • Table site: (id, title)

Main React Components

  • HeaderComponent.jsx: Header that is present on every page of the site, contains the website title, the button to update it, the buttons to navigate to FrontOffice and BackOffice, the Login/Logout button and the a greeting message for the logged in user.
  • LoginForm.jsx : Login form that is rendered in the LoginPage page, handles the login logic, sets the user and redirects to "/" upon successful login.
  • PageComponent.jsx : Component that renders all the properties of a page, displayed on the SinglePage page.
  • PageCreationForm.jsx: Form that handles all the logic necessary to create a page, displayed on the CreationPage page.
  • PageEditForm.jsx: Form that handles all the logic necessary to edit a page, displayed on the EditPage page. Similar to PageCreationForm
  • PageGrid.jsx: Component that renders a grid of pages, used in the FrontOffice and BackOffice pages to display all the pages informations. Also contains filtering logic based on the publication date of a page and on its author.
  • SinglePageButtons.jsx: Component that renders the Edit and Delete buttons on the SinglePage page.
  • StrictModeDroppable.jsx: Component that makes the Droppable import usable with React.StrictMode enabled.


Front Office while unauthenticated


Back Office view as admin


Single Page view as admin/page author


Edit Page view as Admin


Users Credentials

  • 2pageAuthor => ( , test)
  • 0pageAuthor => ( , test)
  • normalUser => (, test)
  • adminUser => (, test)


Repository for the web applications 1 exam.







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