This is a documentation site with summarized knowledge and experience on k8s.
The site is developed and deployed to the gh-pages
branch of this repository using mkdocs sw.
mkdocs.yml # mkdocs configuration file
docs/ # the documentation homepage
... # other documentation files
favicon.ico # image to be used by mkdocs as site favicon
... # other images referenced from the documentation files
site/ # generated by mkdocs, ready for static serving, better to be excluded from the repository (add to .gitignore)
- Clone the repository
- Introduce changes to the
branch - Check the changes locally with
mkdocs serve
- Build the site locally with
mkdocs build
- Deploy the site with
mkdocs gh-deploy
Brief mkdocs Reference
pip install mkdocs
The first attempt to run this command required to install pip
with sudo apt install python3-pip
After this was done, the command was reissued and has created mkdocs
executable in ~/.local/bin
mkdocs new [dir-name] # Create a new mkdocs project (creates new directory)
mkdocs serve # Start the live-reloading docs server (run from kmdocs project directory)
mkdocs build # Build the documentation site (run from kmdocs project directory)
mkdocs -h # Print help message and exit