This is Digimon Adventure PSP script editor for Korean. Translated patch file's url : Main program is in the ''using the python3.8. It is not complete so have some bugs.
- How to use basic
- Click Tool - Extract bin from iso. Select your Digimon PSP ISO file, and typing your own bin file's name.
- Click File - Open as... or ctrl + O. Select your bin file.
- Type your translation on the 'Edit text' text box, and click the Insert button or ctrl + Enter(Return on the mac)
- Click the save button or ctrl + S.
- Click Tool - Import bin from iso. Select the bin file, and Digimon PSP ISO.
- Others
- If you want to see the original japanese characters set while editing , check the 'Shift-jis mode'.
- If you want to change the speaker names, edit the SpeakerNamesByOffset.xlsx.
- If you want to use this program for other language, you need to change the fonts graphic in ISO file and 'tbl.txt' also too.