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Kotlin CoAP encoder/decoder that provides basic support for:



ByteArrays of encoded CoAP messages can be created from Message objects (either Message.Udp or Message.Tcp depending on the desired encoding).

To encode a Message as a CoAP UDP ByteArray:

import com.juul.koap.Message.Udp
import com.juul.koap.encode

val message = Message.Udp(/* ... */)
val encoded = message.encode()

Similarly, to encode a Message as a CoAP TCP ByteArray:

import com.juul.koap.Message.Tcp
import com.juul.koap.encode

val message = Message.Tcp(/* ... */)
val encoded = message.encode()

Javascript Encoding Example

Encode a Message as a CoAP TCP ByteArray:

import kotlin from 'kotlin'
import koapModule from '@juullabs/koap'

const koap =

let method = koap.Message.Code.Method.GET
let token = new kotlin.Long(66)
let emptyPayload = new Uint8Array()
let optionsArray = [
    new koap.Message.Option.UriPath('info'),
    new koap.Message.Option.UriQuery('batt')
let optionsList = new kotlin.kotlin.collections.ArrayList(optionsArray)

let message = new koap.Message.Tcp(
let encoded = koap.encode(message)


Encoded CoAP messages (in the form of ByteArrays) can be decoded to Message objects (either Message.Udp or Message.Tcp, depending on the encoding).

To decode a ByteArray containing a message encoded as CoAP UDP:

import com.juul.koap.Message.Udp
import com.juul.koap.decode

val encoded: ByteArray // Encoded message that adheres to RFC 7252.
val message = encoded.decode<Udp>()

Similarly, to decode a ByteArray encoded as a CoAP TCP message:

import com.juul.koap.Message.Tcp
import com.juul.koap.decode

val encoded: ByteArray // Encoded message that adheres to RFC 8323.
val message = encoded.decode<Tcp>()


If it's desirable to examine the header prior to decoding the entire encoded CoAP message, then ByteArray.decodeUdpHeader or ByteArray.decodeTcpHeader extension functions are available. The remaining encoded CoAP message can then be decoded by passing the header to the ByteArray.decode extension function, for example:

val encoded: ByteArray // Encoded message that adheres to RFC 7252.
val header = encoded.decodeUdpHeader()

// Examine header and determine that message should be decoded:
val message = encoded.decode(header)

Javascript Decoding Example

Decode a ByteArray as a CoAP TCP Message:

import kotlin from 'kotlin'
import koapModule from '@juullabs/koap'

const koap =

let encoded = new Uint8Array(/* ...message data... */)
let message = koap.decodeTcp(encoded)



val message = Message.Udp(
    type = Confirmable,
    code = GET,
    id = 0xFEED,
    token = 0xCAFE,
    options = listOf(
    payload = byteArrayOf()

Encoding the above Message will produce the following encoded data:

42 01 FE ED CA FE B7 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65

Encoded messages adhere to the format described in Figure 7: Message Format of RFC 7252:

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|Ver| T |  TKL  |      Code     |          Message ID           |
|   Token (if any, TKL bytes) ...
|   Options (if any) ...
|1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|    Payload (if any) ...
Field(s) Hex Description
Ver, T, TKL 42 4 = Version: 1, Type: 0 (Confirmable)
2 = Token Length: 2
Code 01 Code: 0.01 (GET)
Message ID FE ED
Token CA FE
Option delta/length B7 B = Delta option: 11 (Uri-Path)
7 = Delta length: 7
Option value 65 78 61 6D 70 6C 65 "example"


Assuming an encoded message consists of the following CoAP UDP encoded data:

42 01 FE ED CA FE B5 2F 74 65 73 74 FF 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 55 44 50 21
Field(s) Hex Description
Ver, T, TKL 42 4 = Version: 1, Type: 0 (Confirmable)
2 = Token Length: 2
Code 01 Code: 0.01 (GET)
Message ID FE ED
Token CA FE
Option delta/length B5 B = Delta option: 11 (Uri-Path)
5 = Delta length: 5
Option value 2F 74 65 73 74 "/test"
Payload marker FF Signifies the end of Options and beginning of payload.
Payload 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 55 44 50 21 "Hello UDP!"

The above encoded UDP message can be decoded to a Message.Udp via ByteArray.decode extension function:

val message = encoded.decode<Udp>()

The resulting Message will be equivalent to:

    type = Confirmable,
    code = GET,
    id = 0xFEED,
    token = 0xCAFE,
    options = listOf(
    payload = "Hello UDP!".toByteArray()



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