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EPICS device support acting as an OPC UA client


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EPICS Device Support for Open62541 (OPC UA)

This EPICS device support allows for integrating process variables provided by OPC UA servers into an EPICS IOC. The implementation is backed by the Open62541 library ( which provided the low-level implementation of the OPC UA protocol.

The Open62541 library is distributed with this device support in the form of the single-file distribution. Consequently, the files open62541.c and open62541.h are distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License version 2.0.


  • Connect to multiple OPC UA servers.
  • Automatic reconnection handling.
  • Read and write OPC UA process variables.
  • Monitor OPC UA process variables for changes (subscriptions / monitored items).
  • Support for signed and encrypted connections (when compiled with encryption support).

Missing features:

  • Support for arrays of strings (only scalar strings are supported).
  • Bi-directional process variables (output records are initialized once on startup, but do not receive updates when the variable changes on the server).
  • Monitoring nodes at a sampling rate that is higher than the publishing interval (using queueing).
  • Using server-provided time-stamps when monitoring nodes.


In order to build this device support, one might have to create the file configure/RELEASE.local and set EPICS_BASE to the correct path. Depending on the used compiler, one might also have to change the compiler flags so that the compiler expects C 11 and C++ 11 source code. This can be done by creating a file called configure/CONFIG_SITE.local and setting USR_CFLAGS and USR_CXXFLAGS in this file. An example can be found in configure/EXAMPLE_CONFIG_SITE.local.

If you want to enable encryption support, you need one of the three supported cryptographic libraries (LibreSSL, mbed TLS, or OpenSSL). You can choose the library by setting either USE_LIBRESSL, USE_MBEDTLS, or USE_OPENSSL to YES in configure/CONFIG_SITE.local. If the library is not installed in one of the standard locations where the compiler and linker will find it, you might also have to specify LIBRESSL_INCLUDE and LIBRESSL_LIB, MBEDTLS_INCLUDE and MBEDTLS_LIB, or OPENSSL_INCLUDE and OPENSSL_LIB.


In order to use this device support in an EPICS IOC, one has to add its install path to the configure/RELEASE file of the IOC (e.g. OPEN62541 = /path/to/epics/modules/open62541) and add a dependency on the library and DBD file to the IOCs Makefile (e.g. xxx_DBD += open62541.dbd and xxx_LIBS += open62541).

Connecting to a server

In the IOC's st.cmd, one can connect to an OPC UA server using the following command:

open62541ConnectionSetup("C0", "opc.tcp://", "username", "password");

If the OPC UA server does not require authentication, an empty string should be passed for the username and password. In this example, C0 is the identifier for the connection. This identifier is used when referring to a connection from the EPICS

The open62541ConnectionSetup command will establish a connection that is neither signed nor encrypted. If you need such a connection, please refer to the section called “Using encryption” later in this document.

Configuring records

The device support works with the aai, aao, ai, ao, bi, bo, int64in, int64out, longin, longout, lsi, lso, mbbi, mbbo, mbbiDirect, mbboDirect, stringin, and stringout records. It is used by setting DTYP to open62541.

Input records can be polled or they can be monitored through a subscription. When SCAN is set to I/O Intr, a monitored item for the specified node is registered with a subscription, so that the server periodically send updates (according to the configured sampling and publishing interval). Otherwise, the server is polled for a new value each time the record is processed.

In general, using monitored items and subscriptions is more efficient than polling (at least if many records share the same subscription), so it should be the preferred way of monitoring nodes for changes.

The address in the INP or OUT field has the form

@<connection identifier> [(<options>)] <node ID> [<data type>] 

where <connection identifier> is the ID that was specified when creating the connection (the ID must not contain whitespace or parentheses), [(options)] is an optional options string, <node ID> is the identifier of the node on the server, and [<data type>] is the optional data type.

The options string is optional. If specified, it has to be enclosed in parentheses. If more than one option is specified, the options are separated by commas. At the moment, the following options are supported:

  • conversion_mode=<mode>: Only supported for the ai and ao record. If specified, <mode> must be convert or direct. In convert mode, the device support writes to the record's RVAL field so that conversions apply. In direct mode, the device support writes to the records's VAL field so that conversions are bypassed. If the conversion mode is not specified, it depends on the OPC UA data-type. The Boolean, Byte, SByte, UInt16, Int16, and Int32 types default to convert, while the UInt32, UInt64, Int64, Float and Double types default to direct.
  • no_read_on_init: Only supported for output records. If specified, the record's value is not initialized by reading the current value from the server.
  • sampling_interval: Only supported for input records that are operated in I/O Intr mode. In this case, this option specifies the sampling interval for the respective OPC UA node in milliseconds (how often the OPC UA server will check the node's value for changes). Updates are still only received according to the publishing interval of the associated subscription and the server is free to choose a different sampling interval if it does not support the requested one. If not specified (or if NaN is specified), the sampling interval is set to be the same as the publishing interval of the associated subscription, which ususally makes sense.
  • subscription: Only supported for input records that are operated in I/O Intr mode. In this case, this option specifies the name of the subscription that is used when registering the monitored item with the OPC UA server. The configuration options for subscriptions can be set through IOC shell commands. If the name of the subscription is not specified explicitly, the subscription with the name default is used.

