This is an R implementation of the Contextual Importance and Utility (CIU) method for Explainable AI (XAI). CIU was developed by Kary Främling in his PhD thesis Learning and Explaining Preferences with Neural Networks for Multiple Criteria Decision Making, (written in French, title Modélisation et apprentissage des préférences par réseaux de neurones pour l’aide à la décision multicritère), available online for instance here: It was originally implemented in Matlab.
Remark: It seems like Github Markdown doesn’t show correctly the “{”
and “}” characters in Latex equations, whereas they are shown correctly
in Rstudio. Therefore, in most cases where there is an {i}
and where there is an {I}
CIU is a model-agnostic method for producing outcome explanations of
results of any “black-box” model y=f(x)
. CIU directly estimates two
elements of explanation by observing the behaviour of the black-box
model (without creating any “surrogate” model g
of f(x)
Contextual Importance (CI) answers the question: how much can the
result (or the utility of it) change as a function of feature
Contextual Utility (CU) answers the question: how favorable is the
value of feature
CI of one feature or a set of features (jointly)
CU is defined as
The Titanic data set is a classification task with classes yes' or
for the probability of survival. Our Random Forest model achieved 81.1%
classification accuracy on the test set. The studied instance `Johnny
D’ (an 8-year old boy traveling alone) and model are the same as used in
Przemyslaw Biecek and Tomasz Burzykowski. Explanatory Model Analysis.
Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York, 2021.
First load necessary packages:
# Necessary packages
Train Random Forest model:
# Ensure some repeatability.
# Some pre-processing
titanic_train <- titanic[,c("survived", "class", "gender", "age", "sibsp", "parch", "fare", "embarked")]
titanic_train$survived <- factor(titanic_train$survived)
titanic_train$gender <- factor(titanic_train$gender)
titanic_train$embarked <- factor(titanic_train$embarked)
titanic_train <- na.omit(titanic_train)
# Train with caret/Random Forest (we don't care about train/test set for this example)
kfoldcv <- caret::trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
model_rf <- caret::train(survived ~ ., titanic_train, method="rf", trControl=kfoldcv)
Create instance, CIU object and explain.
# Create test instance (8-year old boy)
new_passenger <- data.frame(
class = factor("1st", levels = c("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "deck crew", "engineering crew", "restaurant staff", "victualling crew")),
gender = factor("male", levels = c("female", "male")),
age = 8,
sibsp = 0,
parch = 0,
fare = 72,
embarked = factor("Cherbourg", levels = c("Belfast", "Cherbourg", "Queenstown", "Southampton"))
# Create CIU object and get barplot explanation
ciu <-, survived~., titanic_train)
p <- ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger); print(p)
This CIU bar plot explanation “explains” the probability of survival, which is 63.6%, as well as the probability of non-survival. The bar lengths show she CI value and the bar color corresponds to the CU value.
The ciu
package provides numerous visualization possibilities. The
plot above is produced using ggplot
but there are also
methods/functions that use R’s standard (old) plot functionality. In
practice, it seems like a more clearly “counter-factual” explanation is
more easily understood, as produced by the following code:
print(ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger, output.names = "yes", plot.mode = "overlap"))
In this plot, the transparent bar shows the CI value, i.e. how much
the result could change with a different value than the current one. The
solid part shows how “good” the current value is (CU). This explanation
can be considered counter-factual (what-if) because it *e.g.*shows that
being accompanied by even one parent would significantly increase the
probability of survival (the feature
For one input feature, it is easy to see exactly how both CI and CU
values are calculated, as shown by the following call and plot (the red
dot shows the value for instance
print(ciu$ggplot.ciu(new_passenger, ind.input = 3, ind.output = 2, illustrate.CIU = TRUE))
It is also possible to obtain textual explanations:
cat(ciu$textual(new_passenger, ind.output = 2, use.text.effects = TRUE))
