Contributors: wordpressdotorg, helen, markjaquith
Requires at least: 3.8
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Stable tag: trunk
Create your own admin color scheme, right in the WordPress admin under the Tools menu.
Create your own admin color scheme, right in the WordPress admin under the Tools menu. Go simple with the four basic colors, or get into the details and customize to your heart's content.
Pull requests and issues on GitHub welcome.
Admin Color Schemer is most easily installed automatically via the Plugins tab in your dashboard. Your uploads folder also needs to be writeable in order to save the scheme.
The preview currently operates by generating a complete stylesheet and reloading it. While in some environments this happens near-instantaneously, the time and resources it takes to reflect a change are not ideal for live previews. We do hope to solve this in a later release.
This means that your uploads folder requires credentials in order to save the the scheme files. If you're not sure how to fix that, please try the support forums. We'll also work on making this prompt more beautiful in the future.
- Admin color schemer in action
- Initial release