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Added Durante's work on AO
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Kaldaien authored Apr 2, 2017
1 parent 661bfcf commit 44534df
Showing 1 changed file with 230 additions and 53 deletions.
283 changes: 230 additions & 53 deletions nier.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <atlbase.h>

#define FAR_VERSION_NUM L"0.5.0"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ iSK_INI* far_prefs = nullptr;
wchar_t far_prefs_file [MAX_PATH] = { L'\0' };
sk::ParameterInt* far_gi_workgroups = nullptr;
sk::ParameterInt* far_bloom_width = nullptr;
sk::ParameterInt* far_ao_width = nullptr;
sk::ParameterInt* far_ao_height = nullptr;
sk::ParameterBool* far_limiter_busy = nullptr;
sk::ParameterBool* far_uncap_fps = nullptr;
sk::ParameterBool* far_slow_state_cache = nullptr;
Expand All @@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ static std::unordered_set <ID3D11ShaderResourceView *> far_title_views;
int __FAR_GlobalIllumWorkGroupSize = 128;
bool __FAR_GlobalIllumCompatMode = true;
int __FAR_BloomWidth = -1; // Set at startup from user prefs, never changed
int __FAR_AOHeight = -1;
int __FAR_AOWidth = -1;
double __FAR_TargetFPS = 59.94;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -565,31 +569,60 @@ SK_FAR_CreateTexture2D (
static UINT resW = __FAR_BloomWidth; // horizontal resolution, must be set at application start
static float resFactor = resW / 1600.0f; // the factor required to scale to the largest part of the pyramid

// R11G11B10 float textures of these sizes are part of the BLOOM PYRAMID
// Note: we do not manipulate the 50x28 buffer
// -- it's read by a compute shader and the whole screen white level can be off if it is the wrong size
if (pDesc->Format == DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT)
switch (pDesc->Format)
if ( (pDesc->Width == 800 && pDesc->Height == 450)
|| (pDesc->Width == 400 && pDesc->Height == 225)
|| (pDesc->Width == 200 && pDesc->Height == 112)
|| (pDesc->Width == 100 && pDesc->Height == 56)
/*|| (pDesc->Width == 50 && pDesc->Height == 28)*/ )
// R11G11B10 float textures of these sizes are part of the BLOOM PYRAMID
// Note: we do not manipulate the 50x28 buffer
// -- it's read by a compute shader and the whole screen white level can be off if it is the wrong size
SK_LOG1 (L"Bloom Tex (%lux%lu)", pDesc->Width, pDesc->Height);
if ( __FAR_BloomWidth != -1 && (
(pDesc->Width == 800 && pDesc->Height == 450)
|| (pDesc->Width == 400 && pDesc->Height == 225)
|| (pDesc->Width == 200 && pDesc->Height == 112)
|| (pDesc->Width == 100 && pDesc->Height == 56)
/*|| (pDesc->Width == 50 && pDesc->Height == 28)*/ )
SK_LOG1 (L"Bloom Tex (%lux%lu)", pDesc->Width, pDesc->Height);

D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC copy = *pDesc;
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC copy = *pDesc;

// Scale the upper parts of the pyramid fully
// and lower levels progressively less
float pyramidLevelFactor = (pDesc->Width - 50) / 750.0f;
float scalingFactor = 1.0f + (resFactor - 1.0f) * pyramidLevelFactor;
// Scale the upper parts of the pyramid fully
// and lower levels progressively less
float pyramidLevelFactor = (pDesc->Width - 50) / 750.0f;
float scalingFactor = 1.0f + (resFactor - 1.0f) * pyramidLevelFactor;

copy.Width = (UINT)(copy.Width * scalingFactor);
copy.Height = (UINT)(copy.Height * scalingFactor);
copy.Width = (UINT)(copy.Width * scalingFactor);
copy.Height = (UINT)(copy.Height * scalingFactor);

pDesc = &copy;
pDesc = &copy;
} break;

// 800x450 R8G8B8A8_UNORM is the buffer used to store the AO result and subsequently blur it
// 800x450 R32_FLOAT is used to store hierarchical Z information (individual mipmap levels are rendered to)
// and serves as input to the main AO pass
// 800x450 D24_UNORM_S8_UINT depth/stencil used together with R8G8B8A8_UNORM buffer for something (unclear) later on
if (__FAR_AOWidth != -1 && pDesc->Width == 800 && pDesc->Height == 450)
SK_LOG0 ( "AO Buffer (%lux%lu - Fmt: %x",
pDesc->Width, pDesc->Height,
pDesc->Format );

// set to our display resolution instead
D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC copy = *pDesc;

copy.Width = __FAR_AOWidth;
copy.Height = __FAR_AOHeight;

pDesc = &copy;
} break;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,7 +681,7 @@ SK_FAR_PreDraw (ID3D11DeviceContext* pDevCtx)

pDevCtx->RSGetViewports (&numViewports, nullptr);

if (numViewports == 1)
if (numViewports == 1 && (__FAR_BloomWidth != -1 || __FAR_AOWidth != -1))

