- Fixed the problem that the core would repeatedly capture the same fatal error
- Removed the logic of v2ray alpn forcing h3 and h2 to downgrade to http/1.1
- When converting the configuration, tls insecure is no longer forced to be set to true
- 修复核心会重复捕获同一个fatal错误的问题
- 移除v2ray alpn将h3,h2强制降级为http/1.1的逻辑
- 转换配置时,tls insecure 不再强制设置为true
android TV: android_armeabi-v7a.apk
android mobile: android_arm64-v8a.apk
android_arm.apk : contains android_armeabi-v7a.apk and android_arm64-v8a.apk
windows : windows_x64.exe / windows_x64.zip
IOS/MacOS/TvOS AppStore: (Search Keywords: karing vpn)
IOS/MacOS/TvOS TestFlight: