This library allows to mock HTTP responses for integration, component and acceptance tests of your projects written in C# / .NET 8/9 by hosting a webserver returning configured responses.
- Fast and thread safe
- Only a few dependencies
- No configuration needed
- Does not interfer with Kestrel or ASP.NET
- Independent from the testing framework in place
using MockH;
public async Task TestSomething()
await using var server = await MockServer.RunAsync
On.Get("/users/1").Return(new User(...)),
// access the server in your code via HTTP
using var client = new HttpClient();
await client.GetStringAsync(server.Url("/users/1"));
// return a specific status code
// redirect the client
// execute logic and return some simple text value
On.Get().Run(() => "42");
// execute logic and return some JSON
private record MyClass(int IntValue, string StringValue);
On.Get().Run(() => new MyClass(42, "The answer"));
// execute logic asynchronously
On.Get().Run(async () => await ...);
// access query parameters (GET /increment?=1)
On.Get("/increment").Run((int i) => i + 1);
// access path parameters (GET /increment/1)
On.Get("/increment/:i").Run((int i) => i + 1);
// access request body
On.Post().Run((MyClass body) => body);
// access request body as stream
On.Post().Run((Stream body) => body.Length);
// directly access request and response
On.Get().Run((IRequest request) => request.Respond().Status(ResponseStatus.BadRequest));
// return a handler provided by the GenHTTP framework, e.g. a website
// see
// can be useful if you want to test some kind of website crawler
On.Get().Run(() => Listing.From(ResourceTree.FromDirectory("/var/www")));