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added akamai media decryptor
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fixes #38, fixes #55
  • Loading branch information
K-S-V committed Sep 9, 2015
1 parent ca7772e commit 605e334
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 3 deletions.
168 changes: 165 additions & 3 deletions AdobeHDS.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
define('AUDIO', 0x08);
define('VIDEO', 0x09);
define('AKAMAI_ENC_AUDIO', 0x0A);
define('AKAMAI_ENC_VIDEO', 0x0B);
define('SCRIPT_DATA', 0x12);
define('FRAME_TYPE_INFO', 0x05);
define('CODEC_ID_AVC', 0x07);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,6 +351,135 @@ function error($error)

class AkamaiDecryptor
var $ecmID, $ecmTimestamp, $ecmVersion, $kdfVersion, $dccAccReserved, $prevEcmID;
var $aes_cbc, $debug, $decryptBytes, $decryptorTest, $sessionKey, $sessionKeyUrl, $packetIV, $packetKey, $packetSalt, $saltAesKey;

function __construct()
$this->aes_cbc = mcrypt_module_open('rijndael-128', '', 'cbc', '');
$this->debug = false;
$this->decryptorTest = false;
$this->sessionKey = "";
$this->sessionKeyUrl = "";

function InitDecryptor()
$this->dccAccReserved = null;
$this->decryptBytes = 0;
$this->ecmID = null;
$this->ecmTimestamp = null;
$this->ecmVersion = null;
$this->kdfVersion = null;
$this->packetIV = null;
$this->prevEcmID = null;
$this->saltAesKey = null;

function KDF()
$debug = $this->debug;
if ($this->decryptorTest)
$debug = false;

// KDF constants
$hmacKey = unhexlify("3b27bdc9e00fd5995d60a1ee0aa057a9f1416ed085b21762110f1c2204ddf80ec8caab003070fd43baafdde27aeb3194ece5c1adff406a51185eb5dd7300c058");
$hmacData1 = unhexlify("d1ba6371c56ce6b498f1718228b0aa112f24a47bcad757a1d0b3f4c2b8bd637cb8080d9c8e7855b36a85722a60552a6c00");
$hmacData2 = unhexlify("d1ba6371c56ce6b498f1718228b0aa112f24a47bcad757a1d0b3f4c2b8bd637cb8080d9c8e7855b36a85722a60552a6c01");

// Decrypt packet salt
if ($this->ecmID !== $this->prevEcmID)
$saltHmacKey = hash_hmac("sha1", $this->sessionKey . $this->packetIV, $hmacKey, true);
LogDebug("SaltHmacKey : " . hexlify($saltHmacKey), $debug);
$this->saltAesKey = substr(hash_hmac("sha1", $hmacData1, $saltHmacKey, true), 0, 16);
LogDebug("SaltAesKey : " . hexlify($this->saltAesKey), $debug);
$this->prevEcmID = $this->ecmID;
mcrypt_generic_init($this->aes_cbc, $this->saltAesKey, $this->packetIV);
LogDebug("EncryptedSalt: " . hexlify($this->packetSalt), $debug);
$decryptedSalt = mdecrypt_generic($this->aes_cbc, $this->packetSalt);
LogDebug("DecryptedSalt: " . hexlify($decryptedSalt), $debug);
$this->decryptBytes = ReadInt32($decryptedSalt, 0);
LogDebug("DecryptBytes : " . $this->decryptBytes, $debug);
$decryptedSalt = substr($decryptedSalt, 4, 16);
LogDebug("DecryptedSalt: " . hexlify($decryptedSalt), $debug);

// Generate final packet decryption key
$finalHmacKey = hash_hmac("sha1", $decryptedSalt, $hmacKey, true);
LogDebug("FinalHmacKey : " . hexlify($finalHmacKey), $debug);
$this->packetKey = substr(hash_hmac("sha1", $hmacData2, $finalHmacKey, true), 0, 16);
LogDebug("PacketKey : " . hexlify($this->packetKey), $debug);

function Decrypt($data, $pos)
$debug = $this->debug;
if ($this->decryptorTest)
$debug = false;
LogDebug("\n----- Akamai Decryption Start -----", $debug);

// Parse packet header
$byte = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
$this->ecmVersion = $byte >> 4;
if ($this->ecmVersion != 11)
$this->ecmVersion = $byte;
$this->ecmID = ReadInt32($data, $pos);
$this->ecmTimestamp = ReadInt32($data, $pos + 4);
$this->kdfVersion = ReadInt16($data, $pos + 8);
$pos += 10;
$this->dccAccReserved = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
LogDebug("ECM Version : " . $this->ecmVersion . ", ECM ID: " . $this->ecmID . ", ECM Timestamp: " . $this->ecmTimestamp . ", KDF Version: " . $this->kdfVersion . ", DccAccReserved: " . $this->dccAccReserved, $debug);
LogDebug("SessionKey : " . hexlify($this->sessionKey), $debug);
$byte = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
$iv = (($byte & 2) > 0) ? true : false;
$key = (($byte & 4) > 0) ? true : false;
if ($iv)
$this->packetIV = substr($data, $pos, 16);
$pos += 16;
LogDebug("PacketIV : " . hexlify($this->packetIV), $debug);
if ($key)
$this->sessionKeyUrl = ReadString($data, $pos);
LogDebug("SessionKeyUrl: " . $this->sessionKeyUrl, $debug);
$reserved = ReadByte($data, $pos++);
$this->packetSalt = substr($data, $pos, 32);
$pos += 32;
$reservedBlock1 = substr($data, $pos, 20);
$reservedBlock2 = substr($data, $pos + 20, 20);
$pos += 40;
LogDebug("ReservedByte : " . $reserved . ", ReservedBlock1: " . hexlify($reservedBlock1) . ", ReservedBlock2: " . hexlify($reservedBlock2), $debug);