Expand All @@ -657,7 +690,9 @@ SK_FAR_PreDraw (ID3D11DeviceContext* pDevCtx)
if ( (vp.Width == 800 && vp.Height == 450)
|| (vp.Width == 400 && vp.Height == 225)
|| (vp.Width == 200 && vp.Height == 112)
|| (vp.Width == 100 && vp.Height == 56) )
|| (vp.Width == 100 && vp.Height == 56 )
|| (vp.Width == 50 && vp.Height == 28 )
|| (vp.Width == 25 && vp.Height == 14 ) )
CComPtr <ID3D11RenderTargetView> rtView = nullptr;

Expand All @@ -669,7 +704,9 @@ SK_FAR_PreDraw (ID3D11DeviceContext* pDevCtx)

rtView->GetDesc (&desc);

if (desc.Format == DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT)
if ( desc.Format == DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT || // Bloom
desc.Format == DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM || // AO
desc.Format == DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT ) // AO
CComPtr <ID3D11Resource> rt = nullptr;

Expand All @@ -694,6 +731,14 @@ SK_FAR_PreDraw (ID3D11DeviceContext* pDevCtx)
vp.Width = (float)texdesc.Width;
vp.Height = (float)texdesc.Height;

// AO
// If we are at mip slice N, divide by 2^N
if (desc.Texture2D.MipSlice > 0)
vp.Width = (float)(texdesc.Width >> desc.Texture2D.MipSlice);
vp.Height = (float)(texdesc.Height >> desc.Texture2D.MipSlice);

pDevCtx->RSSetViewports (1, &vp);

// The constant buffer is a bit more difficult
Expand All @@ -704,37 +749,71 @@ SK_FAR_PreDraw (ID3D11DeviceContext* pDevCtx)
// but it works as long as the game only renders from 1 thread (which it does)
// NOTE: rather than storing them statically here (basically a global) the lifetime should probably be managed

static std::map <UINT, ID3D11Buffer*> buffers;
CComPtr <ID3D11Device> dev;
pDevCtx->GetDevice (&dev);

D3D11_BUFFER_DESC buffdesc;
buffdesc.ByteWidth = 16;
buffdesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE;
buffdesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
buffdesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
buffdesc.MiscFlags = 0;
buffdesc.StructureByteStride = 16;

auto iter = buffers.find (texdesc.Width);
if (iter == buffers.cend ())
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initialdata;

// Bloom
// If we are not rendering to a mip map for hierarchical Z, the format is
// [ 0.5f / W, 0.5f / H, W, H ] (half-pixel size and total dimensions)
if (desc.Texture2D.MipSlice == 0 && __FAR_BloomWidth != -1)
float constants [4] = {
0.5f / vp.Width, 0.5f / vp.Height,
(float)vp.Width, (float)vp.Height
static std::map <UINT, ID3D11Buffer*> buffers;

CComPtr <ID3D11Device> dev;
pDevCtx->GetDevice (&dev);
auto iter = buffers.find (texdesc.Width);
if (iter == buffers.cend ())
float constants [4] = {
0.5f / vp.Width, 0.5f / vp.Height,
(float)vp.Width, (float)vp.Height

D3D11_BUFFER_DESC buffdesc;
buffdesc.ByteWidth = 16;
buffdesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_IMMUTABLE;
buffdesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
buffdesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
buffdesc.MiscFlags = 0;
buffdesc.StructureByteStride = 16;
initialdata.pSysMem = constants;

D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA initialdata;
initialdata.pSysMem = constants;
ID3D11Buffer *replacementbuffer = nullptr;
dev->CreateBuffer (&buffdesc, &initialdata, &replacementbuffer);

ID3D11Buffer *replacementbuffer = nullptr;
dev->CreateBuffer (&buffdesc, &initialdata, &replacementbuffer);
buffers [texdesc.Width] = replacementbuffer;

buffers [texdesc.Width] = replacementbuffer;
pDevCtx->PSSetConstantBuffers (12, 1, &buffers [texdesc.Width]);

// AO
// For hierarchical Z mips, the format is
// [ W, H, LOD (Mip-1), 0.0f ]
else if (__FAR_AOWidth != -1)
static std::map <UINT, ID3D11Buffer*> mipBuffers;

auto iter = mipBuffers.find (desc.Texture2D.MipSlice);
if (iter == mipBuffers.cend ())
float constants [4] = {
vp.Width, vp.Height,
(float)desc.Texture2D.MipSlice - 1, 0.0f

pDevCtx->PSSetConstantBuffers (12, 1, &buffers [texdesc.Width]);
initialdata.pSysMem = constants;

