Officially committing to 100 Days of code challenge. 100 Days = 100 Projects (Beginner to professional)
Here is the list of all the projects 👇
- Band Name Generator
- Tip Calculator
- Treasure Island
- Rock Paper Scissors Game
- Password Generator
- Solved problems at
- Hangman Game
- Ceasar Cipher Program
- Blind Auction
- Calculator
- Blackjack Game
- Guess the Number
- Debugging practice
- Higher Lower Game
- Coffee Machine Program
- Coffee Machine Program using OOP
- Quiz Game
- The Hirst Painting
- i) Eatch-A-Sketch & ii) Turtle Race
- Snake Game (part 1)
- Snake Game (part 2)
- Pong Game
- Turtle Crossing Game
- Mail Merge Challenge
- US States Game
- NATO Alphabet Program
- Convertors
- Pomodoro Timer
- Password Manager (part 1)
- Password Manager (part 2)
- Flash Card Program
- i) Automated monday motivation mails & ii) Autommated Birthday Wisher
- i) Kanye Quotes App & ii) ISS Overhead Notifier
- Quizzler App
- Rain Alert Application
- Stock Trading News Alert
- Habbit Tracker
- Workout Tracker using Google Sheets
- Flight Deal Finder (part 1)
- Flight Club (part 2)