// Generate packet decryption key

// Decrypt packet data
$encryptedData = substr($data, $pos);
LogDebug("EncryptedData: " . hexlify(substr($encryptedData, 0, 64)), $debug);
$lastBlockData = substr($encryptedData, $this->decryptBytes);
$encryptedData = substr($encryptedData, 0, $this->decryptBytes);
$decryptedData = "";
if ($this->decryptBytes > 0)
mcrypt_generic_init($this->aes_cbc, $this->packetKey, $this->packetIV);
$decryptedData = mdecrypt_generic($this->aes_cbc, $encryptedData);
$decryptedData .= $lastBlockData;
LogDebug("DecryptedData: " . hexlify(substr($decryptedData, 0, 64)), $debug);

LogDebug("----- Akamai Decryption End -----\n", $debug);
return $decryptedData;

class F4F
var $audio, $auth, $baseFilename, $baseTS, $bootstrapUrl, $baseUrl, $debug, $decoderTest, $duration, $fileCount, $filesize, $fixWindow;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1054,6 +1185,7 @@ function VerifyFragment(&$frag)

function DecodeFragment($frag, $fragNum, $opt = array())
$ad = null;
$cc = null;
$flvFile = null;
$flvWrite = true;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1085,6 +1217,11 @@ function DecodeFragment($frag, $fragNum, $opt = array())
$fragPos += $boxSize;

// Initialize akamai decryptor
$ad->debug = $this->debug;
$ad->decryptorTest = $this->decoderTest;

LogDebug(sprintf("\nFragment %d:\n" . $this->format . "%-16s", $fragNum, "Type", "CurrentTS", "PreviousTS", "Size", "Position"), $debug);
while ($fragPos < $fragLen)
Expand All @@ -1098,6 +1235,28 @@ function DecodeFragment($frag, $fragNum, $opt = array())
$tagHeader = substr($frag, $fragPos, $this->tagHeaderLen);
$tagData = substr($frag, $fragPos + $this->tagHeaderLen, $packetSize);

// Remove Akamai encryption
if (($packetType == AKAMAI_ENC_AUDIO) or ($packetType == AKAMAI_ENC_VIDEO))
// Download key file if required
if (($ad->sessionKey == "") and ($ad->sessionKeyUrl != ""))
$keyUrl = substr($ad->sessionKeyUrl, strrpos($ad->sessionKeyUrl, '/'));
$this->sessionID = "_" . substr($keyUrl, strlen("/key_"));
$keyUrl = JoinUrl($this->baseUrl, $keyUrl) . $this->media['queryString'];
if ($cc->get($keyUrl) != 200)
LogError("Failed to download akamai decryption key");
$ad->sessionKey = $cc->response;
LogInfo("SessionKey: " . hexlify($ad->sessionKey), $debug);

$tagData = $ad->Decrypt($tagData, 0, $debug);
$packetType = ($packetType == AKAMAI_ENC_AUDIO ? AUDIO : VIDEO);
$packetSize = strlen($tagData);
WriteByte($tagHeader, 0, $packetType);
WriteInt24($tagHeader, 1, $packetSize);

// Try to fix the odd timestamps and make them zero based
$currentTS = $packetTS;
$lastTS = $this->prevVideoTS >= $this->prevAudioTS ? $this->prevVideoTS : $this->prevAudioTS;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1311,9 +1470,7 @@ function DecodeFragment($frag, $fragNum, $opt = array())
if (($packetType == 10) or ($packetType == 11))
LogError("This stream is encrypted with Akamai DRM. Decryption of such streams isn't currently possible with this script.", 2);
else if (($packetType == 40) or ($packetType == 41))
if (($packetType == 40) or ($packetType == 41))
LogError("This stream is encrypted with FlashAccess DRM. Decryption of such streams isn't currently possible with this script.", 2);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1812,6 +1969,7 @@ function value_in_array_field($needle, $needle_field, $value_field, $haystack, $
'update' => 'update the script to current git version'
1 => array(
'adkey' => 'akamai session decryption key',
'auth' => 'authentication string for fragment requests',
'duration' => 'stop recording after specified number of seconds',
'filesize' => 'split output file in chunks of specified size (MB)',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1862,6 +2020,7 @@ function value_in_array_field($needle, $needle_field, $value_field, $haystack, $

// Initialize classes
$cc = new cURL();
$ad = new AkamaiDecryptor();
$f4f = new F4F();

$f4f->baseFilename =& $baseFilename;
Expand All @@ -1887,6 +2046,8 @@ function value_in_array_field($needle, $needle_field, $value_field, $haystack, $
$rename = $cli->getParam('rename');
if ($cli->getParam('update'))
$update = true;
if ($cli->getParam('adkey'))
$ad->sessionKey = unhexlify($cli->getParam('adkey'));
if ($cli->getParam('auth'))
$f4f->auth = '?' . $cli->getParam('auth');
if ($cli->getParam('duration'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1973,6 +2134,7 @@ function value_in_array_field($needle, $needle_field, $value_field, $haystack, $

// Download fragments when manifest is available
$opt = array(
'ad' => $ad,
'cc' => $cc,
'duration' => 0,
'filesize' => $filesize,
Expand Down

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