Angular query string services module
npm i angular-qs
In your modules setter, have your module depend upon qsServices
angular.module('myApp', ['qsServices']);
, is injectable into your modules config block, currently only allows setting delimiter.qs
, the injectable query string parser and 'stringifier' service. qs.stringify uses $httpParamSerializer.locationSearch
, service replacement for $ (which it defaults to if HTML5Mode is enabled), uses $ if available and a custom href parser if neededqueryString
, filter for handling the use of query string parameters in angular templates
- qs.parse should parse a URI and return the parameters
- queryString filter should have an option to decode/encode parameters
- locationSearch should be a 'drop-in' replacement for $ for fallbacks when not in html5Mode (this should allow the ability to decorate $location with the custom search if desired)
- Provide details on each method
- locationSearch mimic $ and work well as a decorator replacement for $location.search0.1.5
- jsdoc