ID3D11Buffer *replacementbuffer = nullptr;
dev->CreateBuffer (&buffdesc, &initialdata, &replacementbuffer);

mipBuffers [texdesc.Width] = replacementbuffer;

pDevCtx->PSSetConstantBuffers (8, 1, &mipBuffers [texdesc.Width]);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -984,6 +1063,53 @@ SK_FAR_InitPlugin (void)

far_ao_width =
static_cast <sk::ParameterInt *>
(far_factory.create_parameter <int> (L"Width of AO Post-Process"));

far_ao_width->register_to_ini ( far_prefs,
L"AOWidth" );

if (! far_ao_width->load ())
far_ao_width->set_value (-1);
far_ao_width->store ( );

__FAR_AOWidth = far_ao_width->get_value ();

// AO Width must be > 0 or -1, never 0!
if (__FAR_AOWidth <= 0) {
__FAR_AOWidth = -1;
far_ao_width->set_value (__FAR_AOWidth);
far_ao_width->store ( );

far_ao_height =
static_cast <sk::ParameterInt *>
(far_factory.create_parameter <int> (L"Height of AO Post-Process"));

far_ao_height->register_to_ini ( far_prefs,
L"AOHeight" );

if (! far_ao_height->load ())
far_ao_height->set_value (-1);
far_ao_height->store ( );

__FAR_AOHeight = far_ao_height->get_value ();

// AO Height must be > 0 or -1, never 0!
if (__FAR_AOHeight <= 0) {
__FAR_AOHeight = -1;
far_ao_height->set_value (__FAR_AOHeight);
far_ao_height->store ( );

SK_CreateFuncHook ( L"SK_BeginBufferSwap", SK_BeginBufferSwap,
(LPVOID *)&SK_BeginFrame_Original );
Expand All @@ -993,9 +1119,11 @@ SK_FAR_InitPlugin (void)
far_prefs->write (far_prefs_file);

// If overriding bloom resolution, add these additional hooks
// If overriding bloom/AO resolution, add these additional hooks
if (__FAR_BloomWidth != -1)
if ( __FAR_BloomWidth != -1 ||
( __FAR_AOWidth != -1 &&
__FAR_AOHeight != -1 ) )
SK_CreateFuncHook ( L"ID3D11Device::CreateTexture2D",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1043,11 +1171,15 @@ SK_FAR_ControlPanel (void)

if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("NieR: Automata", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen))
if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx ("Bloom", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen))
if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx ("Post-Processing", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen))
int bloom_behavior = (far_bloom_width->get_value () != -1);
ImGui::Text ("Bloom"); ImGui::TreePush ("");

int bloom_behavior = (far_bloom_width->get_value () != -1) ? 1 : 0;

if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Default Resolution (800x450)", &bloom_behavior, 0))
ImGui::BeginGroup ();

if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Default Bloom Res. (800x450)", &bloom_behavior, 0))
changed = true;

Expand All @@ -1058,7 +1190,7 @@ SK_FAR_ControlPanel (void)
ImGui::SameLine ();

// 1/4 resolution actually, but this is easier to describe to the end-user
if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Native Resolution", &bloom_behavior, 1))
if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Native Bloom Res.", &bloom_behavior, 1))
far_bloom_width->set_value ((int)ImGui::GetIO ().DisplaySize.x);
far_bloom_width->store ();
Expand All @@ -1075,7 +1207,52 @@ SK_FAR_ControlPanel (void)
ImGui::EndTooltip ();

ImGui::TreePop ();
ImGui::EndGroup ();
ImGui::TreePop ();

ImGui::Text ("Ambient Occlusion");
ImGui::TreePush ("");

int ao_behavior = (far_ao_width->get_value () != -1) ? 3 : 2;

ImGui::BeginGroup ();
if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Default AO Res. (800x450)", &ao_behavior, 2))
changed = true;

far_ao_width->set_value (-1);
far_ao_width->store ();

far_ao_height->set_value (-1);
far_ao_height->store ();

ImGui::SameLine ();

// 1/4 resolution actually, but this is easier to describe to the end-user
if (ImGui::RadioButton ("Native AO Res. ", &ao_behavior, 3))
far_ao_width->set_value ((int)(ImGui::GetIO ().DisplaySize.x / 2.0f));
far_ao_width->store ();

far_ao_height->set_value ((int)(ImGui::GetIO ().DisplaySize.y / 2.0f));
far_ao_height->store ();

changed = true;

if (ImGui::IsItemHovered ()) {
ImGui::BeginTooltip ();
ImGui::Text ("Improve AO Quality");
ImGui::Separator ();
ImGui::BulletText ("Performance Cost is Negligible");
ImGui::BulletText ("Changing this setting requires a full application restart");
ImGui::EndTooltip ();

ImGui::EndGroup ();
ImGui::TreePop ();
ImGui::TreePop ();

if (ImGui::TreeNodeEx ("Lighting", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen))
Expand Down

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