KasugaLib is a base mod aiming at expediate modding. We are trying to reform date-gen and registration, which has already been a berden of most modders.
- KasugaLib provides one-stop registry for commonly used registrations.
- Blocks/Items/BlockEntity(TileEntity)/BlockEntityRenderer/Menus(&Screens)
- Models/Channles(&Packets)/Fluids(&FluidTypes)/Entities(&EntityTypes)
- Textrues/Fonts/Sounds(SoundType)/Tags/Recipes(RecipeSerializers) ...
- Remove limitation of blockstate definition.
- Remove limitation of item model definition.
- new definition form of models and model-anims.
- new definition form of textures.
- new Type of models
- new Type of Textures
- new Type of Components(Under Construction)
KasugaLib 是一个旨在加速mod开发速度的基础库。我们正努力改革数据驱动和注册机制,这些机制正在成为大部分modder的负担。
- KasugaLib 为常用注册项提供一站式注册机制。
- 方块/方块实体/方块实体渲染器/ui目录(&ui窗口)
- 模型/网络信道(网络包裹)/流体/实体
- 纹理/字体(ttf)/音效/标签/合成配方...
- 去除blockState不能分文件夹的限制。
- 去除物品模型必须在model/item下的限制(不必须blockState绑定)
- 新的模型和模型动画定义方式
- 新的纹理定义方式
- 新种类模型(定义)
- 新种类纹理(定义)
- 新种类文本(仍处于开发状态)