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v0.8.4.2 - Hotfix + Migration Script

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@majora2007 majora2007 released this 27 Nov 20:11
· 39 commits to develop since this release

A few small things slipped past.

I want to take this space to first apologize to our users that manually tag their metadata in Kavita. Post release has been an eye opener to the different ways uses of Kavita and a lesson learned to work harder to preserve data between releases. I always try, but sometimes big lift and shifts like this are needed and aren't easy to preserve data. I will take it on myself to strive for excellence and do what is feasible to preserve data. I don't foresee many major refactors like this happening in the near future.

On more positive news, MetronInfo.xml has become stabilized. This is a step towards advancing the metadata format for Comics and Manga (and potentially books in the future). I have worked closely with Brian (the creator) to include Manga into the format. Kavita is dedicated towards supporting the format, that work is planned for next year. Read up more about it here.

If you have a lot of metadata that was tagged just via the UI, you can try this script a user wrote to migrate the data. Grab a backup from v0.8.3 and run this against it. You need to update oldDb and newDb. I cannot offer support for this script.

I did convert this to python via ChatGPT and added instructions, it will be much easier but I did not test it. You can find the script here.


  • Fixed: Send to on mobile was still broken
  • Fixed: Changed On Deck to use a workaround as a temp fix
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug where on non-English locales parsing numbers would throw an exception and cause files to not be ingested.
  • Fixed: Bulk library delete wasn't hooked up
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug where updating chapter metadata with a new person, the normalized name was saved
  • Fixed: Potentially fixed a bug where adding multiple people on a series via UI will throw an exception (Was not able to reproduce, but added extra safety logic)