## The value of output 'yes' for instance '1' is 0.666, which is good (CU=0.666).
## Feature 'age' is very important (CI=0.708) and value '8' is very good (CU=0.87).
## Feature 'sibsp' is slightly important (CI=0.326) and value '0' is very good (CU=1).
## Feature 'gender' is slightly important (CI=0.278) and value 'male' is very bad (CU=0).
## Feature 'parch' is slightly important (CI=0.224) and value '0' is very bad (CU=0).
## Feature 'class' is not important (CI=0.198) and value '1st' is good (CU=0.717).
## Feature 'fare' is not important (CI=0.17) and value '72' is average (CU=0.541).
## Feature 'embarked' is not important (CI=0.076) and value 'Cherbourg' is very good (CU=1).
Raw CIU values (for ine feature/input) can be obtained by the “explain” function:
ciu$explain(new_passenger, = 3)
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.708 0.1299435 0.242 0.950 0.334
## yes 0.708 0.8700565 0.050 0.758 0.666
The meta.explain
method returns an “explanation object” that can also
be passed as a parameter to the plotting/textual functions in order to
evaluate the explanation only once:
mciu <- ciu$meta.explain(new_passenger)
# Display result values for all inputs
## $class
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.198 0.2828283 0.278 0.476 0.334
## yes 0.198 0.7171717 0.524 0.722 0.666
## $gender
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.278 1 0.056 0.334 0.334
## yes 0.278 0 0.666 0.944 0.666
## $age
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.708 0.1299435 0.242 0.950 0.334
## yes 0.708 0.8700565 0.050 0.758 0.666
## $sibsp
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.326 0 0.334 0.660 0.334
## yes 0.326 1 0.340 0.666 0.666
## $parch
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.224 1 0.110 0.334 0.334
## yes 0.224 0 0.666 0.890 0.666
## $fare
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.162 0.4320988 0.264 0.426 0.334
## yes 0.162 0.5679012 0.574 0.736 0.666
## $embarked
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## no 0.076 0 0.334 0.410 0.334
## yes 0.076 1 0.590 0.666 0.666
# More practical to use (out.ind=2 corresponds to "yes" for Titanic):$ciuvals, out.ind = 2)
## CI CU cmin cmax outval
## 1 0.198 0.7171717 0.524 0.722 0.666
## 2 0.278 0.0000000 0.666 0.944 0.666
## 3 0.708 0.8700565 0.050 0.758 0.666
## 4 0.326 1.0000000 0.340 0.666 0.666
## 5 0.224 0.0000000 0.666 0.890 0.666
## 6 0.162 0.5679012 0.574 0.736 0.666
## 7 0.076 1.0000000 0.590 0.666 0.666
The yellow/orange
print(ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger, output.names = "yes", use.influence = TRUE) +
scale_fill_gradient(low="firebrick", high="steelblue") +
labs(x ="", y = expression(phi)))
Remark: The Equation for Contextual influence is similar to the
definition of Shapley values for linear models, except that the input
Influence values give no counter-factual information and are easily
misinterpreted. Below, we create a Shapley value explanation using the
IML package. In that explanation, for instance the close-to-zero Shapley
value for
predictor <- Predictor$new(model_rf, data = subset(titanic_train, select=-survived), y = titanic_train[,"survived"])
shapley <- Shapley$new(predictor, x.interest = new_passenger)
d <- shapley$results; d <- d[d$class=='yes',]; d$sign <- d$phi>=0
p <- ggplot(d) + geom_col(aes(x=reorder(feature.value, phi), y=phi, fill=sign)) +
coord_flip() +
labs(x ="", y = expression(phi)) + theme(legend.position = "none") +
scale_fill_manual("legend", values = c("FALSE" = "firebrick", "TRUE" = "steelblue"))
It might be worth mentioning also that the Shapley value explanation has a much greater variance than the CIU (and Contextual influence) explanation with same number of samples. This is presumably due to the fundamental difference between estimating min/max output values for CIU, compared to estimating a kind of gradient with AFA methods.
CIU can use named feature coalitions and structured vocabularies. Such vocabularies allow explanations at any abstraction level and can make explanations interactive.
The following code snippet plots the joint effect of features
ciu$plot.ciu.3D(new_passenger, c(5,3), ind.output = 2, theta = 50, phi = 10,
col = "lightblue", ltheta = 120, shade = 0.75)
We define a small vocabulary for Titanic as follows:
wealth<-c(1,6); family<-c(4,5); gender<-c(2); age<-c(3); embarked <- c(7)
Titanic.voc <- list("WEALTH"=wealth, "FAMILY"=family, "Gender"=gender,
"Age"=age, "Embarkment port"=embarked)
Then we create a new CIU object that uses that vocabulary and get top-level explanation.
