Self-contained Software Deployment Tool
airfieldFX is a fork from Adam Bien's airfield. It is a self-contained auto-update utility written in Java 8. I just added some functions to the frontend like a JavaFX progressbar and the option to skip the updateprocess.
Your clients can automatically distribute new versions to all connected Java clients.
At the very first start airfield will clone the remote repository, all subsequent launches will update the app. You only have to push your app to whatever GIT repo you like:
##Usage: First you need to create a "" next to the .jar containing the path to the git repo:
then you start your airfieldFX normally by: java -jar airfield.jar or better by a bat/shell file
You can deliver a zip file containing a jre, airfieldFX.jar and the and a release version of your java program. The user updates automaticly to the newest version. If he has no internet connection the update process skips and the released version will start.
airfieldFX uses JavaFX Dialogs so you need JDK 8u40 or later! Read more at
- generateKeys [path] --> generates a new keypair to the given path or if no path is given next to the jar file
- sign [path_to_ppk] --> signs the files with the generated private key, if no path is given the key is searched next to the jar
- skipUpdate --> skips the update procedure
- updateonly --> updates the app but does not start it
a securecheck with signing of the files in the git repoDONE- (self commit?)
To build airfieldFX you need my small signing library
Latest release.
Or you can add the imported project in eclipse to the airfieldFX project.
If you found an issue or if you have an idea for a feature request please use the Issue section of github to contribute :)