The node ID identifies the process variable on the server. There are three ways how a node ID can be specified: string, numeric, and GUID. In most applications, string-based IDs are used.

A string identifier has the form str:<namespace index>,<string ID>, where <namespace index> is a number identifying the namespace of the node ID and <string ID> is the node's name.

A numeric identifier has the form num:<namespace index>,<numeric ID>, where <namespace index> is a number identifying the namespace of the node ID and <numeric ID> is the node's numeric ID.

A GUID identifier has the form guid:<namespace index>,<GUID>, where <namespace index> is a number identifying the namespace of the node ID and <GUID> is a valid GUID (e.g. 7877004d-bb37-41d2-9017-2ef483c49e8f).

The data type specification is optional. If the data type is not specified, it is guessed. For input records that works pretty well because the server sends the value with the correct data-type and the client can then use this data type. For output records, the data type is guessed based on the record type, which will not always match the data type on the server. The mapping from record type to default data type is as follows:

  • ao: Double
  • bo: Boolean
  • int64out: Int64
  • longout: Int32
  • mbbo and mbboDirect: UInt32
  • lso, stringout: String

For the aao record, it depends on the type specified in the FTVL field:

  • CHAR: Byte
  • UCHAR: SByte
  • SHORT: Int16
  • USHORT: UInt16
  • LONG: Int32
  • ULONG: UInt32
  • FLOAT: Float
  • DOUBLE: Double

If the data type is specified explicitly, one of the following data-types can be chosen for each record:

  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • SByte
  • UInt16
  • Int16
  • Uint32
  • Int32
  • UInt64
  • Int64
  • Float
  • Double
  • String
  • ByteString

Examples for valid addresses:

  • @C0 str:2,process.variable
  • @C0 (no_read_on_init,convert=direct) str:2,other.process.variable Float
  • @C0 num:2,353 Int16
  • @C0 (sampling_interval=500.0,subscription=mysub) str:4,some.process.variable
  • @C0 guid:3,7877004d-bb37-41d2-9017-2ef483c49e8f

Examples for records:

record(ai, "$(P)$(R)ai") {
  field(DTYP, "open62541")
  field(INP,  "@$(CONN) str:2,process.variable")
  field(SCAN, "1 second")
record(ao, "$(P)$(R)ao") {
  field(DTYP, "open62541")
  field(OUT,  "@$(CONN) (conversion_mode=direct) str:2,other.process.variable uint32")
record(ai, "$(P)$(R)aiMonitoring") {
  field(DTYP, "open62541")
  field(INP,  "@$(CONN) str:2,process.variable")
  field(SCAN, "I/O Intr")

Configuring subscriptions

The options for a specific subscription can be set through three IOC shell commands:

open62541SetSubscriptionLifetimeCount("C0", "mysub", 10000);
open62541SetSubscriptionMaxKeepAliveCount("C0", "mysub", 10);
open62541SetSubscriptionPublishingInterval("C0", "mysub", 500.0);

The first two arguments to each of these commands are the identifier of the connection and the identifier of the subscription that shall be configured. Unlike connections, subscriptions do not have to be created explicitly. They are created automatically when a record refers to them. A record that does not explicitly specify a certain subscription automatically uses the subscription with the name default.

The lifetime count is a non-negative integer number that specifies after how many publishing intervals without client activity, the server may consider the client inactive and cancel the subscription. The default value is 10000 and there usually is no need to change this setting.

The max. keep alive count is a non-negative integer number that specifies how often (in publishing intervals) the server sends an empty notification to the client, even if there are no value changes to be published. This allows for the client to detect that the connection to the server is still active. The default value is 10. When specifying short publishing intervals, one might want to increase this number so that the server does not have to send empty notifications too often. When specifying a long publishing interval (e.g. several seconds), one might want to reduce this number, so that there is some server activity within a reasonable amount of time.

The publishing interval is a floating point number that specifies (in millseconds) how often the server sends outstanding notifications. Notifications are collected at the sampling interval specified for each monitored item, but they are queued and only sent out together at each publishing interval. Please note that the open62541 EPICS device support currently uses a queue size of one for each monitored item. This means no “bursts” of updates are going to be received, even if the sampling interval is less than the publishing interval. For this reason, it typically does not make sense to specify a shorter sampling interval than the publishing interval.

