SubtleBlazor is in development. The API may change without warning and I may find security issues that necessitate changes. Use at your own risk.
SubtleBlazor is a Blazor wrapper around a subset of the features of the Subtle Crypto javascript API.
It currently supports a limited number of scenarios:
- Blazor WebAssembly in .Net 6+
- Key derivation: PBKDF2 with SHA-256
- Encryption: AES-GCM mode
- Decryption: AES-GCM mode
If you'd like additional scenarios supported, feel free to submit a PR.
Install the SubtleBlazor nuget package
Modify your startup file to include the following
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
await builder.Build().RunAsync();
- Inject SubtleBlazorService into your pages
public SubtleBlazorService _crypto { get; set; }
See the SubtleBlazor.ExampleApp project for more.
JWK result = await _crypto.DeriveKeyAsync(_pass, "1234567890");
string jwk = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result);
Derive a key from the given derivation material (a password, whatever) and some salt.
Returns a JWK object, which is a .Net wrapper around a limited feature set of the JWK standard.
EncryptionResult result = await _crypto.EncryptAsync(jwk, _plaintext);
_ciphertext = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result);
Accepts a JWK object and the string plaintext. Returns an EncryptionResult, which includes the ciphertext and randomly-generated IV.
EncryptionResult ciphertext = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<EncryptionResult>(_ciphertext);
DecryptionResult decryptionResult = await _crypto.DecryptAsync(jwk, ciphertext.IV, ciphertext.CipherText);
Accepts a JWK object, an IV, and ciphertext. Returns a DecryptionResult, which includes the resulting plaintext.