Vapor Provider for S3SignerAWS
Generates V4 authorization headers and pre-signed URLs for authenticating AWS S3 REST API requests
- Supports
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 3)
- Add
file to your Config/secrets folder.
The vapor-S3Signer.json
file should contain your access key, secret key, and the region of your bucket. You can also include a temporary token for EC2 instance which is optional.
"accessKey": "someKey",
"secretKey": "someSecretKey",
"region": "someRegionName",
"securityToken": "someTempToken"
Here are the names for each region:
- Canada (Central) =
- US East 1 Virginia =
- US East 2 Ohio =
- US West 1 =
- US West 2 =
- EU West 1 =
- EU West 2 =
- EU Central 1 =
- AP South 1 =
- AP Southeast 1 =
- AP Southeast 2 =
- AP Northeast 1 =
- AP Northeast 2 =
- SA East 1 =
Note: Check for a detailed explanation on usage and capabilities.
VaporS3Signer makes it extremely easy to generate V4 auth headers and pre-signed URLs by adding an extension to Droplet
- All required headers for the request are created automatically, with the option to add more for individual use cases.
drop.get("getS3TestImage") { req in
let urlString = "https://" +"S3bucketname/users/\(someUserId)")
guard let headers = try drop.s3Signer?.authHeaderV4(
httpMethod: .get,
urlString: urlString,
headers: [:],
payload: .none) else { throw Abort.serverError }
let vaporHeaders = headers.vaporHeaders
let resp = try self.drop.client.get(urlString, headers: vaporHeaders, query: [:])
}"users/image") { req in
let urlString = "https://" +"S3bucketname/users/\(someUserId)")
guard let payload = req.body.bytes,
let headers = try self.drop.s3Signer?.authHeaderV4(
httpMethod: .put,
urlString: urlString,
headers: [:],
payload: Payload.bytes(payload)) else { throw Abort.serverError }
let vaporHeaders = headers.vaporHeaders
let resp = try self.drop.client.put(
urlString, headers:
vaporHeaders, query: [:],
body: Body(payload))
let urlString = "https://" +"S3bucketname/users/\(someUserId)")
guard let presignedURLString = try drop.s3Signer?.presignedURLV4(
httpMethod: .get,
urlString: urlString,
expiration: TimeFromNow.oneHour,
headers: [:]) else { throw Abort.serverError }
let resp = try self.drop.client.get(
headers: [:],
query: [:])
let urlString = "https://" +"S3bucketname/users/\(someUserId)")
guard let payload = req.body.bytes,
let preSignedURLString = try self.drop.s3Signer?.presignedURLV4(
httpMethod: .put,
urlString: urlString,
expiration: .thirtyMinutes,
headers: [:]) else { throw Abort.badReqest }
let resp = try self.drop.client.put(
headers: [:],
query: [:],
body: Body(payload))
has three default lengths,30 minutes, 1 hour, and 3 hours
. There is also a custom option which takesSeconds
:typealias for Int