An allergy-friendly restaurant locator for NYC
As a person with many many food allergies myself, I have always struggled to find trustworthy and credible restaurants that I was sure could accommodate my dietary restrictions. I also grew up with an older brother who happens to have a very serious peanut allergy, and there have been many instances where he had to be hospitalized after a waiter/restaurant did not prepare his food properly. For this reason, me and my family are always very hesitant to go out to eat- which is very unfortunate. If only there was an application/service that would help you find restaurants in your area that were CREDIBILY KNOWN to be able to handle your specific allergy professionally... enter Chewsy! ;)
Built with: React Native, Ruby on Rails, React Native Elements, Heroku, and Postgres
-Users can create an account, sign in, and logout
-Users can toggle between creating an account or logging in on landing page
-Users can view all restaurants on the home page
-Users can click on a restaurant card to view more information about said restaurant
-Users can sort restaurants by whichever allergy they choose (peanut, treenut, gluten, wheat, egg, dairy)
-Users can "favorite" a restaurant and add it to their favorites page
-Users can toggle between the home page and their favorites page
Frontend => type "expo start" into the command line
Backend => deployed via Heroku at:
"", "", & ""
Deployed via Heroku, the API data users, restaurants, and favorites can be found by appending those words onto the end of "" to view
- Create an Account
- View All Restaurants via scrolling
- Click on a Restaurant to view location, bio, and allergies accommodated by that restaurant
- Using the picker at the top of the page, scroll through to sort the homepage restaurants by whichever allergy you choose
- Click on the Favorite button to "Favorite" a restaurant and have it saved to your favorite restaurants page
- You may toggle between the home page and the favorites page via the icon buttons in the top right corner
- By clicking on the icon button in the top left corner a user may logout
Sole Owner/Contributor: Kyle Conlon