titanic_ciu <-, survived~., titanic_train, vocabulary = Titanic.voc) <- titanic_ciu$meta.explain(new_passenger[,-8],, n.samples = 1000)
First barplot explanation:
print(titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-8], output.names = "yes", ciu.meta =, plot.mode = "overlap"))
Then explain WEALTH and FAMILY
print(titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-8], ind.inputs = Titanic.voc$FAMILY,
output.names = "yes", target.concept = "FAMILY",
target.ciu =$ciuvals[["FAMILY"]], n.samples = 100,
plot.mode = "overlap"))
print(titanic_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(new_passenger[,-8],ind.inputs = Titanic.voc$WEALTH,
output.names = "yes", target.concept = "WEALTH",
target.ciu =$ciuvals[["WEALTH"]], n.samples = 100,
plot.mode = "overlap"))
Same thing using textual explanations:
cat(titanic_ciu$textual(new_passenger[,-8], use.text.effects = TRUE, ind.output = 2,
ciu.meta =, "\n")
## The value of output 'yes' for instance '1' is 0.666, which is good (CU=0.666).
## Feature 'Age' is very important (CI=0.708) and value '8' is very good (CU=0.87).
## Feature 'FAMILY' is important (CI=0.55) and value is average (CU=0.593).
## Feature 'WEALTH' is slightly important (CI=0.39) and value is good (CU=0.61).
## Feature 'Gender' is slightly important (CI=0.278) and value 'male' is very bad (CU=0).
## Feature 'Embarkment port' is not important (CI=0.076) and value 'Cherbourg' is very good (CU=1).
cat(titanic_ciu$textual(new_passenger[,-8], use.text.effects = TRUE, ind.output = 2,
ind.inputs = Titanic.voc$FAMILY, target.concept = "FAMILY",
target.ciu =$ciuvals[["FAMILY"]], n.samples = 100), "\n")
## The value of intermediate concept 'FAMILY' for output 'yes', with instance '1' is average (CU=0.593).
## Feature 'sibsp' is important (CI=0.593) and value '0' is very good (CU=1).
## Feature 'parch' is important (CI=0.407) and value '0' is very bad (CU=0).
cat(titanic_ciu$textual(new_passenger[,-8], use.text.effects = TRUE, ind.output = 2,
ind.inputs = Titanic.voc$WEALTH, target.concept = "WEALTH",
target.ciu =$ciuvals[["WEALTH"]], n.samples = 100), "\n")
## The value of intermediate concept 'WEALTH' for output 'yes', with instance '1' is good (CU=0.61).
## Feature 'class' is important (CI=0.508) and value '1st' is good (CU=0.717).
## Feature 'fare' is slightly important (CI=0.379) and value '72' is good (CU=0.622).
Ames housing is a data set about properties in the town Ames in the US. It contains over 80 features that can be used for learning to estimate the sales price. The following code imports the data set, does some pre-processing and trains a Gradient Boosting model:
ames <- data.frame(make_ames())
# Split into train/test data sets
target <- 'Sale_Price'
trainIdx <- createDataPartition(ames[,target], p=0.8, list=FALSE)
trainData = ames[trainIdx,]
testData = ames[-trainIdx,]
# Train (this will take a while!)
kfoldcv <- trainControl(method="cv", number=10)
exec.time <- system.time(
Ames.gbm <<- train(Sale_Price~., trainData, method="gbm", trControl=kfoldcv))
# Training set performance (remember that prices are high, so RMSE will be high too!)
res <- predict(Ames.gbm, newdata=trainData)
cat(paste("Training set RMSE:", RMSE(trainData$Sale_Price, res), "\n"))
# Test set performance (remember that prices are high, so RMSE will be high too!)
res <- predict(Ames.gbm, newdata=testData)
cat(paste("Test set RMSE:", RMSE(testData$Sale_Price, res)))
We create our vocabulary (only two levels this time) and initialize CIU object:
Ames.voc <- list(
"House type"=c(1,15,16,21),
"House aesthetics"=c(22,23,24,25,26),
"House condition"=c(17,18,19,20,27,28),
"First floor surface"=c(43),
"Above ground living area"=which(names(ames)=="Gr_Liv_Area"))
Ames.voc_ciu <-, Sale_Price~., trainData, vocabulary = Ames.voc)
We start with an “explanation” using all 80 basic features, which is not very readable and overly detailed for “ordinary” humans to understand:
# We take an expensive house
inst.ind <- which(testData$Sale_Price>500000)[1]
instance <- subset(testData[inst.ind,], select=-Sale_Price)
# Explain
Ames_ciu.meta <- Ames.voc_ciu$meta.explain(instance)
print(Ames.voc_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ciu.meta=Ames_ciu.meta, plot.mode = "overlap") +
labs(title="", x ="", y="CI", fill="CU"))
Then the same, using highest-level concepts: <- Ames.voc_ciu$meta.explain(instance,,
n.samples = 1000)
plot.mode = "overlap"))
Then explain further some intermediate concepts:
# House condition
print(Ames.voc_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ind.inputs = Ames.voc$`House condition`,
target.concept = "House condition", plot.mode = "overlap"))
# Basement
print(Ames.voc_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ind.inputs = Ames.voc$Basement,
target.concept = "Basement", plot.mode = "overlap"))
# Garage
print(Ames.voc_ciu$ggplot.col.ciu(instance, ind.inputs = Ames.voc$Garage,
target.concept = "Garage", plot.mode = "overlap"))
This vocabulary is just an example of what kind of concepts a human typically deals with. Vocabularies can be built freely (or learned, if possible) and used freely, even so that different vocabularies can be used with different users.
is available from CRAN at and can be
installed using the standard install.packages("ciu")
However, in order to use the latest developments, ciu
can be installed
directly from Github with the commands
# install.packages('devtools') # Uncomment if devtools wasn't installed already
Remark: If you get an error about inconsistency in Help file
database, then restart R. This seems to happen if first removing ciu
and then doing the install straight after. Apparently the un-install
temporarily messes up the help database and this is not specific to
The examples and code snippets shown here only show the main capabilities of CIU and this implementation. Here’s a short list of miscellaneous other features of “good to know” information.
The file TestCases.R
contains functions for running and
testing CIU with numerous functions and data sets (Iris, Boston, Heart
Disease, UCI Cars, Diamonds, Titanic, Adult, Ames housing, etc.) and
machine learning models (lda, Random Forest, GBM).
For the moment, any caret
model should work (and most of them have
been tested). Any mlr3
model should also work but only
has been tested. The MASS:lda
and stats::lm
are also supported. Other models might work directly also, the default
behaviour is to call pred <- predict(model,inputs)
and retrieve result
from pred$posterior
For any other models, the prediction function to be use can be given as
value of the predict.function
argument of
method. For
instance, for mlr3
a function
predf.ciu <- function(m, newdata) { m$predict_newdata(newdata)$prob }
is sufficient.
Additionally, any object that implements the CIU.BlackBox
with an eval
function is automatically supported. The template for
creating such a class looks as follows and examples are provided in the
package’s documentation (do ?
). <- function() {
m <- list(eval = function(inputs) { NULL })
class(m) <- c("CIU.BlackBox", class(m))
Some plotting functions are implemented that use R’s plain graphics:
ciu$barplot.ciu(new_passenger, ind.output = 2, sort = "CI")
There is also a method called pie.ciu that visualizes CIU using a pie
chart, produced just by replacing ciu@barplot.ciu
with ciu@pie.ciu
ciu$pie.ciu(new_passenger, ind.output = 2)
However, these functions can be considered deprecated and will presumably not be developed further.
This package and notably the CIU object implemented in
ContextualImportanceUtility.R is programmed in an object-oriented manner
that dates back to before 2010. It essentially uses the same object
orientation principles as R6 classes and is used in quite a similar way
but may look confusing to people who are not used to it. The principle
is that the method
first defines all the private instance
variables and methods. Then, only those methods that are included in the
[list] returned at the end are “public” and can be called using the
sign, i.e. in the same way as any list member.
This signifies that all CIU objects have their own environment, which
consumes more memory than it would do to only store the necessary data.
Calling the method as.ciu() returns an object of class ciu that is
actually a list with all the data of the underlying CIU object.
Classical functions exist for all `CIU` methods that take a ciu
object as their first parameter. The reasons for this are mainly:
Adding new functionality in a function-per-function manner, without having to touch and extend the core implementation in the CIU class.
Reduced memory consumption.
All examples in this README are programmed using the CIU
class and
that is the recommended way to do if there’s no particular reason to use
instead. However, the file “TestCases_NoObject.R” implements the
same functionality as “TestCases.R” but using a ciu
A Python version that (attempts to) provide similar functionality as this R package is available at An older version is available at but it is not maintained nor updated anymore.
There are also two implementations of CIU for explaining images:
Image explanation packages can be considered to be at proof-of-concept level (Nov. 2022). Future work on image explanation will presumably focus on the Python version, due to the extensive use of deep neural networks that tend to be implemented mainly for Python.
The use of this package is described in FRÄMLING, Kary. Contextual Importance and Utility in R: the ‘ciu’ Package. In: Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Explainable Agency in Artificial Intelligence, at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Virtual, Online. February 8-9, 2021. pp. 110-114., accessible at
The first publication on CIU was in the ICANN conference in Paris in 1995: FRÄMLING, Kary, GRAILLOT, Didier. Extracting Explanations from Neural Networks. ICANN’95 proceedings, Vol. 1, Paris, France, 9-13 October, 1995. Paris: EC2 & Cie, 1995. pp. 163-168., accessible at
The second publication, and last before “hibernation” of CIU research, is FRÄMLING, Kary. Explaining Results of Neural Networks by Contextual Importance and Utility. Proceedings of the AISB’96 conference, 1-2 April 1996. Brighton, UK, 1996., accessible at