RaspberryPi3 Steamlink WoW3.3.5 with PS4 Controller
First of all, I like gaming and have no idea about setting up or programming real programs. But since i started this Project I realised how difficult some things were - me being a IT Noob. So I want to share my experience with those who maybe want to set up a similar Project like this one.
Aim was to set up a RaspberryPi 3b+ as a Steamlink device to stream Games to my living room TV. It should be Controlled by a PS4 Controller (or any controller of your choice)
Project is still unfinished but I'm pretty satisfied with where I am now, updates will follow
-Raspberry Pi 3b+
-Debian Buster (Debian 10) is required since Bullseye (Debian 11) doesent bring the needed DirectX support for Steamlink, Buster Desktop Version is required
-Power Control Board for Rasp Pi for save shutdown sequenze (this is a user friendly way IMO to avoid SD-Card Corruption, but totaly optional for function, Shutdownscript/Manual comes with the hardware)
-Controller of your choice e.g. PS4, XboxOne, PS5 etc. (For comfort I can Recommend buying a original PS4 dongle, Bluetooth pairing is also possible from what I wrote but maybe a bit unreliable/complicated)
Setting up the RaspPi 3b+ 1gb for Steamlink:
apt-get update & upgrade
installing xrdp Remote Desktop (ftp also if needed)
sudo apt-get install xrdp
sudo systemctl status xrdp
apt install steamlink
adding steamlink to autostart
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
added line
increasing gpu_mem to avoid Steamlink Error
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
added line
(optional:) since I use my WiFi and had bandwidth problems, shutting down power-managment kind of fixed it
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
added Line
iwconfig wlan0 power off
avoiding errors on boot in case steamlink boots before connection to network has been made, disable HDMI Blanking
sudo raspi-config
-> advanced -> wait for lan on boot -> enable
-> display options -> disable HDMI Blanking
After configuring the Pi you can go ahead and pair Controller to your Rasp and Steamlink to Steam running on your Windows PC
For Non-Steam Games you can set up a link into the Library. In this Case WoW 3.3.5
For Autologin I wrote a primitive Script, feel free to change it as you like
Accountname needs to be your account name,
accountpassword your password,
Path to wow is the wow.exe file location (.e.g. C:\Programs\World of Warcraft 3.3.5a\WoW.exe)
in AutoIt you need to set ("") without " script wont work
Autologin ()
Func Autologin ()
WinWaitActive ("World")
now the script needs to be compiled into a .exe file to be executeable for steam right click and compile it to .exe
insert to steam library via games-> add non steam game and select the .exe you made
keybindings I assigned via Steam Controller interface instead of DS4 since it doesent work with steamlink (idk how)
for my controller I used this guide:
better download this CameraKeys than the one mentioned in the guide since its not compatible with 3.3.5
Enjoy Playing streamed via Rasp Streamlink with your controller on your couch :)
If you have any suggestions/issues/improvements feel free to comment!