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How To Install a Mod From Github

Neph edited this page Sep 20, 2019 · 6 revisions

Grabbing a branch (the common way to install)

1. Choose the branch you want (you will generally want master).

2. Press the green "Clone or Download" button and choose the the zip option.

3. In the downloaded zip, navigate to the GameData folder.

4. Copy the contents into your KSP GameData folder.

NOTE: If you are updating or replacing a mod, you will likely need to delete the preexisting folder of the same name before you copy it over.

Downloading a release (the less-common way to install)

1. On the release page (looks like this) there will be one or more zipped folders. Click it to download.

2. The contents of the .zip will vary, but generally there will be a GameData folder you will copy over into your KSP gamedata like the normal method. When in doubt, consult the (hopefully there will be one!)

That's it!

For future reference: To get to the releases page from the main github repository page, click the releases button.

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