The youtube-dl project is now deprecated. The latest working forked project is yt-dlp. I have created a new latest-version downloader here:
Checks the youtube-dl downloads page for the latest youtube-dl.exe and downloads and replaces the existing if there's a new version.
This is useful, because the youtube API, and requirements for youtube-dl to work properly changes on nearly a daily basis, and it is cumbersome to manually upkeep with the changelogs and re-downloading the exe. This script automates this process. And can be imported into existing scripts that call the youtube-dl.exe for a smoother workflow.
Root location to check for latest version.
Install the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Either use this script directly, or import it into an existing python script like so:
from youtubedlchecker import getLatestYoutubeDlVersion
resultLocation = getLatestYoutubeDlVersion()