The frontend is accessible on port 3000 on your machine (link).
- WSL 2 (Windows)
- Docker
- docker-compose (Windows Server/Linux)
You will set two environment variables in order to send confirmation emails. At this stage, only Gmail addresses are supported. Without email configuration, users will not be able to reset their password.
Create/manage your Google Account application passwords on Google App Passwords page.
Edit your credentials in config/local.env file.
Afterwards, to stop tracking this file:
git update-index --assume-unchanged config/local.env
All docker images will be built during the first launch of the stack. In case you just want to build the images for now, or to rebuild after dependancies changes (Dockerfiles, back/requirement.txt, front/packages.json):
docker-compose build
docker-compose up front
MariaDB data and user pictures will be stored in local docker volumes.
To reset the database and/or clear pictures storage:
docker-compose down -v
To inspect the database, you can jump in the running container with:
docker ps
docker exec -it XXXXXXX_db_1 mysql --database=matcha --user=admin --password=admin
docker-compose up tests_back
In case of failure, please reset the database.
To delete all user data and docker images
docker-compose down -v --rmi all
- Guillaume Madec @ 42 Lyon
- Kevin Azoulay @ 42 Lyon