OKPizza is a full-stack web app inspired by OKCupid, but with a saucy, yet cheesy twist. Hook up with the pizza of your dreams, or find a human looking for a pizza with toppings just like yours!
Created with:
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- React.js
- Flux
Single-Page App
OKPizza is rendered in real time all on one page. For those who can't be bothered to wait for multiple pages to render, take solice in the fact that only ONE page renders here, over and over again.
The root page, where all the action happens, constantly listens to SessionStore
and content is displayed based on the calls made to the currentUser
. Feel like you're in a pizza box thanks to backend Auth ensuring no one knows the hack codes to get into your account.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def password=(password)
@password = password
self.password_digest = BCrypt::Password.create(password)
Browse profiles! Users are retrieved through ajax calls
and populated on the index page. From here, find the pizza or human of your dreams, and sneak their profile to your artichoke heart's content. Check out their details, edit yours, and find the match made in pizza heaven!
fetchFilteredUsers(callback) {
url: `api/users`,
method: "GET",
success (users){
const errors = renderError.responseJSON;
error("signup", errors);
Profile data isn't simply enough to know whether or not a potential suitor is really what they say they are under the box. By answering questions, you can see whether or not you have similar answers, thus, similar values with somepizza. Questions you've answered are retrieved via backend calls through ajax, and handled smoothly by ActiveRecord to ensure you know what you've said, and how.
user = User.find(params[:user_id])
if params[:non_answers]
ids = user.answered_question_ids
@questions = Question.where.not(id: ids)
render "api/questions/unanswered"
@responses = user.responses
@questions = user.answered_questions
render "api/questions/index"
TODO. Someday soon, you'll be able to message other users and have a REAL conversation with REAL pizzas!
On top of the features you get now with OKPizza, here are some other nifty tricks I hope to put into the app:
Sometimes, a human, and even pizzas, may be unpleasant and ill fit for your tastes. In that case, forget they ever existed through the use of the block feature. No more Bad Pizza or Bad Human!
Depending on the seriousness of an answer, users will be able to see their likelihood of being a good match changed. You will also be able to determine how important a question is to you to help with finding the Right Pizza or Human.