Using encryption

If the open62541 device support has been compiled with encryption support enabled (by adding USE_LIBRESSL = YES, USE_MBEDTLS = YES, or USE_OPENSSL = YES to configure/CONFIG_SITE.local), there are two additional IOC shell commands.

The open62541ConnectionSetupEncrypted is used instead of the open62541ConnectionSetup command and can be used to establish a signed or encrypted connection to a server. It can be used like in the following example:

open62541ConnectionSetupEncrypted("C0", "opc.tcp://", "username", "password", "sign & encrypt", "$(TOP)/pki/client_cert.der", "$(TOP)/pki/client_key.der", "$(TOP)/pki/server_cert.der", "urn:unconfigured:application");

The meaning of the first four arguments is exactly the same as for the open62541ConnectionSetup command. The following arguments are in order:

  • The message security mode used for the connection. The default value (used if the string is empty) is none. This means that communication with the server will neither be signed nor encrypted. Typically, the only reason to use this mode (instead of simply using open62541ConnectionSetup) is a server requiring some cryptography for authentication, but still allowing unsigned and unencrypted communication. The other modes are sign (communication is signed so that it cannot be manipulated on the wire) and sign & encrypt (communication is also encrypted so that eavesdropping is not possible).
  • The path to the file storing the client certificate. Specifying a client certificate is mandatory. The file must be in the DER format. An example of how to generate a client certificate is given later in this section.
  • The path to the file storing the private key associated with the client certificate. The file must be in the DER format and the key must be available unencrypted (without requiring a passphrase). The private key is mandatory as well.
  • The path to the file storing the server certificate. This is optional. If an empty string is specified, validation of the server certificate is disabled, so the client simply trusts any certificate presented by the server. If specified, the certificate file must be in the DER format as well. The server certificate can be retrieved using the open62541DumpServerCertificates command (described later in this section).
  • The application URI. The default value (if an empty string is specified) is urn:unconfigured:application. Typically, servers check that the application URI presented by the client matches the one specified by the client certificate, so it might be necessary to specify this parameter if using a certificate that specifies a different URI than urn:unconfigured:application.

Generating a client certificate:

A self-signed client certificate can be generated using OpenSSL. First, one has to create a certificate request:

openssl req \
  -out client_cert.csr \
  -keyout client_key.pem \
  -newkey rsa:2048 \

Next, the certificate request has to be signed. There are some options that cannot be specified on the command line directly, so we first have to create a file called exts.txt with the following content:


Now, the certificate can be signed:

openssl x509 \
  -in client_cert.csr \
  -out client_cert.der \
  -outform der \
  -signkey client_key.pem \
  -extfile exts.txt \
  -sha256 \
  -days 10950 \

Finally, the private key has to be converted from the PEM to the DER format:

openssl rsa \
  -in client_key.pem \
  -out client_key.der \
  -outform der

Typically, it is necessary to tell the OPC UA server to trust the certificate presented by the client. Please refer to the documentation of the respective OPC UA server for more information on how to do this.

If the server certificate is supposed to be validated by the client, it first has to be saved to a file (in DER format). If you already have such a file, you can simply use it. Otherwise, you can use the open62541DumpServerCertificates IOC shell command in order to retrieve it.

Retrieving the server certificate:

The open62541DumpServerCertificates IOC shell command can be used to retrieve all certificates presented by a server (typically, there will only be one):

open62541DumpServerCertificates("opc.tcp://", "$(TOP)/pki")

This command will dump the certificates presented by the server available at the specified endpoint to the directory $(TOP)/pki. The directory needs to already exist. Each certificate is dumped to a file with a filename in the form <SHA-256 hash>.der. You can use OpenSSL to inspect the dumped certificate(s). For example:

openssl x509 \
  -in ead5cd3be2697b77a2378dbc058474a3f0e45ff6f4f6845acdd88f692afad8d4.der \
  -inform der \
  -noout \

Updating the open62541 library

The open62541 library is bundled with this device support in order to make the build process as easy as possible. Usually, there is no need to update the bundled library, so this information is mainly intended for the maintainers of the device support.

In order to build the single-file distribution that is bundled with this device support, one has to run the following commands in the open62541 source tree:

make open62541-amalgamation-header open62541-amalgamation-source

This will create the two files open62541.c and open62541.h in the root of the source distribution, which can then be copied to the open62541App/src of the device support.

Copyright / License

This EPICS device support is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. It has been developed by aquenos GmbH on behalf of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology's Institute of Beam Physics and Technology.

The open62541 library, which is shipped with this device support (files open62541.c and open62541.h) is licensed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. The copyright for that library is with the original contributors.

This device support contains code originally developed for the s7nodave device support. aquenos GmbH has given special permission to relicense these parts of the s7nodave device support under the terms of the GNU LGPL version 3.