It is extension of the spring framework.
It will help to build a stand alone application using spring.
- Embedded web server (Tomcat, Jetty).
- Auto configuration of the Spring and 3rd party libraries.
- Production ready.
- Easy integration with popular tool Maven, Gradle, STS.
- Developer friendly.
- It is suited for micro service, cloud native development .
Providing the to access the different type of data sources in spring application.
- JDBC → It is help to access and manipulate the data from database and avoid boilerplate code.
- ORM → Object-Relational mapping it connect the Java or any type of object codes to the relational database.
- OXM → Mapping the objects in the XML representation.
- JMS → Is a Java API that provides a common way to send, receive, and process the messages
- Transactions
- Servlet → In the context of Spring, servlets are used for handling web requests and generating responses.
- Web → It includes features such as handling HTTP requests and responses, managing web sessions, and handling web-specific exceptions.
- Portlet → Portlets are web components used for building dynamic web applications
- Websocket → It is a two way communication between client and server.
This GET request get all the information in the students database.
This POST request send the new student bio to the system and it will saved.
This PUT method will update the student with AGE column in system.
This GET request give the detail of the student based on the ID number.
This DELETE request is removed the student [ ID =1 ] from the Database.
For more info take the source code from Github Repo:
I learned from Youtube channel: